Audit reports by the office of the controller of budget for three consecutive years from 2013 – 2015 revealed gross financial mismanagement and a fall in revenue collection even after County Governments have put in place the Integrated Financial Management Systems (IFMIS) and e-pay systems in accordance with the requirements of the Public Finance Management Act 2012. It has been established that over 50% of county revenues were collected using the manual receipt system. As a result, there w...
Quality in higher education has been important for decades. In Kenya, quality in universities was embraced some years back by facilitating the vigorous vetting of programmes; matching the programmes with the existing capacity and competent sourcing of human resources to run the programmes. Part-time employment has thus become a common phenomenon in the higher education sector in Kenya. With the increase demand of education in Kenya, most universities have established many satellite campu...
Many organizations are able to generate innovative strategic plans, but few are able to successfully implement these plans. NCPB has a five year strategic plan that runs through the year 2009 to 2013. East Africa Grain Council (2009), NCPB reforms are longoverdue, the NCPB strategic plan is not available in the public domain and stakeholders had not been consulted on the proposed warehouse receipt system and commodity exchange. This clearly shows that NCPB has faced challenges in implem...
Collaboration is currently one of the key elements of institutional competitiveness. In the face of continuous world economic changes, competition allows many institutions to improve and accelerate their collaboration processes. Universities as traditional sources of knowledge might be involved in such kind of collaboration. The increasing demand related with education of the population has led to the entry of a large number of private players in the education sector. This has also resul...
The research project sought to examine the effect of listing with Credit Reference Bureau service on non-performing loans of deposit taking microfinance institutions in Kenya. The specific objectives were to assess how loan recoveries as a result of listing with credit reference bureau affects non-performing loans by deposit taking microfinance institutions in Kenya, to assess how write offs as a result of listing with credit reference bureau affect non- performing loans by deposit takin...
There has been unprecedented competition in the financial sector particularly amongst commercial banks. This trend has persuaded banks to be more innovative in order to remain relevant in the sector. One of the key innovations is the introduction of agency banking in the industry. Since the inception of the same in 2010, it has not been clear the extent to which agency banking has influenced financial services accessibility. The study examined the implication of agency banking on financi...
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of school culture on leading strategic change in public secondary schools especially in Nakuru Sub-County. The specific objectives were to examine the effect of goal orientation, find out the effect of team orientation, assess the effect of customer orientation, and evaluate the effect of cultural strength on leading strategic change in public secondary schools in Nakuru Sub County. Descriptive survey method was used, targeting six ...
ABSTRACT It is generally perceived that there is diversity in the workforce of any endeavor, be it business, government, or common society. This study therefore tries to discover the impact of workforce diversity on organizational performance in cross river state in Nigeria for the study. We utilized the Blau's1977 list of heterogeneity to gauge the diversity record. While resource development for the year 2008 and 2009, utilizing 2007 and 2008 as base year was utilized to gauge the developm...
Since the 1990s, poverty reduction has taken priority at both national and international development levels. Within this framework, various initiatives have been taken. Microfinance has caught the attention of many Aid donors, Non-Governmental Organizations and Governments as an effective tool for poverty reduction. The successful use of microfinance is considered as victory for the poor to escape the poverty traps. In the Kenyan context, this same initiative and hope has been adopted. T...
Since independence, Kenya’s banking sector has continued to grow particularly in regard to inclusiveness, efficiency, and stability. However, in the recent past, the sector has witnessed a number of challenges manifesting in some commercial banks posting losses while others collapsing. Organizational alignment as an important factor can explain to a great extent the growth and survival or failure of the organizations in a competitive environment like the banking sector. The present stu...
Internal control plays an important role in preventing and detecting fraud and protecting the organization's resources, both physical and intangible but fraud is still reported. At the organizational level, internal control objectives relate to the reliability of financial reporting, timely feedback on the achievement of operational or strategic goals, and compliance with laws and regulations. Internal control systems provide guidance for management regarding its evaluation and assessmen...
The study analyzed the relationship of WCM on financial performance, taking the case of Firms in the Commercial and Services Segment of NSE, Kenya. Specifically, the study analyzed the effect of accounts receivable, accounts payable, stock conversion period, cash conversion cycle on Return on Asset as measures of financial performance of commercial and services segment listed in Nairobi Securities Exchange, Kenya. The study adopted the following theories to explain the effect of working ...
Water is an important natural resource, indispensable for life and also the backbone of growth and prosperity for mankind. Kenya is a water scarce country with renewable fresh water per capita at 647m3 against the United Nations recommended minimum of 1,000m 3 . Despite the efforts made by the Government of Kenya, Unaccounted-for-Water (UFW) is still high, currently standing at 49%. The overall objective for this study was to assess the strategies for reducing UFW in water supply syst...
World initiatives in education such as Education for All (EFA) and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) have seen many governments make access to education central to their national development strategies mainly by reducing education costs. This has seen many governments invest heavily in education with Kenya allocating a third of her annual budget to education. However, despite this kind of investment, there is little empirical evidence to show that learners are benefitting commensur...
Despite the awareness of the benefits of counselling supervision such as reducing counsellor’s burnout, enhancing professional development, increasing competence, and efficiency in counselling, the forces that steer counselors into seeking and adopting counselling supervision have not been largely explored. Failure or reluctance to seek counselling supervision may be caused by many factors, some of which could be individual and institutional factors among others. Consequently, the stud...