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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Total Quality Management and Organizational Performance A Case Study of Mukwano Group of Companies

Abstract This study was about total quality management and organizational performance, a case study of Mukwano group of companies. The general objective of this study was to determine the effect of Total Quality Management practices on manufacturing industries with reference to Mukwano group of companies along with the following specific objectives: to determine the effect of top management commitment (TMC) on organizational performance, to examine the effect of customer focus (CF) on organiz...

Co-Worker Support and Employee Job Fit A Case Of Grace Land Hotel and Gardens In Bunga

Abstract The study was about co-worker support and employee job fit. a case of grace land hotel and gardens in bunga. The general objective of the study was to examine the relationship between coworker support and employee job fit. A case study of grace land hotel and gardens in bunga. In order to understand the study aims, three objectives were developed and these focused particularly on: - (i) To assess the nature ofco-worker support in organizations (ii) To examine the level employee job f...

The Impact of Urbanization On Physical Planning of Kampala Capital City in Uganda. A Case Study of Nakawa Division-Kampala.

This chapter discusses the background of the study, the statement of the problem, purpose of the study, the objectives of the study and the significance of the study. 1.1 Background of the Study World population has grown exponentially in the 20th century from around 1 .6 billion in 1900— to around 6.1 billion today, with each additional billion people being added more rapidly than the last. The vast majority of this growth has occurred in the developing world. Tracing the historical roots ...

The Impact of Inventory Control Systems On Organizational Performance A Case of Century Bottling Company, Kampala.

Abstract This study was on the impact of inventory control systems on organizational performance with the case study of Century Bottling Company, Kampala. The objectives of the study were to; explore the various concepts and systems of inventory control, establish the relationship between inventory control and organizational performance, and establish challenges to inventory control in Century Bottling Company, Kampala. The review of the literature revealed various inventory control systems, ...

Micro Finance Institutions and Economic Development:

ABSTRACT The study was about Micro finance financial serv1ces to poor people in Buyinja Sub County '-Jama) in go District. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether micro finance institutions: contribute toward rural communities in economic development focusing at the range of services offered by MFis. Assessing whether services offered by MF!s actually address the economic development of· rural communities suggesting possible measures that should be adopted to enhance rural commu...

Factors Influencing Academic Performance and Free Primary Education in Eldoret Municipality

Abstract The study sought to investigate the influence of personal, home and school-based factors on academic performance. The study attempted to answer the question: "Which personal factors, home factors, and school based factors are perceived to be major contributors to academic performance of pupils in public primary schools"? To identify the factors, the study was based on social learning theory. The researcher used stratified sampling technique to select eight public primary schools from...

The Adoption of Automated Teller Machine and Profitability in Baking Institution

Abstract The purpose of the study is to find out the impact of ATM and the profitability of the bank. The desk research method was used to get data about the impact of adoption of Automated_ Teller machine on the profitability .and performance of Centenary Bank Arua Branch. The study revealed that the technology is still a new phenomenon in Uganda. Little has been done on the impact of ATM technology on the bank's bottom line-client service, sustainability and profitability. The study also re...

Unemployment and Socio-Economic Impact On Youth of Sheema District

Abstract The purpose of this study was to critically examine the factors of youth unemployment on the socio economic impact in Sheema district. The study was based on three objectives; (i) to identify the factors of unemployment among youth in Sheema district; (ii) to assess the socio economic impact of youth in Sheema district; and (iii) to find out the relationship between youth unemployment and socio economic impact in Sheema district. The study employed cross-sectional research design and...

Impact of Mobile Services On the Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises in Uganda: A Case Study of Kansanga Business Area.

Abstract The general objective of the study was to examine the influence of mobile money services on the growth of small and medium enterprises in Kansanga business area and the specific objectives of the study were; to examine the effect of mobile payment on the growth of SMEs in Kansanga business area, to establish the effect of mobile finance on the growth of SMEs in Kansanga business area and to determine the effect of mobile banking on the growth of SMEs in Kansanga business area. The fi...

The Role of Private Sector in The Development of Capital Markets A Case of Equity Bank (Katwe Branch) In Kampala District

This chapter contains background of the study, statement of the problem, purpose of the study, research objectives and questions, scope of the study and significance of the study. 1.2Background to the study Uganda has emerged over the past twenty years from economic decline, and repressive governments to macroeconomic stability, high growth in per capital income and inflation of about 7.5% (BOU 2007). Presently Uganda has witnessed economic growth in many sectors and there is considerable pol...

The Impact of Taxes On Performance of Small Scale Businesses in Makindye Division. A Case Study of Nsambya Parish

Abstract The purpose of this study was to establish the impact of taxes on performance of small scale business enterprises in Makindye division. The study was guided by three research objectives specifically to assess the performance of small scale business enterprises, to find out impact of taxes on performance of small scale business enterprises and to find out constraints to growth of small scale business in Makindye division. The study involved secondary sources of data where the research...

Employee motivation after the covid pandemic

1The COVID-19 pandemic affected many firms, forcing some companies to reduce scale down their workforce. This generally resulted in low motivation levels among employees in many organizations across the world. The main aim of the study was to investigate how employees feel motivation-wise after returning to work post the pandemic. The approach used in the research was a combination of different methods or mixed methods as explained by the research onion model. Two methods were used in data co...

Regulation of food Market

Agrawal, M. (2015). “Review of a 40‐year debate in international advertising”, InternationalMarketing Review, 12(1): pp. 26‐48.Boyland, E. J., & Harris, J. L. (2017). Regulation of food marketing to children: Are statutory orindustry self-governed systems effective? Public Health Nutrition, 20(5), 761–764Cassim, S. B. & Bexiga, D. (2017). The regulation of advertising to children: A comparativeassessment, Alternation, 14 (1), 137-165Cassim, S. & Langton, R. (2016). Current issues in...

Assessment of Employee Recruitment and Selection Practices and Challenges: The Case of Addis Ababa City Administration Revenue Bureau (AACARB) Mercato No. 1 Medium Tax Payer Branch Office

ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study was Assessment of employee recruitment and selection practices and challenges: the case of Addis Ababa city administration revenue bureau Mercato no.1 medium tax payer branch office. The study adopted a descriptive research design to assess the recruitment and selection practices both qualitative and quantitative methods were employed to gather information using questionnaire and interview. Simple random sampling techniques were used to choose respondents of ...


ABSTRACTThis study was conducted on the assessment of budget preparation, utilization, and evaluation practices in the case of Burayu Town Municipality. To the best of the researcher’s knowledge, there is no document that reports a study on the probable causes that may hinder the preparation, and utilization of budgeting in the Burayu Town Municipality. This is a major motivation to carry out this study. Thus, the general objective of the paper is to assess the budget preparation, utilizati...

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