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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Effect Of Organizational Culture On Leading Strategic Change In Public Secondary Schools In Nakuru Sub-County, Nakuru County, Kenya

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of school culture on leading strategic change in public secondary schools especially in Nakuru Sub-County. The specific objectives were to examine the effect of goal orientation, find out the effect of team orientation, assess the effect of customer orientation, and evaluate the effect of cultural strength on leading strategic change in public secondary schools in Nakuru SubCounty. Descriptive survey method was used, targeting six hundre...

Strategies Of Customer Retention Among Commercial Banks In Kenya: A Case Of Bank Of Africa, Kenya

A customer is one of the significant assets for any profit-making firm, hence most profit making firms strive to acquire and retain as many customers as possible so as not to experience nose-diving of profits. While few existing researches have shown that product and or quality of service results in acquisition and retention of business customers, some few researchers with little empirical data also recommend that corporate image and customer loyalty affects acquisition and retention of exist...

Effects Of Internal Audit Practice On Performance Of Public Commissions In Kenya: A Case Of Parliamentary Service Commission Of Kenya

Public Commissions in Kenya are importance arms of the executive in the management of constitutional affairs. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of internal audit on performance of public commissions in Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were; to determine the effect of expertise of the internal auditing staff on the performance of Public Commission in Kenya, to examine the effect of internal audit controls on the performance of Public Commissions in Kenya and ...

Effect Of Organizational Policies On The Financial Performance Of Road Transport Companies In Kenya: A Case Study Of Multiple Hauliers (E.A.) Limited

There has been stiff competition amongst transport companies which has resulted in the steep decline of road freight rates of between 20% and 30% across various transport companies. Furthermore, the transportation costs in the Northern Corridor from Mombasa to various destinations across East African Community has reduced. In wake of such challenges, it raises concerns on the financial performance of the road transport companies in East Africa and how the organizational policies they have ado...

Performance Of Part-Time Teaching Staff And Its Effects On University Performance, A Case Of Universities’ In Nakuru Town

Quality in higher education has been important for decades. In Kenya, quality in universities was embraced some years back by facilitating the vigorous vetting of programmes; matching the programmes with the existing capacity and competent sourcing of human resources  to run the  programmes. Part-time employment has thus become a common phenomenon in the higher education sector in Kenya. With the increase demand of education in Kenya, most universities have established many satellite campus...

Determinants Of Successful Strategy Implementation In Selected Universities In Kenya

A good strategy that is not implemented is as bad as a poor strategy. Emperical evidence postulates that organizations spend more time and effort in strategy development than in strategy implementation. This has led to many organizations’ failure to realize their desired results. This research sought to evaluate determinants of successful strategy implementation in universities in Kenya and identify areas of improvement in the process of strategy implementation. The objectives of this study...

Effects Of Credit Assessment Determinants On Credit Uptake In The Agricultural Financing Sector In Kenya: A Case Of South Imenti Sub County, Kenya

Food Security is a vital cog in every fiscal and monetary growth of all countries worldwide. It is a state when all people have economic, social and physical access to nutritious, safe and sufficient food that meets food preferences and dietary needs for a healthy and active life at all times. Lack of funding confines farmers’ productivity and improved income hence a major impediment for farmer’s especially small-scale farmers in third world countries. The purpose of the project was ...

Influence Of Product Strategy On Performance Of Savings And Credit Cooperative Societies In Kenya: A Case Of Azima Sacco

Increased non-performing loans and the availability of substandard products among SACCOs in Kenya has been a major challenge facing these cooperatives. The current study aimed at determining the influence of product pricing, product delivery, product quality and product design on performance of SACCOs in Kenya. The study was grounded on resource-based theory and stakeholders’ theory that portrays the need to focus on stakeholders’ needs when coming up with product strategy. The study...

Role Of Growth Support Programs On Performance Among Micro And Small Enterprises: Case Of Anza Entrepreneurs Limited

The study was to determine roles of growth support programs on performance of micro and small enterprises with a focus of Anza Entrepreneurs Limited (Anza) in Tanzania. The research objectives were to find out the role of financial sector deepening program in enabling enterprises access financing and meet their financial needs to enable their performance; to establish the role of business development services program performance; and to determine the role of business sector program suppo...

Influence Of Monitoring Practices On Projects Performance At The Water Sector Trust Fund

Globally Monitoring has become an important tool through which environmental, economic and social sustainability can be attained. Monitoring helps those interested with initiatives with determining that progress is being made in accordance with goals. The study generally determined how monitoring practices influence projects performance at the water sector trust fund. Specifically, the study focused on how monitoring planning, monitoring tools, monitoring techniques and adoption of monit...

Bird Species Composition And Diversity Along An Ecological Gradient On Mount Kasigau In Taita-taveta County, South East Kenya

Interactions of bird species with their biotic and abiotic environment influence their occurrence and spatial distribution. This is because physical and biological conditions vary along an ecological gradient. Elevation gradient, vegetation mosaic and climate variations can influence avifaunal diversity and assemblages. Birds being very good indicators of the state of the environment can be used to demonstrate the impact of these changes on species communities especially in an Afromontan...

Impacts Of Anthropogenic Activities On The Ecological Integrity Of Nairobi City Park, Kenya

The effects of human disturbance on the ecosystem processes influence the management of recreational areas and the benefits that can be obtained. Public urban parks provide environmental, economic and social benefits to the urban communities. The Nairobi City Park (NCP) located on 49 ha of land divided into a conserved area of 33 ha and 16 ha recreational area. The park has a high level of biodiversity and provides recreation to the visitors. Currently many changes have occurred within t...

Technological Factors Influencing The Quality And Quantity Of Charcoal Produced In Western Mau Forest, Kericho County, Kenya

Charcoal is a key bio-energy resource in Kenya, providing domestic energy for 82% of urban and 34% of rural households. The charcoal industry also creates jobs for wood producers, charcoal producers, transporters and vendors. The industry employs almost 1 million people on a part and full-time basis across the value chain. Despite regulation there is continued unsustainable charcoal production in western Mau forest block. Are the regulations not working or simply not implemented by the m...

Factors Influencing The Density Of Trees In School Tree Enclosures Within Kajiado County, Kenya

Achieving minimum international recommendations regarding tree cover is a challenge in Kenya, particularly in Kajiado County. As the region faces severe land and forest degradation, planting and managing trees inside school compounds can contribute to improving tree density. This study was therefore aimed at assessing the factors that influence the density of trees in school tree enclosures within Kajiado County, precisely Kajiado North, East, West and Central sub-counties. The four spec...

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