ABSTRACT To broaden the choice of investment vehicles, involve the general public in the process of investing in securities and to enable the majority of Ugandans to participate in the on-going privatization, the Collective Investment Schemes (CIS) bill 2002 was passed by parliament. The act is aimed at enabling average Ugandans to participate in the equity, debt and money markets and will further strengthen domestic resource mobilization. Capital Markets Authority (CMA) is currently finalizi...
TABLE OF CONTENT DECLARATION ii APPROVAL DEDICATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TABLE OF CONTENT vi CHAPTER ONE 1 THE PERCEpTION OF THE PROBLEM I 1.1 Background of the study 1 1.2 Statement of the problem 4 1.3 General Objectives 4 1.4 Specific objectives in this study are 5 1.5 Research objectives 1.6 Significance of the study 5 CHAPTER TWO 6 LITERATURE Rj~VIEW 6 2.0 Introduction 6 2.1 Theoretical perspective 6 2.2 The relationship between economic growth and employment 7 2.3 Possible solutions to the p...
ABSTRACT The topic effect of rapid population growth on socio- economic development, the case of Nebbi Town Council (NTC) has been chosen basing on a certain objectives. These objectives include the following: To examine the factors responsible for rapid population growth in the world, Africa, Uganda and Nebbi Town council as case being studied: Investigate the measures that can be put in place to control population growth; and To establish the opinion or the attitude of people in the world, ...
ABSTRACT The study sought to investigate the effect of outsourcing on organizational performance. The study was guided by the following research objectives, to investigate whether the school undertakes outsourcing of projects/services, to establish whether outsourcing programs at the school achieve their stated objectives of improving organizational performance, productivity, market share, and quality and to investigate the factors that are associated with the success or failure of outsourci...
ABSTRACT The study on the influence of alcohol used on t~mily we! fare was conducted in industrial division, Mbale district, eastern Uganda. With the objective of assessing the salient causes of alcoholism in industrial division, examining the effects alcoholism on ftTmily ~s elftire and explore the mechanisms for controlling alcoholism to enhance family welt~re. A cross-sectional research design was used, a sample of 50 respondents were selected took part in the answering the questions in th...
ABSTRACT This research was based on investigating the relationship between performance and conflicts amongst employees in Uganda clays kajansi. The research was interested in this topic because a lot of resources have been spent on employees in the company but still there was low productivity. This research report was based· on assumption that there was a significant relationship between employee, conflicts and organizational productivity. If there are no sound employee conflicts, the emplo...
ABSTRACT The study was carried out to know the role of training on employee performance in private sector a case study of Kagando rural development in Kasese district western ·uganda. The researcher used the following objectives of research on his search for relevant information. To examine the training policies and procedures applied in Kagando rural development Centre, to establish the relationship between training and employee perfo1mance among employees of Kagando rnral development Cent...
Abstract Client credit arises when there is a time lag between the delivery of goods and services and when payment is paid or received from the customer (Kakuru 2000). It's philosophy of lend now and receive payment later. Most commercial Banks offer loans to their customer and expect repayment on a future date (Atim, 1997) There is risk associated with loan extension to clients. There is a likely hood that the loan extended to the bank client may not be recovered as expected and these poses ...
ABSTRACT The study assesses the role played by Micro Finance Institutions in the development of women owned micro enterprises in Kampala. The study looks at the functions and support micro finance institutions give to women enterprises. The main micro finance institutions considered are Foundation for International Community Assistance (FINCA), The research was carried out in Kampala which hosts the headquarters of these micro finance institutions. The hypothesis of the study was stated that ...
ABSTRACT The researcher established procurement activities which are undertaken in the Warrap State and these procurement activities according to modem businesses usually consist of seven steps (Lacey, 2006) that are comprised of information gathering, supplier contact, background review, negotiations, fulfillment, consumption, maintenance and disposal renewal. This research report is aimed at establishing the roles of procurement efficiency in the public sector which include economic growth ...
ABSTRACT The topic of the study was Socio-economic status and physical violence among families in Kawempe division, Kampala; the problem was rampant physical violence among families in Kawempe division, Kampala; the purpose of the study was to establish the relationship between socio-economic status and physical violence among families in Kawempe divisaion Kampala; the objectives of the study were; to find out the impact of income on physical violence among families in Kawempe divisaion Kam...
ABSTRACT The research on “women empowerment and the implementation of government projects” was carried out in Ruteete Subcounty Kabarole district Uganda. The research involved 100 respondents, of which 61% were women. The research was however guided by research objectives. Objective one sought to find out how gender women empowerment brought implementation of government projects In Ruteete Subcounty Kabarole district, Uganda. It was however found that; increase in women representation, in...
BSTRACT The research on “women empowerment and the implementation of government projects” was carried out in Ruteete Subcounty Kabarole district Uganda. The research involved 100 respondents, of which 61% were women. The research was however guided by research objectives. Objective one sought to find out how gender women empowerment brought implementation of government projects In Ruteete Subcounty Kabarole district, Uganda. It was however found that; increase in women representation, inc...
TABLE OF CONTENT Declaration.------------------------ii Approval --iii Dedicatio 1v Acknowledgement--------------------v-v1 List of figures -----vu List of abbreviation -------------- ----------------- CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION -----vm 1.0 Background of the study------------------1 1.1 Statement of the problem 2 1.2 Purpose of the study 3 1.3 Specific objectives 3 1.4 Research questions--------------------~ 1.5 Scope of the study----------------------4 1.6 Significance of the study·----------...
ABSTRACT Fixed Assets management has been a focus of many research studies because of its important to business entity. To meet the current competition in this globalized economy it is important for organizations to know how they can manage their capital resources in their possession. Because the organization continually searches for ways to increase possession. Because the organization continually searches for ways to increase provision of quality service to its customers, it is hoped that ...