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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Effect Of Product Packaging On Nigerian Consumers’ Behaviour

ABSTRACT The sole purpose of this research is to determine the effect of product packaging on Nigerian consumers. The knowledge derived from relevant literature was used to draft out organized questionnaires to be filled by respondents residing in Yola and Jimeta towns, Adamawa State, Nigeria. A total of 270 questionnaires were distributed to respondents but only 222 questionnaires turned out valid. With the information gathered, it underwent analysis with the help of SPSS 21.0 and Microsoft...

A Study On The Personal Factors Influencing Nigerian Consumer Buying Behavior

ABSTRACT As seller are making efforts to understand the buying behavior of consumers, which will help their business make more profit, increase market share and improve consumers shopping experience, the study of the personal factor influence is important. The research seek to study the personal factor influence on consumer buying behavior in Nigeria which comprised of three subfactors; Age, Occupation, Economic status as the independent variable which when satisfied would lead to understand...

Effects Of Philanthropic Corporate Social Responsibility On Strategic Positioning Of Manufacturing Firms: A Case Study Of Unilever Kenya

Philanthropic Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as a common business practice has only recently established a foothold in developing countries. Every business takes birth, survives and grows with the consent and co-operation with the society. The society provides inputs to the business and accepts its outputs. Naturally the business owes everything to the society. Philanthropic Corporate Social Responsibility denotes organizations’ willingness to take responsibility and accountability f...


In keeping with the advancement in technology, savings and credit cooperative societies have in the recent past undergone major technological leaps in the provision of banking services by adoption of mobile banking technology. This model of banking was particularly useful in providing efficiency and accessibility of banking services without the barriers of location and time. Many studies have been done to assess the effect of mobile banking on financial inclusion but not many studies have bee...

Effects Of Business Process Re-Engineering On Public Sector Service Delivery In Kenya: A Case Of Teachers Service Commission

Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) has been widely adopted by private businesses and has been a focus of research since the 1990s and it is still one of the top five management concerns for Information Technology (IT) executives globally. However, the adoption of BPR in the public sector in general, and in the public sectors of developing economies in particular, is a relatively recent and little researched phenomenon. Despite the adoption of BPR in public sector its relationship with serv...

An Evaluation Of The Relationship Between Persuasion And Choice Of Daily Newspaper By Readers In Kenya

An average consumer is exposed to a range of persuasion marketer generated communications seeking to get his/her attention and elicit some desired response. This communications may make decision making less demanding reducing the time and effort spent in selecting a product/ service (consumer involvement). Also the level of involvement a consumer places on a particular purchase has a bearing on the actual selection (consumer choice) that will be made. But, some of the persuasion messages are ...

Effects Of Firm Level Characteristics On Marketing Effectiveness Among Micro And Small Enterprises In Kitui County – Kenya

The Micro and Small Enterprises play an important role in the Kenyan Economy, its role and importance in a knowledge-based economy has been highly appreciated and acknowledged. Moreover, in the present economy, Micro and Small Enterprises are facing tremendous challenges and threats to survive in a competitive environment. The study examined the effects of firm level characteristics on marketing effectiveness among Micro and Small Enterprises in Kitui County in Kenya. The study was guided by ...

The Effect Of Management Succession On Corporate Growth Strategy Among Local Family Businesses In The Manufacturing Sector In Nairobi County

Family businesses are important contributors to wealth and employment creation in any country. Indeed the economic landscape of most nations remains dominated by family firms. In Kenya, one of the Vision 2030 objectives is to create new jobs and the growth of family businesses is important to help achieve this objective. Unfortunately, many family businesses collapse within the first few years of operation and others stagnate leading to loss of jobs and greatly affecting the Kenyan economy. T...

Relationship Marketing And Sustainable Competitive Advantage Of Ambulance Service Providers In Kenya: A Case Of Amref Flying Doctors

The ambulance services industry in the country is very competitive, and most of the companies in the industry are facing service delivery challenges. This study analyzed the association between relationship marketing and sustainable competitive advantage in AMREF Flying Doctors, Nairobi. The specific objectives of the study included; determining the effect of use of technology on attaining sustainable competitive advantage, establishing the effect of customer retention on achieving susta...

Influence Of Mckinsey’s 7s Framework On Organizational Excellence Of Development Banks In Kenya: A Case Study Of Pta Bank

In achieving organizational excellence employers and employees need to work together in order to achieve the bank’s overall strategic goals. This research sought to determine the influence of Mckinsey’s 7s model on organizational excellence of Development banks in Kenya particularly the PTA bank. The Mckinsey’s 7s includes strategy, staff, style, skills, shared values, structure and systems and how they objectively affect the organizational success of the PTA bank. It is a model th...

Influence Of Strategic Technology On Service Delivery In Public Service: A Case Study Of Directorate Of Immigration And Registration Of Persons

Service delivery is the main mandate of the public sector and efficiency is critical to service delivery. However, the public sector has experienced several challenges in service delivery provision that impact the quality, timeliness and costs of these services. In the Directorate of Immigration and Registration of Persons (DIRP),consequences for poor service delivery includes lack of adequate access to documents such as national identity cards, birth and death certificates. Consequently...

Strategic Factors Influencing Transport And Distribution Of Petroleum Products In Kenya: A Case Study Of Kenya Pipeline Company

The transport and distribution of the petroleum products by Kenya Pipeline Company is key in the social economic development of the country. Efficiency in the transport and distribution of the petroleum products ensures that the right volumes of the products are delivered, at the right price, and in a sustainable manner. This study sought to examine the strategic factors (infrastructure, information and communication technology, security, and pipeline capacity) on transport and distribut...

Influence Of Workforce Diversity On Team Cohesion Of Employees In Kenyan Private Universities: Evidence From Kabarak University

Workforce diversity provides an environment for employees to learn more from each other thus making an institution stronger in terms of tolerance, ideas, innovation and creativity. The changing demographics in workforce composition in Kenya not only increases the amount of diversity that institutions need to manage and integrate but also affects business operations and productivity that inevitably affects the overall well-being of the country. This study sought to determine the influence...

Efficacy Of Monitoring And Evaluation Framework On Implementation Of Development Projects: A Comparative Analysis Of Machakos And Embu Counties, Kenya

Monitoring and Evaluation, (M&E) frameworks allow for project activities to be measured and analyzed. There is a gap in the design of monitoring and evaluation frameworks to generate information during the process of Monitoring and Evaluation and use of this information in future designs. The purpose of this research study was to establish the influence of the monitoring and evaluation framework in the successful implementation of County development projects. The study was guided by the ...

Relationship Between Internet Advertising And Purchase Intention Of University Students In Kenya

The Internet is fast emerging as an important advertising medium in Kenya. The enhanced ICT infrastructure in Kenya has raised the volume of Internet users, thereby prompting interest in the growth of businesses on the Internet with estimates projecting spending on Internet advertising to increase. Despite the growth, minimal empirical research has been undertaken to explore the relationship between Internet advertising and purchase intention in Kenya with many studies having been conduc...

7321 - 7335 Of 19638 Results