ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to establish the relationship between earnings announcements and stock prices at the Nairobi Securities Exchange. The specific objectives of the study were to determine the effect of interim earnings announcements on stock prices at the Nairobi Securities Exchange, to determine the effect of annual earnings announcements on stock prices at the Nairobi Securities Exchange and to determine the relationship between the interim and annual earnings announceme...
ABSTRACT Revenue management is one of the most important functions of governments, but is one of the least written about subjects in the field of public financial management. Good internal controls will help align the performance of the organization with the overall objectives through continuous monitoring of the performance and activities carried out by the organizations. According to a report from the office of the auditor general, Nyeri County experienced several challenges in revenue man...
The high failure rate in strategy implementation points to the fact that strategy implementation is not an easy task, and strategic leadership is one of the key drivers of strategy implementation. The banking sector in Kenya has over the past decade performed well, a feat attributable partly to effective regulation and partly to effective strategy implementation in the banks. The study aimed at investigating the influence of strategic leadership on the effective implementation of strate...
ABSTRACT Environment degradation, loss of grazing lands, high grazing intensities and drought in northern regions of Tanzania, led to massive migration of pastoralists and livestock to more resourced areas in the south. This has brought different ethnic groups into same ecological ranges there by increasing environmental degradation and resource use conflict. Kilombero valley is one area which received many pastoralists now days with highest conflict incidents reported. The objectives of th...
ABSTRACT Strategy implementation is an on-going, never-ending, integrated process requiring continuous reassessment and reformation. Strategic management is dynamic, it involves a complex pattern of actions and reactions. It is partially planned and partially unplanned. Particularly, strategy implementation includes designing the organization's structure, allocating resources, developing information and decision process, and managing human resources, including such areas as the reward system,...
ABSTRACT Dividend payout policy for commercial banks differ as each company decides on what, how and when to pay dividend to its shareholders. Some banks pay higher and other pay less dividend despite the fact that they operate under same business environment. The questions how do the commercial banks set their dividend and why do banks pay dividend, impose the problem in dividend payout in Kenyan context. These reveal that there is no unified picture regarding dividend payout policy and the...
Abstract Low output growth in Nigeria have been attributed to a number of factors such as poor technology, demographic factors, social conditions, poor macroeconomic policies, insufftcient infiastructural facilities and high dependence on primary products. What however, attracts lesser attention is the interface between output growth and macroeconomic fluctuations. It is not only that output growth is low but it fluctuates beyond the expectations of different macroeconomic analysts. There ha...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of debt restructuring strategies on the level of non-performing loans in microfinance institutions in Nairobi County. Specifically, the study sought to establish the effect of debt rescheduling, interest rate reduction and haircuts on the level of non-performing loans in MFIs in Nairobi County. Explanatory research design was adopted with the population of study comprising of all 57 MFIs in Nairobi County under umbrella body AM...
ABSTRACT Although the insurance firms in Kenya are vital for economic and the wealth creation, forming an integral part of the country ‘s financial sector, survival of this crucial industry is highly threatened as evidenced by collapse of numerous firms and many more being liquidated. The consequence of the industry’s collapse on the economy would be devastating. The challenges facing the insurance firms significant threatening its survival are associated with poor employee performance. ...
ABSTRACT Globally marital unions are constantly facing myriads of challenges putting relationships in a crisis mode. The study was to explore factors influencing marital stability among elderly couples aged over 55 years in Westlands Sub-county of Nairobi. This study used the following study objectives; To explain the extent to which factors in the management of conflict influence marital stability among elderly couples in Westlands sub-county, Nairobi, Kenya, To describe the factors of quali...
ABSTRACT The study of motivation in an organization enhances the degree to which it results in productivity. Since it plays a vital role in the life of any organization and remained a central issue in any organization (private and public sector) committed to the attainment of specific set goals and objectives. This is why organizations spend huge amount of financial resources in their effort to identify conditions that leads to employee motivation and also make available to employee such mot...
ABSTRACT The Universal Basic Education (UBE) as an educational policy in Nigeria was launched in 1999 to replace the Universal Primary Education (UPE) in order to tackle the relevant areas for the Nigerian child which were not taken care of in the other policies. The rationale for the UBE as contained in the blue print on UBE policy in Nigeria are; to develop in the entire citizenry, a strong conscientiousness for education and a strong commitment to its vigorous promotion, provision of free...
ABSTRACT Non-standard working arrangements in Nigeria labour system is becoming an issue of concern. One of such arrangements is the Human resources outsourcing which is gaining so much ground in Nigeria commercial banks. This is a contemporary issue, which if not tackled on time would lead to degradation of work and lack of dignity of labour. The study was on Human resources Outsourcing and its effect on workers: A study of commercial banks in Nigeria (2009 – 2015). This was with a view t...
ABSTRACT This study was done to assess and document the adoption status of Agroforestry systems and technologies in Kasulu District, Kigoma Region, Tanzania. Specifically, the study determined the current status of Agroforestry adoption by the communities in the district, identified agroforestry systems and technologies practiced, determined the factors influencing the adoption of agroforestry and the measures that would be required to improve its adoption in the district. Data collection me...
ABSTRACT This study analyzed the Sclerocarya birrea products value chain. In this study, 90 respondents were drawn from Kilosa district and 68 from Uyui district: 60 being processing group members and 8 collectors. Data were collected through focus group discussions, key informant interviews and household surveys by use of semistructured questionnaires and interview schedules. The Sub- sector mapping analysis revealed that S. birrea products value chain comprised of collectors, processors an...