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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

E-Procurement Use In The Nigerian Building Industry

   ABSTRACT Since the mid-1990s, the use of the electronic procurement aspect of electronic commerce (e-commerce) in the different business and industrial sectors has increased globally. However, the extent of its adoption in the Nigerian building industry is not clearly understood. This study investigated e-procurement use in the Nigerian building industry with a goal to improve the general understanding of the extent of its adoption in this country. The research involved a questionnaire ...

Examination Of Selected Motivational Factors Affecting Employee Performance In The Kenyan Civil Service

Employee motivation plays a critical role in the overall performance and growth of organizations. It is considered to be a booster not only for employees‟ growth and development but also organizations‟ performance. As such, managers continue to establish different ways in which they can motivate their employees in order to enhance performance and that of their respective organizations. However, organizations are crowded by a number of issues which affect employee motivation including...

Advancing Construction Industry Development Through Innovative Research And New Thinking

CONTENTS SECTION 1: KEYNOTE PAPERS Advancing construction industry development, innovative research and new thinking - Will Hughes 1 Realising value for money through procurement strategy in the delivery of public infrastructure - Ron Watermeyer 11 Putting theory to work: the use of theory in construction research - Libby Schweber 29 New developments and future directions in the built environment field - Chimay Anumba 41 Use and implications of building information modelling in construction p...

Three Levels Of Leadership Model, Organization Climate And Ethical Procurement In County Referral Hospitals In Kenya

Approximately, about 18.42% of the global gross domestic product is expended through procurement. Procurement malpractices have however been on the rise in Kenya with every passing decade. This trend has been associated with a loss of public funds equivalent to 12% of the GDP. Such hemorrhage of public coffers has given Kenya a dismal ranking on transparency rate being 136 out of 174 of the global economies. This study therefore, seeks to examine the empirically antecedents to resolve pe...

Effects Of Internal Control Systems On Risk Management In Commercial Banks In Nakuru Town

F r e q u e n t r e p o r t s o f f r a u d s i n t h e f i n a n c i a l s e c t o r i n K e n y a e s p e c i a l l y w i t h i n t h e B a n k i n g s e c t o r h a v e b e e n r e p o r t e d o v e r t h e l a s t s e v e r a l y e a r s ( 2 0 0 8 - 2 0 1 4 ) . I n t h e s e c o n d q u a r t e r o f 2 0 1 0 , o u t o f 1 0 2 c o r p o r a t e f r a u d c a s e s r e p o r t e d i n K e n y a , a l l w e r e a s s o c i a t e d w i t h i n a d e q u a t e r i s k c o n t r o l m e a s u r...

Influence Of Strategic Relational Capital Initiatives On Competitive Advantage Of Savings And Credit Cooperatives In Nairobi County, Kenya

Companies face many challenges when attempting to gain market share and maintain a competitive advantage over rivals. It can be difficult to know which strategies are worth pursuing based on a business’ position in the industry and on the competitive nature of the industry. A number of studies have been done in Kenya on resources and their impact on the competitive advantage of an organization in various public and private sectors; with limited focus on strategic relational capital initiati...

Effects Of Corporate Social Responsibility On The Profitability Of Commercial Banks In Kenya

Every business takes birth, survives and grows with the consent and co-operation of the society. The society provides inputs to the business and accepts its output. Naturally the business owes everything to the society. Corporate Social Responsibility denotes organizations’ willingness to take responsibility and accountability for the effects of their activities and decisions. It is concerned with how companies manage the business processes to produce an overall positive impact on soci...

Effect Of Working Capital Management On Corporate Financial Performance: A Survey Of Automobile And Accessories Companies Listed At Nairobi Securities Exchange, Kenya

Working capital management entails the relationship between a firm's current assets and its current liabilities and it plays an integral role in financial decision making. It involves the management of the most liquid resources of the firm which includes cashand cash equivalents, Inventories and trade and other receivables. Majority of firms do not maintain the correct mix of working capital and this has been a major hinder to their overall profitability. The main goal of working capital ...

Effects Of Knowledge Management Practices On Financial Innovation Of Kenyan Commercial Banks: A Case Of Chase Bank (Ir) Kenya Ltd.

Knowledge Management in organizations has become an important strategic weapon for sustaining competitive advantage. Knowledge management manages the corporation’s knowledge through a systematically and organizationally specified process for acquiring, organizing, sustaining, applying, sharing and renewing both the tactic and explicit knowledge of employees to enhance organizational performance and create value. This study sought to investigate the effect of Knowledge Management on financia...

Effect Of Electronic Point Of Sale System On Operational Efficiency Of Hotels In Nakuru County

The main aim of this study was to determine the effect of Electronic Point of Sale System on operational efficiency of Hotels within Nakuru County. Specifically, the study determined the effect of electronic Point of Sale System (EPOS) data processing, transactional tracking, transactional security and reporting systems on operational efficiency of hotels in Nakuru County. Descriptive research design was adopted. The target population of the study was 36 Hotels in Nakuru County with one respo...

Effect Of Generation Y Motivators On Generation Y Organizational Commitment: A Case Study Of Nakuru County Government Headquarters

The purpose of this study was to examine generation Y motivators (work relation, work life balance and technology support) and how they affect their organizational commitment. The objectives guiding the study were; to assess the effect of workplace relationship on commitment of generation Y employees, to examine the effect of work life balance on commitment of generation Y employees and to analyze the effect of technology support on commitment of generation Y employees. A cross-sectional...

Economic Growth And Income Inequality The Case Of Brazil

ABSTRACT The research aims to find the relationship between income inequality and economic growth in the Brazilian economy. Economic growth and income inequality are defined in the light of academic literature and their varied effect on wellbeing are explored. The research methodology selected is deductive. The data have been collected through secondary sources and a multiple regression model is used to study the relationship between the economic performance and income inequality in Brazil. ...

Factors Influencing Profitability Of Islamic Banking In Kenya; Case Of Gulf African Bank

Islamic Banking is one of the rapidly developing areas of finance in Kenya and the world at large. This study aimed to fill the gap in knowledge of the factors that enhance profitability of Islamic banking and especially in Gulf African bank. The objectives of the study were; to examine Shari’ah compliance as a factor influencing the profitability of Islamic banking, to investigate and understand Perception of people towards Islamic banking Products, and to establish the relationship b...

Influence Of Service Quality On Customer Retention Among Deposit Taking Saccos In Kenya: A Case Of Mwalimu National Sacco In Nairobi

SACCOs are on the forefront to offer financial services to their members; but they encounter with countless problems such as lack of customer care services, lack of good governance, weak member confidence, and inadequate use of technology, insufficient financial services, high registration costs and increasing interest rates among others. Therefore, there exists a gap in literature, which this study aims to fill by establishing the influence of service quality on customer retention among depo...

Effects Of Strategic Responses To Advances In Technology On Organisation’s Performance: Evidence From Textbook Publishers In Kenya

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of strategic responses to advances in technology on organization‟s performance: looking at the evidence from textbook publishers in Kenya. More specifically, the study sought to evaluate how Change in Recruitment processes, Human Resource Development, Customer Relations Management and organizational policy change affect organization‟s performance. To achieve the objectives of the study, a descriptive research design was adopte...

7261 - 7275 Of 19638 Results