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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Financial Deepening And Capital Market Development In Kenya

ABSTRACT The Kenya development plan 2007 projected an annual economic growth rate of ten percent for the next twenty five years. To achieve this objective, the capital market was identified as a critical avenue that could be used to mobilize investment funds required for implementation of vision 2030 projects. The government therefore has been implementing financial deepening strategies aimed at quickening the pace, development and contribution of the capital market. However, despite the well...

Business Process Reengineering Practices And Performance Of Pharmacy And Poisons Board In Kenya

ABSTRACT The general objective of this research study was to investigate effect of BPR on performance of Pharmacy and Poisons Board.The findings in this study will be beneficial to scholars in the business process reengineering to identify gaps that need to be expounded upon. This study will also be important to the various users of this research information who include government regulators, Pharmacy and Poisons Board, other medical regulatory bodies, government agencies, donors, other stak...

Determinants Of Implementation Of Environmental Management Strategies Of Public Organizations In Road Construction Sector In Kenya. (Case Of Kenya National Highways Authority)

ABSTRACT Corporate strategy has been driven by different forces in the past, by production pressures, personnel pressures, and more lately by information pressures. This decade as well as the next shows clear signs of corporate strategy being driven by environmental pressures. Implementation of environmental management strategies is one of mechanisms that have been developed by organizations to enable them manage their activities. The aim of study was to investigate the determinants of imple...

Effect Of Competitive Strategies On Customer Loyalty Among Retail Business In Garissa Town, Kenya

ABSTRACT This study aimed at analyzing the effect of competitive strategy and customer loyalty among retail business in Garissa Town. Under this objective, the study intended to examine the extent to which cost leadership strategy affects customer loyalty; to find out how the focus strategy influences customer interest; to assess the effect of differentiation strategy in retail business. The findings of this study will help the organisations to understand the relationship between the competi...

Factors Affecting The Growth Of Women-Owned Micro Enterprises In Kenya: A Case Of The Nubian Women In Nyanchwa, Kisii County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The Nubian women-owned micro enterprises continue to encounter structural challenges despite multi-intervention strategies aimed at providing conducive environment for their growth. This study sought to assess the factors that affect the growth of Nubian women-owned micro enterprises in Nyanchwa, Kisii County. This study’s specific objectives were; to interrogate the impact of the nature of the business, the Nubian women socio-economic characteristics, gender ideology and legal fr...

Organizational Downsizing And Employees Performance of selected Commercial banks In Nyeri County, Kenya.

ABSTRACT Downsizing strategy has been implemented by many organizations as a way to deal with the economic pressures from the business environment. Despite the increase in downsizingin several banks, there is little empirical research on the impact of downsizing on employee performance. The objective of the research was to investigate the effect of organizational downsizing on employees’ performance in selected commercial banks in Nyeri County, Kenya. The specific objectives of the study we...

Knowledge Management Practices And Performance Of Solidaridad Eastern And Central Africa, Kenya

ABSTRACT The value of human resources and knowledge in an organization have become more important than the traditional sources of economic power such as capital, land and labor in response to the changing business environment. Knowledge management helps improve the performance of individuals and that of the whole organization. Organizations have increasingly recognized knowledge as a strategic resource that drives competitive advantage, survival and improved performance. Any organization str...

Virtual Teams Management Practices And Project Performance In Selected Public Universities In Kenya

ABSTRACT Documented evidence has shown the benefits and challenges of using virtual teams arrangement in the execution and implementation of projects, however, these studies have been limited in the educational sector. Universities in Kenya execute and implement various projects for the purpose of delivering good education services to the teeming set of people in the society and in order to deliver its core mandate several projects that permeate every units or departments are embarked by the ...

Budgetary Compliance On Expenditure Absorption In The County Government Of Kericho, Kenya

ABSTRACT .The Kenyan Constitution provides broad principles of public finance whereas rules are sets out by the Public Finance management of how the national government can raise and spend money. Despite the existence of a budget calendar with a widely consultative, extensive and highly participatory budgeting process carried out every fiscal year by State Corporations in Kenya in order to have minimal budget / actual variances, there is agreement that the performance of county budgets in Ken...

Prepaid Electricity Billing And The Financial Performance Of Kenya Power And Lighting Company

ABSTRACT Revenue collection has been a cause of great distress to Kenya Power under the postpaid system where meters are read, captured, and bills produced. Due to inefficiencies in revenue collection as a result of the postpaid systems, most electricity distributing companies including Kenya Power are forced to establish the debt collection departments. The main objective of this study was to determine the effects of prepaid electricity billing on financial performance of Kenya Power. The st...

Digital Credit Borrowing And The Financial Risk Exposure Of Micro And Small Enterprises In Nairobi City County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Micro and Small Enterprises have specific funding needs in terms of their business growth. Financial institutions that lend MSE’s generally tend to develop long-term relationships, which may further expose lenders to environmental and social issues associated with the enterprise posing financial risks. Digital credit has currently developed as an alternative instrument for providing short-term loans to uninformed borrowers. In free or loosely regulated markets, the use of digital c...

Customer Information Sharing And The Performance Of Selected Commercial Banks In Kenya

ABSTRACT Commercial banks play a very important role in the economic resource allocation on an economy by taking deposits from customers and then lend thus acting as an intermediary. Therefore it is of essence for commercial banks to remain profitable. In the wake of the banking crises in the last decade, Credit Reference Bureaus have been introduced in the Kenyan banking sector to facilitate the concept of credit information sharing, to mitigate information asymmetry and credit risk. In...

An Investigation Of The Effects Of Porter's Generic Strategies On The Perfomance Of The Education Sector (A Survey Of Tertiary Institutions In The Nyeri Town)

ABSTRACT The growth and expansion of higher education in Kenya in the last decade and the resultant competition for students by these institutions necessitated an investigation on the effect of Michael Porter's competitive generic strategies of cost leadership, focus strategy and differentiation strategies in their marketing. The research established how these generic strategies affect the organizational performance of these tertiary institutions in Nyeri town namely the strategies effects o...

Information Technology Integration And Performance Of Selected Public Hospitals In Kenya

ABSTRACT Kenya’s health sector is faced by inefficiencies and ineffectiveness that deters the achievement of its citizens goals of universal health, faire ness, cost effectiveness, acceptance and sustainable development. Kenya’s Vision 2030 outlines provision of healthcare as key to improving the quality of life for all Kenyans while public hospitals guarantee improved citizens’ wellbeing. Universal health coverage is one of the pillars in the Big Four Agenda to be achieved by the ...

Assessment Of Compliance Of Budgeting Practices To Established Norms On Budgeting By Government Entities In Kenya (A Case Of The Legislature)

Abstract The current public finance architecture brought about by the Constitution of Kenya 2010 resulted to far reaching changes on the management of public resources in Kenya. One of the key departures from the past is the enhanced role of the Legislature in public finance oversight. The Constitution empowered the Legislature to provide oversight and accountability over use of public finances including budget approval for all government entities as well as ensuring all government entities ...

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