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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Effects Of Open Tendering System On Procurement Process Among Public Secondary Schools In Nyeri Central Sub- County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The study sought to investigate the effects of open tendering on procurement of goods and services by Public Secondary Schools in Nyeri Central Sub- County of Nyeri County in Kenya. The study had four objectives namely to; Analyze the effect of Open tendering system on the quality of goods and services procured: Examine the influence of Open tendering system on the cost of goods and services procured: Assess the effectiveness of Open tendering on the accountability in procurement of...

Perception On Use Of Contraceptives Among Households’ Heads In Low-Income Families In Kuresoi North Sub-County, Nakuru County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Family planning is widely acknowledged as an important intervention towards achieving Sustainable Development Goal 3 (SDG 3) as it has proven to reduce maternal and child mortality. Family planning has also been found to promote gender equality as well as educational and economic empowerment for women and men. Despite the enormous benefits of family planning services, the uptake of these services among men in Kuresoi North Sub-county still remains low in. The aim of this study was to...

The Role Of Table Banking In Economic Empowerment Of Women In Uasin Gishu County, Kenya

ABSRACT Despite the fact that women constitute the single largest part of Kenyan population, majority, especially those in rural areas are faced with the challenge off accessing affordable savings and credit facilities. In effort to address this, the former Ministry of Planning and Vision 2030 through the Poverty Eradication Commission introduced table banking to assist women overcome financial challenges and attain economic empowerment. The study sought to investigate the role played by tab...

TInfluence Of Financial Literacy On Financial Management Practices: A Survey Of Dairy Farmers Managed By K-Unity Sacco In Limuru Sub County

This study purposed to investigate the influence of financial literacy on financial management practices; a survey of dairy farmers managed by K Unity SACCO in Limuru sub county, Kiambu county. The objective of the study was to investigate how financial literacy affects financial management of persons operating in the informal sectors in this case looking at dairy farmers. The researcher sought to find out whether investment practices, saving culture, budgeting practices loan management and t...

An Assessment Of The Effectiveness Of Electronic Tax Registers In Processing Of Value Added Tax Returns: A Case Study Of Registered Vat Taxpayers In Kisii Town, Kenya

ABSTRACT The main purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness of Electronic Tax Registers (ETRs) in the processing of Value Added Tax returns. The population under study comprised of 98 VAT registered taxpayers in Kisii town, which was stratified into; service providers, wholesalers & large scale retailers and supermarkets. The main instrument of collecting primary data was the questionnaires while secondary data was obtained from the KRA regional office. Analysis of data was mainly...

Green Supply Chain Management Practices And Their Effect On Competitiveness Of Food Manufacturing Firms In Kenya

ABSTRACT There has been growing concern about environmental sustainability for future generations. Green Supply Chain Management are practices that can be used by companies to re-examine their purposes and create a favourable environmental image as manufacturing firms play an important role in the implementation of sustainable options. However, there has been no research that examines the effect of adopting Green Supply Chain Management on the competitiveness of Kenya’s food manufacturing ...

Effects Of Profit Warnings Announcement On Performance Of Stocks In The Nairobi Securities Exchange

ABSTRACT This study examined share returns following unexpected corporate announcements that are described as profit warnings. The study tested whether there are abnormal returns on share prices after the announcement of profit warnings. The report is based on the 56 companies quoted on the Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE) and samples drawn from companies that have issued profit warnings. The research design used was the event study which assessed the impact of an event on the value of a fi...

Leadership And Organisational Performance (A Case Study Of State Primary Education Board, Kogi State)

Abstract The Study Is An Empirical Attempt At Discussing The Problems Implicit In The Concept Of Leadership And Its Operations In Human Organizations. There Is No Organization That Can Survive For A Long Time Without Proper Leadership And Management. Leadership Is, Therefore, So Pivotal In Organizational Discourse That Most Scholars Have Come To An Agreement That The Quality Of Leadership Determines The Quality Of Organizational Performance. However, Leadership In Most Organizations Are Usua...

Effect Of Electronic Financial Services On Operating Costs In Universities In Kenya (A Survey Of Universities In Mt. Kenya Region, Kenya)

ABSTRACT This study sought to analyze the effect of electronic financial services on operating costs in universities in Mount Kenya region. The study was guided by four specific objectives; to establish how on-line banking services affects operating costs; to determine whether on-line inter-departmental financial communications affects operating costs; to investigate the effect of electronic financial documentation on operating costs and to determine the effect of e-financial statements on o...

Institutional And Socio-Economic Factors Influencing Adoption Of Conservation Agriculture With Trees In Karatu And Mwanga Districts, Tanzania

ABSTRACT A study was carried out to assess institutional and socio-economic factors influencing adoption of Conservation Agriculture with Trees (CAWT) in Karatu and Mwanga districts in Tanzania. Ten (10) villages practicing CAWT were purposively sampled 5 from each district and a total of 100 respondents were randomly selected for household survey from village register. In addition Focus Group Discussions in PRA and desk reviewing of major policies related to CAWT were employed. Logistic reg...

Human Resource (HR) Factors And Performance Of Nurses In Government Hospitals In Kenya

ABSTRACT Nurses are the principal caregivers to patients in any hospital. They help identify patients’ actual or potential health care problems in order to deliver specific nursing interventions. This research was done to investigate, identify and create awareness on the HR factors that influence performance outcome of nurses in Government hospitals in Kenya. This study examined the influence of Work environment and tools, Remuneration and Workload stress on performance outcome of nurses. ...

Empirical Analysis Of Macroeconomic Instability And Foreign Direct Investment Inflow In Nigeria

ABSTRACT Most economic rationale for granting special incentives for attracting Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is based on the belief that FDI bridges the ‘idea gaps’ between rich and the poor nations in addition to the generation of technological transfers and spillovers. This study seeks to carry out an empirical investigation of the impact of macroeconomic instability on FDI inflow in Nigeria covering the period 1970 to 2013. The linear regression analysis was applied and it wa...

Factors Inluencing Retirement Planning And Saving Of Women In Selected Private Secondary And Primary Schools In Nyeri County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Failure to save for retirement can result in hardships not only for the individual but for society as well. While teachers in public school have a pension scheme under the Teachers Service Commission their counterparts in private schools do not enjoy such a benefit and have to plan for their own retirement. The purpose of this study was to examine the factors influencing planning and savings for retirement amongst women from selected private schools in Nyeri County. Specifically, th...

Role Of Ethical Practice Reinforcement Strategies On Financial Performance Of Rural Saccos In Nyeri County Kenya

The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of ethical practice reinforcement strategies on financial performance of rural SACCOs operating in Nyeri County. The study was guided by four objectives: to explore the role of personal behavior practice strategies in determining the financial performance of Rural SACCOs in Nyeri County, to examine the effect of organizational culture strategies in determining the financial performance of Rural SACCOs in Nyeri County, to investigate the ro...

Family Business Characteristics And Performance Of Small To Medium Sized Family Owned Manufacturing Enterprises In Kenya.

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between family business characteristics and firm performance. The specific objectives guiding the study were to investigate family involvement in the business, family business governance practices, entrepreneurial orientation, family business decision making and family business succession practices and their influence on firm performance. The study used descriptive survey design. The target population was 146 businesses regis...

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