ABSTRACT The study investigated the challenges faced by microfinance in their efforts of economic empowerment. The study was guided by specific objectives that included; To determine how MFis fund community projects; to find out how MFis · efforts on provision of infrastructural facilities enhance economic empowerment; to establish the part played by cultural practices on MFis" efforts toward economic empowerment; and to examine the extent to which literacy objects MFis' efforts towards eco...
ABSTRACT as part of the efforts to understand the level of knowledge and attitude regarding HIV/AIDS prevention amongst Karamoja adolescents, a study was conducted to assess the knowledge and attitude of the Karamoja adolescents regarding HIV/AIDS prevention. A semi-structured interview was conducted with 34 respondents along with two focus group discussions and 5 key informants. Out of the 34 respondents, 1 7 were females and the other half were males.25 of the respondent indicated that t...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to establish the relationship between conflict and organizational performance in Center for Peace and Development in Galkaio, Puntland, Somalia. The objectives of the study were; To find out the types of conflicting situations in Center for Peace and Development ; to establish the effects of conflicts on performance of Center for Peace and Development; to establish the ways of how to manage conflict in Center for Peace and Development. Data was collected ...
The Study was meant to investigate the effects of modem technology on the level of employment in financial institutions. The study was guided by the following Objectives; to find out the effects of modern technology on the level of employment opportunities in financial institutions, to find out the challenges facing modem technology in financial institutions in relation to employment opportunities, and to find out possible solutions to the challenges faced by modern technology in financial in...
The study aimed at assessing the effect of Inflation on the cost of production in manufacturing industries, case study being Mukwano Industry in Kampala City along Jinja Road. The study was mainly looking at inflation and cost of production of Mukwano industry and if this was effective to the industry. During the research a cross sectional research design with both qualitative and quantitative methods with a population study of 600 employees out of which a sample size of 240 employees was cho...
TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION DEDICTIONS iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT V ABBREVIATIONS iX CHAPTER ONE 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.0 Introduction 1 1.1 Background 1 1.1.1 Historical background 1 1.1.2 Theoretical perspective 2 1.1.3 Conceptual perspective 2 1.1.4 Contextual perspective 4 1.2 Statement of the Problem 4 1.3 Purpose of the Study 5 1.4 Objectives of the Study 5 1.5 Research Questions 5 1.7 Scope of the study 6 1.7.1 Subject Scope 6 1.7.2 Geographical Scope 6 1.7.3 Time scope 6 1.8 Significance of the...
ABSTRACT information is critical to organizations' performance in today's highly competitive environment. The Statement of Accounting Concepts 3, International Accounting Standard Board (IASB) and Financial Accounting Standard Board (FASB, 1980) developed a conceptual framework for financial reporting where relevance, reliability, understandability and comparability are the qualitative characteristics that financial accounting information should possess. The study covered relevance, reliabil...
The study sought to establish the role of internal control systems on the performance of commercial banks and was driven by mainly three objectives. These objectives include; the need to investigate the effects of internal control system on the performance of Equity Bank, the need to determine the different types of internal control systems used by Equity bank, and the third objective is to establish the relationship between internal control system and performance of Equity bank. To achieve t...
Inventory management is a very important function in management especially for those firms that invest heavily in inventory. Inventory management generally looks at how best inventory (Raw materials, Work in progress and Finished goods) can be plmmed, organized and controlled in an orgm1ization so as to cut inventory cost and maximize its benefits towards the profitability and efficiency of the business. This is a research report of the research that was carried out on Uganda's Supem1arkets o...
The problem under investigation was to assess the effects of compensation on employee motivation. In short, the researcher wanted to know how salary, incentives and benefits affect the motivation of employees in an organization. Teachers Service Commission was adopted as a case study being that in the pas_t decade TSC has promised teachers a salary increment and equalizing the salary, which to presently have never been fulfilled resulting into strikes and poor perfonnance. This study adopted ...
Abstract Good managers carefully control inventory because it may represent a large part of the assets of the business. So effective inventory management system is important for business organization in their growth and survival, in manufacturing business where there are three major types of inventories: - Raw materials, goods in process of manufacture, and finished goods, all three classes of inventory are included in the current asset section of the balance sheet. Therefore if the costs are...
The research on the microfinance programs and empowerment of women provides a collection of statistical anecdote, market briefs, and concise summaries Of the researchers' findings. The rep01i offers a bird's eye view of the microfinance programs, and the changing trends dotting its landscape of women empowerment. The report starts by bringing the background of the study. Here, the researcher highlighted the reasons to why he decided to ca1Ty out the analysis and the empirical gap that was poi...
Corporate governance reflects the interaction among all stockholders, which provides resources to the company and contribute to its performance such as shareholders, employees, creditors, long-term suppliers and subcontractors. This study had the following objectives: to assess the relationship between board composition and the performance of the insurance companies in Uganda, to establish the effect of board size on p:rformance or insurance company in Uganda, to examine the effect of CEO dua...
The study examined borrov,ing cost and performance of small scale businesses; a case study of 111aybach 111otor dealers kansanga. Which has a total population of 60 e111ployees in all depart111ents ft-0111 1vhich the sa111ple size of 52 respondents was rando111ly selected. The study 11as quantitntie since the m,jor lindings fro111 the lield were descriptively presented through the use of tables and graphs for easy understanding and interpretation. The study had four research questions and fou...
The purpose of the study was to examine the fiscal decentralization on the local giovemment service delivery in Lubaga Division, Uganda. The research study was based on the following objectives: to examine the contribution of decentrali7stion in service delivery in Lubaga Division, to analyse the effect of decentralization on effectiveness in the delivery of services in Lubaga Division, to analyze the problems that affect decentralization in the social service delivery in Lubaga Division, Sel...