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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

A Test Of Asset-Pricing Models In The Nairobi Securities Exchange

ABSTRACT The CAPM has for a long time been used to explain the expected return on stocks. However, the discoveries of market anomalies such as the Size, Book-to-Market and the Momentum effects, have greatly undermined the CAPM’s ability to explain the expected returns on stocks. These anomalies prompted Fama and French (1993) and Carhart (1997) to propound asset pricing models that captured the effects of these anomalies in them. This study sought to test whether the CAPM, Fama and French ...

Determinants Of Balance Of Payments Disequilibrium In Nigeria

ABSTRACT This study investigates the macroeconomic determinants of Balance of Payments dynamics in Nigeria between 1970-2011, using econometric method of cointegration and Error correction mechanism. It found that Balance of Payments cointegrated with all the identified explanatory variables, suggesting that Balance of Payments disequilibrium in Nigeria could be caused by naira/dollar nominal exchange rate, interest rate differential, external debt growth and Government spending. Again the d...

Influence Of Strategy Implementation On Organizational Effectiveness Of Non-Governmental Organizations In Kenya

The purpose of the study was to analyze the influence of strategy implementation on organizational effectiveness in non-governmental organizations in Kenya. This research rests on six research questions stated as follows: What is the influence of leadership style on the organizational effectiveness of NGOs in Kenya? What is the influence of organizational structure on the organizational effectiveness of NGOs in Kenya? What is the influence of organizational resources on the organizational eff...

The Applicability Of Textual Disclosures And Selected Bankruptcy Prediction Models In Assessing The Going Concern Risk Of Listed Firms In Kenya

ABSTRACT Going concern risk disclosures by companies in financial reports as required by the IFRS helps investors and financial analysts to establish if going concern is in jeopardy. The management complies with IFRS but still companied end up being delisted due to going concern issues. This study was guided by three objectives: to establish if there are textual disclosures on going concern risk by listed firms in Kenya, to determine the extent of prediction of going concern risk using the se...

Comprehension Of External Environment, Decision Making, Strategy Implementation And Performance Of Micro, Small And Medium Enterprises In Kinshasa - Dr Congo

ABSTRACT The ability of managers to comprehend the environment in which they operate and make decisions about strategy implementation which in turn affects performance of organisations is scarcely documented in empirical studies. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between comprehension of external environment, decisionmaking, strategy implementation and performance of micro, small and medium enterprises in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo. This study tested the ...

Structural Adjustment in Nigeria and Ghana: A Relative Efficiency Analysis

Abstract Background of the Study: At the inception of SAP it was clearly stated that " the objective of Government is to evolve a realistic and sustainable market determined exchange rate for the Naira, so as to reduce the demand for foreign exchange to available supply and to reduce the pressure on the balance of payments" (CBN Annual R'eport 1986, Obadan 1993~377) " --- The package of adjustment measures adopted from 1986 placed a heavy burden on monetary policy for containing domestic and ...

Performance Measurement, Growth And Structure Of East Africa Commercial Banks

ABSTRACT The objective of the study was to contrast bank performance measures and propose a single measure of performance for commercial banks in the East African Community (EAC) region. The study is in two major parts and addressed four main objectives. The first part analysed the various performance measures that have been applied by banks which include Return on Equity (RoE), Return on Assets (RoA), Net Interest Margin (NIM), Profit Margin (PM), efficiency, effectiveness and explored the ...

Factors Influencing Divorce: A Case Of Mwiteria Circuit In Imenti North- Meru County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Divorce is unexpected experience among married men and women that cut short their life dreams against the divine intended purpose for marriage and family as a unit. The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors influencing divorce among Christian couples in MCK Mwiteria Circuit. Specifically, the study sought to establish the influence of infidelity on divorce among couples in MCK Mwiteria Circuit, to evaluate the influence of domestic violence on divorce among couples in...

Macroeconomic Variables Volatility and Economic Growth in Nigeria (1970 - 2005)

Abstract Low output growth in Nigeria have been attributed to a riumber offacto~ssu ch as poor technology, demographic factors, social conditions, poor macroeccwomic policies, insufficient infrastructural facilities and high dependence on primary products What however, attracts lesser attention is the interface between output growth and macroeconomic fluctuations. It is not only that output ~rowth is low but it fluctuates beyond the expectations of different macroeconomic analysts There have...

An Evaluation Of The Contribution Of Income Generating Units In Financing Public Universities: A Case Of Egerton University And Former Constituent Colleges

ABSTRACT Income generating Units have been in operation in the public Universities since their inception in 1990s. Their establishment was meant to cushion the Universities from the effects of the reduction of Government capitation to finance their recurrent and capital expenditure. The Government of Kenya was the sole financier of higher education until 1991 when it became unable to fully finance this education. To find a way out of this fiscal distress, Public Universities were called upon...

Impact Of Cross Border Listing On Share Liquidity: A Case Study Of Nse Listed Firms Cross Listing In Other Eac Security Exchanges

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of cross listing on share liquidity for cross listed firms within East Africa with emphasis on the domestic market which is the Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE). A census study was carried out for all the firms that cross listed in the East African Community (EAC) in the last five years and included, Kenya Commercial Bank, Equity Bank, Nation Media Group and Centum Investments. Traded volume and turnover were used as measures of li...

Determinants Of Patients’ Choice Of Healthcare Facilities In The Private Sector In Kenya: Optimizing Hospital Strategic Positioning

Strategic positioning is about how a company positions itself to create value different from that of competition. Therefore, strategic positioning is defined as a firm’s relative position in the industry. It must lead to one of two outcomes – lower cost or higher premium. Higher premium can be charged when there is unique focus on either a product/ service or the unique needs of a few exclusive customers (niche market). Lower cost on the other hand implies a high production efficiency. On...

Influence Of Human Resource Practices On Workplace Diversity Among State Corporations In Mombasa County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The study was aimed to analyze the influence of human resource practices on diversity among state corporations in Mombasa County. Specific objectives were; to determine the influence of recruitment and selection on diversity among state corporations in Mombasa county, to analyze the influence of training and development on diversity among state corporations in Mombasa county, to investigate the influence of compensation on diversity among state corporations in Mombasa county and fin...

Millennium Development Goals (Mdgs) And Poverty Reduction In Anambra State, Nigeria, 2006-2015.

Abstract This study has critically examined the Millennium Development Goals and poverty reduction in Anambra State, Nigeria. Specifically, the study examined how lack of good governance in the management of Millennium Development Goals funds undermined poverty reduction in Anambra State, and how the state implementation of neo-liberal economic policies impeded the programme of poverty reduction in the State. Literature reviewed are deficient in explaining the link between lack of good gover...

Influence Of Porter’s Five Forces On The Competitiveness Of Small And Medium-Sized Hardware Businesses In Imenti South Sub-County, Meru County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Kenya aims to create internationally competitive and prosperous country’s economy by supporting industrialization under the economic pillar as spelt out in vision 2030. Small and medium hardware enterprises play a critical role in this endeavor. However, the competitiveness in small enterprises hardware shops in Imenti South sub-county has continued to intensify to an extent of threatening their growth. This curtails the creation of a stable employment and can be a deterrent to af...

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