Procurement is defined as the process through which an entity acquires work, goods, or any combination of these in exchange for payment of plice. The process may be simple or complex but the important thing to note is that it is regulated by laid down procedure which must be followed. It does not matter whether or not there are economic benefits if the registration has not been followed in the procurement process (Induction manual for procurement assistant. 2004 ). Tenderer refers to a p...
ABSTRACT ~I’he study established the relationship between training and employee performance in Moroto District Local Government. These specific objectives guided this study and these were (i) examining the effect of training on employee performance in Moroto District Local Government; (ii) examining the effect of workshops and seminars on employee performance in Moroto District Local Government, and (iii) examine the relationship between training and employee performance in Moroto District ...
This research report is about "The role of internal control on organizational cash management", a Case Study of Mulago National Referral hospital- Uganda. The research was conducted within the course of 60 days, during which much of my attention was focused on studying the procedures and technicalities of understanding treatment and handling of cash. The introductory part, describes an overview of cash and the background of Mulago hospital, the statement of the problem, research objectives, r...
ABSTRACT This is a study on employee training and its role on organization productivity at Equity Bank, Nairobi, Kenya. The study seeks to bring out the importance of employee training in organization productivity. Many organizations in the business world today choose to ignore or are not aware on the importance of employee training in enhancing employee productivity. It seeks to determine the objectives of the study thus bringing out the forms of employee training used at Equity Bank, effec...
ABSTRACT This study aimed to explain and clarify the importance of using financial accounting information in decision making process, to meet the requested administrative needs to rationalize the administrative decisions of the company. The researcher in collecting data depended on the primary sources and secondary sources, to achieve the goals of the study and in answering its questions. Through this approach she obtained the secondary data which formed the theoretical frame for the study. M...
ABSTRACT This research paper sought to analyze the roles of the purchasing department on the performance of an organization. The focus was on Tana Delta Irrigation Project (TDIP). The introduction gives an overview of what the purchasing department is, and how it may be of great importance to any organization: the roles and challenges of the purchasing department. The literature review gives a general overview of the procurement department, finance department, production, efficiency, quality ...
TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATIONS: ----------------------------------------------------------- ii D ED ICA TIO N: ---------------------··----------------------------------------- 111 TABLE OF CONTENTS---------------------------------------------------------- iY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: ------------------------------------------------------ v ACRONYMS: ---------------------------------------------·----------------··--- 1 i DEFINITIONS:---------------------------------------------------------------- ...
Table of contents DECLARATION APPROVAL ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS vi DEDICATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.2 Statement of the Problem 2 1.3 Justification for the Study 3 1.4 Objectives of the study 4 1.4.1 Broad Objective 4 1 .5 Research Questions 4 1.6 Theoretical Framework 4 1.7 Operational Definition of Terms Abstinence 6 CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW 7 2.1.1 Gender and HIV and AIDS 8 2.7.1 National Policies for HTV Prevention 19 2.9 Summary of the Literature Review 22 CH...
ABSTRACT This report focuses on the relationship between customer service strategy and customer retention in organizations. The study first broadly reviews the concepts of customer service and customer retention. Against the hypothesis that customer service is the key driver of customer retention, the study highlights the key components of customer service and how each of these components enhances customer retention in organizations. A review of existing Literature and analysis of works from...
The study was an investigation on the relationship between reward and employee performance in the Kyambogo University The study was guided by a number of objectives. Namely, to find out the forms of rewards used in Kyambogo University; to establish the effects of rewards on employee job performance in Kyambogo University and to establish ways of how to improve rewarding system in the Kyambogo University and the methodology employed include the use of both quantitative a11.d qualitative resear...
Abstract This study was intended to determine the relationship between Working Capital Management and Business performance in selected Small and Medium enterprises in Mogadishu-Somalia. The specific objectives of the study were; to determine the level of working capital management, level of business performance and to establish relationship between working capital management and business performance in selected businesses under study. The descriptive survey and descriptive correlational ...
ABSTRACT The study was to establish the effect of funding on sustainability of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in Tanznia,a case study of the Kinnapa Development programme in Arusha region.The specific objectives of the study were to establish the sources of funding NGOs in Tanzania, to establish the roles of NGOs in Arusha Tanzania, to determine strategies to improve funding of NGOs and to establish challenges facing NGOs in Arusha. The findings of research were that the sources of fund...
ABSTRACT This study looked at the effect of procurement management on the financial performance ofbanks in Uganda with a case study ofFINA Bank Uganda Ltd. Specifically the study reviewed procurement planning, controls and monitoring and how they affected the performance of banks. It was hypothesized in the study that procurement planning, controls and monitoring positively affect the performance of banks. Empirical data was collected from the staff ofFINA Bank Uganda and the study had 33 res...
TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION. APPROVAL . H DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS V C1IAPTU~R ONE 1 THE PROBLEM AND ITS SCOPE 1 .0 Introduction • I Background to the study I .2 Problem statement 4 I .3 Objectives of the study 5 I .4 Research questions 5 1 .5 Scope oCthe study 5 1.6 Significance of the study 6 CIIAPTF~R TWO 8 LITERATURE REViEW 8 2.0 Introduction 8 2. I Origins of land conflicts in Arua district 8 2.2 Nature of Land Conflicts 9 2.3 Causes of land conflicts in U...