Abstract This study was undertaken to compare alternative methods of pest control for insect pests in order to determine which methods has the highest efficacy against insect pests and the least detrimental side effects, while maintaining production and profits. The analysis was based on the experimental trials for three treatments: weaver ants, chemical insecticides and control. Data on yields, quantities and prices of inputs and output were collected and analyzed using inferential statisti...
Abstract This paper analyzed variables that used to measure the job and work attitude of an employee in an organization. Analysis was done using multivariate analysis. Data used was collected from Dodoma and Musoma municipalities as the municipalities were randomly selected. The sample size of the study was 118. A cross-sectional research design was adopted. The study found that there are five factors that influence job and work attitude. These are satisfaction, independence, teamwork, free...
ABSTRACT This study aimed at examining the influence of managerial competencies on social sustainability of domestic water supply. Specifically the study addressed three specific objectives which were: to map the level of managerial competencies of operational managers who are part of village water committee; to examine the influence of personal competencies; and to determine the influence of professional competencies of operational managers on sustainability of domestic water supply project...
ABSTRACT Asset and Liability Management (ALM) becomes an important and critical issue in financial institutions particularly in commercial banks. The uncertainty of returns expected from their assets, risks associated with those assets and the need of liquidity enforces banks to give more attention for their assets and liability composition. Therefore, this study sought to examine the effect of asset and liability management on profitability of commercial banks in Tanzania. Specific objectiv...
ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to assess the contribution of a privatized tea factory to community development taking Mponde tea factory in Lushoto disrict as a case study. The specific objectives of this study were to determine the extent to which people surrounding Mponde tea factory benefit from the factory through employment, social services like education, health and water supply and to assess the means used by Mponde tea factory to help small scale tea farmers in their production. ...
ABSTRACT The ever increasing industrial wastes in many developing countries pose threat on environmental sustainability due to the associated healthy risks. A socio-economic survey was carried out among nine wards of Nyamagana and Ilemela municipalities of Mwanza city to assess environmental management systems based on specific objectives: (1) to identify types of industrial wastes being generated in Mwanza city, (2) to evaluate current environmental management systems (EMS), and (3) to iden...
ABSTRACT This project explore Automated Teller Machine (ATM) and its effect on customer's satisfaction in selected towns in Ekiti-State. It examine banking operation and services rendered by Automated Teller Machine (ATM). It also explore the level of knowledge of people about Automated Teller Machine and the functions it performs. It also examine the challenges experienced by customers of Automated Teller Machine (ATM) in selected towns in Ado-Ekiti. It also examined the extent to which...
The study sought to investigate the effects of ethical accounting practices on financial reporting of listed firms in Kenya. The study therefore examines the effects of accounting objectivity, professional competence, integrity and confidentiality on listed firms in Kenya. Listed firms in Kenya continue to face challenges in financial reporting. These challenges include fabrication of assets, alteration of accounting records, inability to provide documents to support the financial statements,...
The study assessed the role of Credit Reference Bureaus (CRB) in mitigating default risk among commercial banks in Kenya. The objectives of the study were to analyze risk identification as a CRB role in mitigating against credit default in commercial banks in Kenya. To assess customer repayment behavior as a CRB role in mitigating against credit default in commercial banks in Kenya. To investigate customer credit access as a CRB role in mitigating against credit default in commercial banks ...
Urban sprawl is a phenomena experienced around most big cities. Nairobi, the capital city of Kenya, has caused this effect to the surrounding towns as most people want to settle around the town area for various reasons. Kamulu town is one such area where population pressure from Nairobi city has caused movement of persons into settling. Currently, there has been increased population in Kamulu town, which in turn has led to changes in land use patterns from the large tracts of ranch to smaller...
Financial sustainability requires appropriate risk based audit practice hence effective and efficient internal audit. Most non-governmental organizations are faced with sustainability challenges which can be attributed to difficulties in the design, monitoring and implementation of project financing strategies which may impact negatively on overall sustainability. The financial sustainability of an organization is a measure of the organization‘s ability to meet its financial obligations. Ma...
Strategic change management has been gaining ground in organization recently, including technology based firms like Telkom Kenya. The general objective of the study was to the role of selected management practices in facilitating strategic change in Telkom Kenya. This study was undertaken to seek; the function of utilizing incentives as a management practice to facilitate strategic change in the business. The study adopted the following theories; Resource-Based-View Theory, Strategic Grouping...
The microfinance banks play a critical role in the economic development of diverse countries across the world especially amongst the developing countries. Microfinance banks offer financial services to those members of populations that are excluded from accessing these services from conventional financial systems. Therefore microfinance banks are critical in improving access to the financial services of the poor since the banks do not require high collaterals for its customers. However, the m...
Small and micro enterprises (SMEs) have strong influence on the economies of many countries. In Kenya, SMEs play a key role in economic development including job creation. In 2014, eighty percent (80%) of jobs created were dominated by these enterprises. SMEs are the core business units in Kenya, however many of them do not progress to maturity implying poor performance. Performance of any organization is dependent on the competence of its leaders or managers. Studies that have sought to inve...
The development of mobile technology has increased, causing effects in the banking sector on a global scale. Moreover, there has been an increase in the rapid technological surroundings around the world in the banking industry and the expansion of distribution channels for financial services. The study’s purpose was to investigate the influence of technology adoption, income-expenditure disparity, client characteristics and interest rates on the uptake of mobile-based lending by commercial ...