Social & Management Sciences

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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Work-Family Interactions: Exepriences Of Underground Mine Workers At Unki In Shurugwi

ABSTRACT  The study explored the lived experiences of underground mine workers at Unki in Shurugwi special attention being on their work-family interaction. The developing portrayal of double worker families, single-parent families and families with senior care obligations, the overflow of women into non-conventional occupations and employments and the expanded association of men in the family area are quite recently a contributing factor of the progressions that have affected family structu...

The Effect Of Corporate Culture On Performance Of Public Water Companies And Sewerage In Makueni And Machakos Counties, Kenya

ABSTRACT This study sought to understand the effects of corporate culture on performance ofwater and sewerage companies in southeastern Kenya . It specifically focused on four water and sewerage companies in Machakos and Makueni Counties namely: Machakos Water and Sewerage, Mavoko Water and sewerage Company, Makindu-Kibwezi Water and Sewerage Company and Wote Water and Sewerage Company . The specific objectives were to analyze the effect of employee involvement, norms and values and organizat...

Investigating The Effect of Billboard Advertising on Company Performance. A case of Sable Press Private Limited.

ABSTRACT The billboard as a medium of advertising has caught up well with advertisers in Zimbabwe and the general public as well. Its main aim is to communicate with road users, pedestrians and drivers. It also aims at reminding customers about a product, attract attention and make them more aware of a product leading to increased purchases. The research was carried out as an investigation on the effect of billboard advertising on company performance focusing more on sales, market share and ...

Effect Of Activity Based Budgeting On Resource Based Performance In Universities In Western Kenya

ABSTRACT Resource Based Performance (RBP) is an innovative construct of an organisation, encompassing strategy, formal structure, and customer to supplier relationships; including innovation and technological capabilities; on which performance is tested. Firm success is not necessarily associated with market power or industry structure, but rather the result of innovation and new technologies which are critical in influencing the dynamics of external environment and competition. In essence, t...

The Contribution of Irrigation Agriculture to Food Security in Drought Prone Areas. The Case of Chikomba District, Zimbabwe.

Abstract  This study seeks to evaluate the contribution of irrigation farming to food security in Zimbabwe with particular attention to Chikomba district. A mixed methodology that includes both qualitative and quantitative methods was used in the collection of data. Questionnaires, interviews and direct field observations were used as data collection tools. This study identified the crops grown in the irrigation schemes, it also determines the level of productivity and an evaluation on the c...

Effect Of Supply Chain Management Practices On The Performance Of Supermarkets In Luanda Town, Kenya

ABSTRACT The growth of supermarkets in Luanda town has not come without any challenges. While most retail outlets tend to cherish competition and encourage growth, it is surprising that two third of these firms drop out of the growth curve of the product lifecycle this is according to Vihiga county government in the ministry of trade which stated that in the past years the growth in retail outlets presence dropped by 25% citing reasons among them insufficient attention to SCM practices. Previ...

An Investigation on The Effectiveness of Cost Control Techniques on Operational Performance. A Case Study of Interfresh ltd (Mazoe Citrus Estate)

ABSTRACT  The researcher aimed at investigating on the effectiveness of cost control techniques on operational performance at Interfresh ltd (Mazoe Citrus Estate). The company has been associated with high repair and maintenance costs, wastage and spoilage cost, labour cost without a proportional increase in revenue and negative significant variance which arose time and again within the department thereby decreasing operational performance. This pointed out that cost control techniques emplo...

Effect Of Strategic Leadership And Strategy Implementation On The Growth Of The Real Estate Industry In Kisumu County.

ABSTRACT Strategic leadership has been recognized as a major driver of effective and efficient strategy implementation for a long period of time. Strategic leadership can be defined as the ability to influence a group or members of a team towards goals achievement hence successful strategy implementation will highly depend upon the leadership skills of organizing, culture building and working through others, establishing strategic controls, motivating, creating strong fits between strategy an...

Water Productivity And The Relative Effects Of Salinity On Crop Yields For A Surface Irrigation Scheme – A Case Of Insukamini Irrigation Scheme

Abstract  Increasing water productivity is generally explained as either produce similar yield using less water or obtaining more crop yields using the same water resources. Water is becoming scarce due increase in population as well as competition with other non-agricultural demands. At Insukamini Surface Irrigation Scheme, farmers over apply water volumes with the idea that they can increase their yield. However, the Scheme has been facing challenges of yield decline from 2009 to 2014. Thi...

Effect Of Capital Gains Tax On Performance Of Real Estate Businesses In Mavoko Municipality, Machakos County

ABSTRACT The current study sought to establish the effect of capital gains tax on performance of real estate businesses in Mavoko Municipality, Machakos County. Capital gains tax was first introduced in Kenya in the year 1975 but suspended later in 1985 with an objective of spurring investment in real estate as well as in the securities market. The real estate property market has been booming since its suspension in 1985. However, after nearly 30 years of suspension by the Kenyan Parliament, ...

Impact Of Working Conditions On Job Satisfaction: The Case Of Employees In Zimbabwean Mission Hospitals

Abstract The study sought to determine the relationship between working conditions on job satisfaction in mission hospitals. The research was influenced by a number of hitches, the first one being the researcher’s past experience in the deterioration and poor health service delivery in the health sector in Zimbabwe. Secondly, the need to investigate on the human resource management issues leading to high attrition rate in the health sector. It was realized that there is lack of understandi...

The Effectiveness of Brand Equity on Creating Customer Loyalty. A Case of Sign Graphics Private Limited Company,Harare.

Abstract It is imperative to acknowledge that brand equity is an inseparable part of marketing and essential to the companies to create core-competencies and build strong brand experience that will impact the consumer decision making process and foster customer loyalty, Aaker (2011). This study involves assessing the effectiveness of brand equity on creating customer loyalty at Sign Graphics Private limited, Harare. The study aimed at investigating the relationship between brand familiarity ...

The Impact Of Taxation On Investment And Development In Developing Countries; A Case Of Zimbabwe

ABSTRACT The study critically analysed the impact of taxation on investment and development. Desk research was employed with data being sourced from books, publications and the internet. The study was aimed at examining the impact of taxation on investment in Zimbabwe; to determine whether the extent of cross sectional allocation of resources through tax revenue has impacted on the level of development in Zimbabwe and to establish measures that can be adopted for taxation to be an aid of eco...

An Assessment Of Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives In Tanzania: Evidence From Selected Companies In Dodoma City

ABSTRACT  This study assessed the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives offered by companies in Dodoma City. Three telecommunication companies were selected, namely Vodacom Tanzania, Tigo Tanzania, and Airtel Tanzania. The objectives of the study were to determine the initiatives offered by these companies as part of their CSR, to find out reasons for the companies to perform these initiatives, and to determine the relative importance of these initiatives based on the opinions of...

Effectiveness Of Employee Selection In Political Organization

ABSTRACT  This study aimed at assessing the effectiveness of employee selection in Political Organization A case of Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) with the view of developing strategies to improve it, and in turn to increase the productivity in the organization and political organization in general.  The target population for this study were employees and management of Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) in the headquarter in Dodoma, who represents the entire research population. From this population a sa...

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