TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page i Certification ii Dedication ...
PROPOSAL This project will deal with the importance of management information system. Using a case of Unilever Brother Nigeria Plc. The research is various urged to shed more light on the great importance of effective management information system to Unilever Brother Nigeria plc, the problem of giving adequate information considered confidential to the organization is encountered. The project will be divided into Five Chapters showing as follows:- CHAPTER ONE:-will give an insight into the ...
TABLE OF CONTENT Title page Certification Dedication Acknowledgement. CHAPTER ONE: GENERAL INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Statement of the problem 1.3 Purpose objective of the study. 1.4 Significance of the study. 1.5 Scope and limitation of the study. 1.6 organization of the study plan of the study. 1.7 Definition of terms or operational terms. Reference CHAPTER TWO- LITERATURE REVIEW. 2.1 Introduction. 2.2 Theore...
INTRODUCTION Good supplier can be referred to as a tangible asset to manufacturers. It would not be possible to operate without supplier; this can be viewed for the aspect of division of labour or batch production process whereby the successful completion of one process depends on another. Therefore, I supplier fails to deliver materials especially raw materials at the right time of the operation is bound to paralyze. Sourcing by definition is a management effort which is aimed at tie locatio...
PROPOSAL This research project will be based on the impact of materials handling equipment on store activities a case study of Doyin investment limited Ilorin. Handling equipment is device for effecting inventory movement within and outside the store. The research work will consist of five chapters. Chapter one will discuss the introduction historical background of the study, statement of the general problem the objective of the study, the significance of the study, research, scope of the stu...
ABSTRACT Attempt has been made in this project to discuss generally and analyze the impact of stock taking as a control measure in manufacturing company in Nigeria today, Dangote Flower Mills Ilorin is being chosen as a case study. Stock taking is an act of verifying inventory in the store while purchasing could be defined as the function which is responsible for the procurement of equipment, materials, suppliers and services required in an organization for the use of production in accordance...
PROPOSAL Every organization be it profit or non-profit oriented engage in one activity or the other. And they have goal and objectives to attain. Attaining these goals depends on a large extension of certain factors such as planning, organizing, directing and controlling, but, these factors that integrates all functions to ensure smooth wheeling organizational activities. According to “Daniel Katz” and “Rtobert. L. Kahn (1986)” described communication as the exchange of information an...
TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page Certification Acknowledgement Table of contents CHAPTER ONE 1.0Introduction 1.1Background of the study 1.2Statement of the study 1.3Objective of the study 1.4Significance of the study 1.5Scope of the study 1.6Limitation of the study CHAPTER TWO 2.0Literature Review 2.1Concept of sales promotion 2.2Objectives of sales promotion 2.3Sales promotion planning strategy 2.4Factors determine the selection of sales promotion 2.5Concept of consumer products 2.6Types of cons...
INTRODUCTION The issue of materials management and its operational effects in the manufacturing organization is among the last of the specialized business function to centralize and given responsibility and authority of making major contributions to profits. Since the basic goal of any manufacturing company’s activities is the development and manufacturing o products that can be marketed at a profit, this is accomplished by the appropriate blending of what management authorities called the ...
TABLE OF CONTENT Title page Certification Dedication Acknowledgement CHAPTER ONE 1.1Introduction 1.2Importance of the study 1.3Scope of study 1.4Research methodology 1.5Hypothesis 1.6Theoretical concept and it characteristic CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1Background of information 2.2Location analysis of small scale industries 2.3Governmental roles in development of small scale industries 2.4Source of finance 2.5Eligibility of small scale...
PROPOSAL INTRODUCTION This project, work is intended to deal with the application of promotional strategy to marketing and its contributions to achievement of organization goals with particular focus on the Nigerian hotel industry (wing Kwara hotel as a case study). Attempts will be made to discuss certain vital elements in marketing known as the “marketing communication mix” or the “promotion mix”. The purpose of the study will be discussed. Attempts wil be made to identify problems ...
TABLE OF CONTENT Title Page i Certificationii Dedicationiii Acknowledgmentiv Table of contentv CHAPTER ONE 1.1Introduction 1.2Statement of the problem 1.3Purpose/Objective of the study 1.4Significance of the study 1.5Scope and limitation of the study 1.6Organization of the study 1.7Definition of terms References CHAPTER TWO 2.0Literature Review ...
ABSTRACT The Nigerian banking sector plays a major role in economic development in any country. These they do, through financial intermediation and other banking functions to encourage real sector or innovate productive activities. However, distress in banking sector cannot be totally erased because like other forms of businesses, risks are involved. In combating this, the central bank of Nigeria served as the apex in the banking sector and performs regulatory and supervisory activities to cr...
TABLE OF CONTENTS Title pagei Certificationii Dedicationiii Acknowledgementiv Table of Contentsv CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTON 1.1Introduction 1.2Objective of the study 1.3Scope and limitation of the study 1.4Significance of the study 1.5Operation definition of Terms 1.6Organization of the study Reference CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1Conceptual meaning of motivation 2.2Theories of motivation 2.3Rewards 2.4Understanding the subordinate Goals 2.5Effective communication Reference CHAPTER THREE...
ABSTRACT This project is divided into five chapter, chapter one consist of background of the study , introduction, statement of the problem , with productivity problem , objective of the study scope and limitation of the study , Definition of key term and plan of the study . Chapter two consist of literature review motivation theories, maslows need Hierarchy theories, two factors theory , motivation factor and theory x and y Douglas mc Gregor. Chapter three also consist of...