A Sacco society is defined as a user-owed, user-controlled business that distributes benefits based on patronage. Direct government regulation of Saccos came about through legislation enacted by the Kenyan parliament, the Sacco Act of 2008. The regulations were necessitated by the need to give proper structures and prudential standards to Saccos especially those involved in deposit taking activities referred to as FOSAs and after the pyramid scheme saga. The FOSAs carry out banking business w...
Working capital management entails the relationship between a firm's current assets and its current liabilities and it plays an integral role in financial decision making. It involves the management of the most liquid resources of the firm which includes cash and cash equivalents, Inventories and trade and other receivables. Majority of firms do not maintain the correct mix of working capital and this has been a major hinder to their overall profitability. The main goal of working capital man...
The ambulance services industry in the country is very competitive, and most of the companies in the industry are facing service delivery challenges. This study analyzed the association between relationship marketing and sustainable competitive advantage in AMREF Flying Doctors, Nairobi. The specific objectives of the study included; determining the effect of use of technology on attaining sustainable competitive advantage, establishing the effect of customer retention on achieving sustainabl...
Many SMEs in the clothing industry in Kenya have faced severe competition, so they have adopted ICT to increase their productivities, as most of them indicated. This study investigated the factors influencing ICT adoption among clothing SMEs in Nairobi County (Kenya) with a view of developing a new framework that would accelerate the rate of adoption. The research adopted a descriptive research design. A sample size of 100 Clothing SMEs was drawn from the entire population of 444 firms. ...
Contribution of financial resources to value delivery in secondary schools has not been clearly established. Opinion on the formers’ importance is divided. The problem addressed by this research was to find out whether factors like financial leakage, governance, accounting and audit controls, can be used to establish the link between resources and value delivery. The population of the study comprised of all the 336 registered secondary schools in Nakuru County of which 33 were randomly...
Kwale County received enormous support from donors and the government for implementation of development projects. The areas targeted were the improvement of people’s livelihoods, these included; small-scale fisheries, agro- pastoralism and the emerging seaweed farming. Despite this kind of support, the number of poor people along the coastal strip has remained high evidenced by the low incomes, low education levels, high incidences of malnourished children, poor housing among others. This s...
Absolute poverty deprives part of the society of necessities of life -food, clothing, education, and health. Considerable economic growth must accelerate access to services like education and health for all, especially the marginalized citizens. The objective of the study was to analyze unique strategies leveraging on Kenya’s vision 2030 strategic plan for alleviation of absolute poverty in Bomet County. The specificobjectives were to analyze economic strategies on strategic natural res...
The telecommunication sector plays a critical role in communication, contributing to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), creation of economic opportunities through mobile money agents, facilitating economic activities, facilitating the provision of mobile money and internet services. The firm performance of the telecommunication companies are thus important in Kenya's context. However, comparing the firm performance of Telkom Kenya Limited with other mobile phone service providers, Telkom ...
Leadership has the ability to bring a vision into reality by making swift decisions and inspiring others. Leadership is guiding people and the company in the right direction through empowerment and inspiration, objectively enabling people to achieve organizational goals, whereas management is a set of processes that help the company to be reliable and efficient. This study seeks to investigate the influence of leadership on strategic change in Nakuru county government. Four specific obje...
There has been a renewed interest on the role of the boards in the performance of an organization due to various corporate scandals and failures. Corporate governance affects organizations‟ performance as organizations with better corporate governance guarantee increased shareholder wealth and limit the risk of the investment. The study analyzed the effects of board structure on performance of all the listed organizations on Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE) in Kenya. The specific objective...
Projects are undertaken with the end goal of getting completed someday. Project completion is a collective responsibility among the parties involved. The dilemma and struggle for project completion is a concern in the 21st century. The study intended to find out possible effect of scope changes on project completion among road construction projects in Nairobi County with a distinct case of Langata Sub county. The key variables for the study were; project regulatory compliance changes, project...
Public private partnerships (PPP) are pursued to leverage knowledge, resources, and capabilities to achieve public goals. Despite its strategic role in enhancing optimal benefits of PPPs, synergy is a developing concept in most of the PPPs in developing economies, Kenya included which largely remains untested coupled with lack of models to be benchmarked with. The study investigated the influence of synergy on performance of public private partnerships in Kenya: a case study of the Afya ...
Most capital structure studies to date are based on data from developed countries’ firms and very few studies provide evidence from developing countries. Capital structure of Microfinance banks in Kenya has not been investigated; there is no clear understanding on how microfinance banks construct their capital structure and what internal (firm-specific) factors influence their corporate financing decision. This study attempted to fill this gap by analyzing the capital structure for microfin...
The International Labour Organization estimates that, globally, about 2.2 million people die annually from occupational accidents and diseases another 270 million suffer from serious non-fatal injuries while 160 million fall ill for shorter or longer periods from work-related causes. The estimated costs of occupational accidents and occupational diseases amount to approximately 4 percent of the world’s gross domestic product. This implies a considerable loss resulting to negative impact on ...
Change is an inevitable part of any growing industry. The forces of change are brought about by the political, social, technological, economic and legal environment in which all organizations operate in. The study therefore sought to investigate the effect of organizational culture on change management in county government of Nakuru Kenya. More specifically the study investigated the influence of behavioural culture, organizational values, cultural beliefs and organizational norms on change...