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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

The Imp Act Of Packaging On Sales Performance, A Case Study Of Mukwano Industries, Industrial Area Kamp Ala-Uganda.

ABSTRACT The study was conducted under the topic "Packaging and Sales Performance" and it had three objectives; to find out the effect of packaging on product quality, to find out how packaging contributes to sales performance and to establish the relationship between packaging and sales performance. The study adopted a qualitative, descriptive research design based on secondary data and collected from internet based documents, and library based textbooks, journals and presentation documents....

Customer Relationship Management And Consumer Buying Behavior: A Case Study Of Shoprite Stores Kampala - Uganda

ABSTRACT The purpose of this research was to examine the relationship between customer relationship management and consumer buying behavior in Shoprite Stores in Kampala District. The study was guided by four objectives namely, determining the demographic characteristics of respondents, the level of customer relationship management, level of consumer buying behaviour and determining whether there was a significant relationship between customer relationship management and consumer buying beha...

The Effects Of War On The Vulnerable Groups In Northern Uganda Case Study: Atyiak County Gulu District.

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of war among vulnerable groups in Northern Uganda. The specific objectives of the study were to determine if human rights abuse was talcing place, to determine if there was infrastructure in the area; and to determine if there were any other problems being faced by the people in the war affected areas. The methods used for data collection was questionnaires and interview guides to the vulnerable groups in the area. In chapter ...

Domestic Violence In Eastern Uganda Acase Study Of Buluganya Subcounty Sironko District Uganda

ABSTRACT The study on “Domestic Violence in Eastern Uganda was carried out in Buluganga sub county Soronko district in Uganda. Basing on the major three objectives that is Causes of Domestic Violence; Effects and Recommendations to cub down the Vice To comprehend the problem of the study, a documentary Literature Review was carried out through use of a descriptive, exploratory design based on qualitative and quantitative measures by help of questionnaires and face to face interviews to obt...

Outsourcing And Profitability In Business Firms A Case Study Of Mukwano Industries Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................. .i DECLARATION ............................................................................................................. iii APPROVAL. ..................................................................................................................... .iv DEDICATION ..............................................................................................

Assessing The Contribution Of Abek (Alternative Basic Education For Karamoja) On The Uplift Of Girl Child Education In Rupa A Sub-County Moroto District North Eastern Uganda

ABSTRACT The research study was intended to study the assessment of the contribution of ABEK to the improvement of girl child education in Moroto district. The research hypothesis was developed as follow: “There is less improvement of ABEK to the improvement of girl child education in Rupa Sub County in Moroto district.” The study was carried out in Rupa Sub County in Moroto district. This study area was selected because it is one ofthe coordinating centers ofABEK in the district. The me...

Analysis of the impact of rape on performance in secondary schools. (case study; mathare in kenya)

ABSTRACT A descriptive study was carried out in Mathare Slums in Nairobi Province, Kenya between the month of April 2008 and May 2008. It involved the analyses of the impact of rape among the youths on performance in secondary school. A total of 196 respondents participated in the study. The general objective of the study was to analyze the effect of rape on academic performance in secondary schools. Specific objectives were three namely: to identify the nature and forms of rape, to identify...

The Contribution Of Microfinance The Economic Empowerment Of Women In Lira Municipality The Case Study Of Finca~Uganda

Abstract The study was conducted to establish and document the contribution of microfinance to the economic empowerment of women by taking the case of Lira Municipality. The study particularly sought to establish and recommend the kind of proactive gender policy in microfinance institutions that can enhance the economic empowerment of the women. The study established that there is considerate level of access to micro finance facilities in Lira Municipality. However, there is no proactive gen...

Effect Of Internal Audit Controls On Performance Of Smes In Nakawa Division: A Case Study Of Mbuya 1 Parish

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION APPROVAL I DEDICATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv TABLE OF CONTENTS v LIST OF TABLES viU LIST OF FIGURES ix CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.0 Introduction 1 1.1 Background to the study 1 1.1.1 Historical perspectives 1 1.1.2 Theoretical perspective 3 L1.3 Conceptual perspective 4 1.2 Contextual perspective S 1.3 Statement of the problem S 1.4 Purpose of the study 1.SResearch Objectives 6 1.6 Research questions 6 1.7 Scope of the Study 7 1.7.1 Geographical scope 7 1.7.2 Theoret...

Communication And Employee Performance Case Study: Tororo District Headquarter

ABSTRACT The topic was communication and employee performance in Tororo district headquarters. In effective communication can negatively affect employee performance. The objectives of the study were the following: to establish the forms of communication, to examine the effects of communication and lastly to establish the barriers of communication. The researcher used both qualitative and quantitative research design. The researcher used sample population of 60 respondents from the whole popu...

Reward Systems And Employee Motivation In Kampala International University Main Campus

TABLE Of CONTENTS Chapter DECLARATION APPROVAL SHEET DEDICATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT LIST OF ACRONYMS TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES ONE INTRODUCTION Background Statement of the problem Purpose of the study Research Objectives Research Questions Scope of the study Significance of the study Operational Definitions of Key Terms TWO liTERATURE REVIEW Concepts, Opinions, Ideas from Authors/Experts Theoretical review Related studies THREE METHODOlOGY Research design Research population Sampling proce...

Challenges Facing The Implementation Of Basic Educational Interventions For Karamoja Region Case Study Of Abek, In Matheniko County, Moroto District

ABSTRACT The study aimed at establishing challenges facing ABEK-an educational intervention for Karamoja region. This educational intervention whose aim is to enable the Karamojang people embrace education has met several challenges and also has recorded several achievements. The study was carried out in one of the countries of Karamoja, Matheniko. The study was descriptive In nature and aimed at 80 respondents from different settings. The study found out that the most challenges included: la...

Management Of Non-Current Assets In An Organisation Case Of Study Reckitt Benciser Company, Kenya

ABSTRACT The of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of internal control ofnoncurrent assets and objective of this research was to determine t~e effectiveness and efficiency of internal control of non-current assets and it contribution to the daily operation of the organization which in turn contribute to the performance of the organization. Descriptive research design was used, primary data was obtained by interviews using questionnaires and was analyzed and data was p...

Communication And Organizational Productivity: A Case Study Of Kyadondo Sub-County In Wakiso District Central Uganda

ABSTRACT The study was communication and organizational productivity of Kyadondo sub-country in Wakiso District central Uganda, the problem of the study was to have effective and proper communication on organizational productivity of Kyadondo sub-county in Wakiso District central Uganda. The purpose of the study was to establish the relationship between communication and organizations productivity in Kyadondo sub-county in Wakiso district central Uganda. The objective of the study were; to es...

Effect of collective community participation on household income. A case study of bugulumbya sub county, kamuli district, uganda

ABSTRACT This study on the effect of collective community participation on household income a case study of Bugulumbya sub ounty ,kamuli, sought to determine whether the introduction of collective community participation in Bugulumbya sub county has influenced any processes of resource mobilization and realization of household income amongst the individual households in Bugulumba sub county in particular. This study was, therefore, designed to investigate to identify specific activities in B...

5281 - 5295 Of 19638 Results