Abstract The Study Intended To Investigate The Effects Of Intemal Control Systems On The Performance Of Organizations Case Study: Ivys Hotel Mugalasi Kampala With The Objectives Of Investigating The Relationship Between Intemal Control Systems And The Perfmmance Of Organizations. Investigating The Effects Of Intemal Control Systems On The Performance Of Ivys Hotel Mugalasi Kampala. To Identify The Different Types Of Intemal Controls And The Principles Those Are Cunently In Use At Ivys Hotel M...
The study was about the effect of sales promotion on sale of Nakumatt Nyali. The specific objective of the study was to analyze the sales promotion performance in Nakumatt. Chapter one established the background of the study, the statement of problem, the purpose of the study which was to determine the relationship sales promotion and sales, the research objectives; to determine the relationship between sales promotion and sales, to analyze the different forms of sales promotion and their imp...
ABSTRACT The study examined gender inequalities in the health sector, case study of Kumi hospital Ongino Sub County, Kumi district. The specific objectives were to fmd out gender inequality manifestations, to investigate the causes of gender inequalities, to assess the effects of gender inequalities among health workers of Kumi hospital and to establish the available mechanisms to promote gender equality among health workers ofKumi hospital, Kumi district. The study involved 30 female and 36...
The country's economy is rural with agriculture contributing 40% of the country's GOP. Manufacturing - which is greatly dominated by the processing of primary products -and commerce, together account for 27% of GOP? Uganda's economy grew by a credible 5.6% in financial year 2001- a slight decline from the 6% rate of growth in the year 2000. Growth was largely generated by performances in the construction, transport, communication and community services sectors. The Ugandan government did well...
This study was intended to investigate the nature of child labour, continued causes and effects of child labour on development initiatives, establishing the magnitude of the problem and make recommendations for intervention. It was generally established that child labour is a hindrance to developmental programmes by negatively affecting the targeted next generations. The study was conducted in Kitayunjwa Sub county in Kamuli district. The high rate of child labour was mainly attributed to pov...
TABLE OF CONTENT DECLARATION ....................................................................................................... i APPROVAL ............................................................................................................ ii DEDICATION ....................................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................................... iv EXECUTIVE S...
Taxation is an important factor or issue in any country. Without taxation, a country may not be able to fund its services since its major source of income is taxation. Therefore it is a requirement by all organizations and businesses to pay their taxes to the government. Taxation has been a considerable and sustainable factor for along period of time and as a result of accreditation requirements, many organizations have addressed the issue of taxation. This paper aimed at examining the relati...
Most of the value-added in manufacturing or product compames 1s created by knowledge-based service activities such as research and development, marketing research, product design, customer service, advertising, or distribution. Winning firms are organizations that most successfully master the business issues critical to their performance, and develop the most precise understanding of definitions of value and creation of value. Competitive advantage has a lot to do with leveraging the knowledg...
ABSTRACT this section deals with the results obtained in the field. The study sought to obtain a better nder understanding of the impacts of training on organization perfonnance in KWS. Ising a population sample of 150 respondents drawn from the company the study revealed 1at training had a great impact on organization perfmmance. 'his dissertation examines the impacts of training in KWS. The researcher attempted to link 1e poor organization performance in KWS to the methods of training that ...
This study focused on effects of parent child relationship on delinquent behavior in Kamwokya Community and Naguru Remand Home in Kampala, Uganda. The study sought to establish the relationship between parent child relationship and delinquency and non-delinquency behaviours among children as an attempt to understand the externalized and internalized effects of the quality of parents’ relationships with children. In order to achieve the research objectives descriptive designed was adopted an...
Rapid growth of businesses and population in and around Gulu town has led to increased production of solid waste consequently giving rise to increased volume of waste dumped in recipient communities. The most attractive and environmentally friendly option to get rid of this huge pileup of garbage and subsequent ones is through composting. The perceptions of recipient communities are crucial to understanding how municipal solid waste management problems might be resolved. Since Gulu municipali...
Using bank data for 80 countries for 1988-95, the authors show that differences in interest margins and bank profitability reflect various determinants bank characteristics, macroeconomic conditions, explicit and implicit bank taxes, regulation of deposit insurance, general financial structure, and several underlying legal and institutional indicators. Controlling for differences in bank activity, leverage, and the macroeconomic environment, they find (among other things) that: I) Banks in co...
The study was to find out the impact of Negotiation Strategies on procurement efficiency in World Food Programme - Uganda. The objectives of the study were to establish the role of negotiation strategies on procurement efficiency, to establish the level of knowledge and understanding officers have about negotiation strategies and the challenges faced during Negotiation process. The study was carried out in World Food Programme Kampala - Uganda. The participants were from Procurement unit, Log...
The study was aimed at examining the effects of Decentralization on the Tender award systems in Local Govemments, Kampala City Council-Central Division. The objectives of the study were to establish the extent to which the general public (beneficiaries) benefit from services tendered to private bidders, to examine whether or not the suppliers/ providers have executed the services for which they are tendered and to fmd out whether the award of tenders to the private bidders is free and fair. D...
ABSTRACT The study was carried out to determine the accessibility to and utilization of RH services by the women with disabilities in Buwalasi Sub-county, Sironko District. Recently many disabled women in Buwalasi Sub-county have been sidelined from accessing and utilizing the RH services, and if accessed are not fully utilized. Therefore the aim of the study was to establish the extent to which women with impairments access and utilize RH services and suggest the possible ways of addressing ...