ABSTRACT The study analyzed Effectiveness of Administrative Decentralization to Local Government Authorities in Tanzania, using Bukoba Municipality as a study area. Therefore, the focus of this study is to establish whether the idea of Administrative Decentralization is a better option for government to take in its endeavors to improve social services and to promote social welfare of all citizens. A sample of 56 respondents was used and these were haphazardly obtained from Bukoba Munici...
ABSTRACT The study examines the contribution of government to the sustainability of inclusive education in Zanzibar. Specifically the study assess the government supervision on inclusive education, identify the appropriate instructional materials of teaching and learning to the inclusive education and to examine the challenge(s) facing in teaching and learning environment in inclusive educational at Urban District in Zanzibar. Both primary and secondary data were used during the study where...
ABSTRACT This study sought to investigate the challenges facing women’s political participation and representation in Tanzania. The study had three specific objectives: (i) to document the current efforts to empower women politically in Tanzania, (ii) to analyse the barriers to women’s political participation and representation in Tanzania and (iii) to suggest remedial measures to strengthen women’s political participation and representation in Tanzania. Methodologically, the study em...
ABSTRACT This study aimed to examine community participation in the decentralized management of water projects in Tanzania, in order to improve citizen participation in rural water projects and make those projects community owned and sustainable. Specifically this study focused on examining the nature and influence of local people participation in rural water projects at Chimala ward; assessing the approach and means of involving citizen in decision making and examining factors enhancing an...
ABSTRACT This study examined the interface between public agencies and customer satisfaction. It specifically examined the attitude of customers toward services provided by CDA, it evaluated the challenges on the quality for services provided by CDA and scrutinized the way to enhance services delivery to customers served by CDA. Descriptive cross-sectional design was employed and questionnaire and structured interview were data collection instruments used for the study, both sampling proced...
ABSTRACT Kenya has been slow in adjusting to the external hospitality environment and adopting competitive marketing strategies as evidenced by the higher growth of tourism in competitor countries. Marketing models such as the four P’s which were developed for monopolies within the manufacturing industries of developed countries and overlook modern consumer trends such as guests’ experiences are however being used by hotels in Kenya which operate in a monopolistic and perfectly competitiv...
ABSTRACT Globally, there exist bursary schemes that are in place to enhance access and equity in the provision of education to the disadvantaged. In Kenya, there have been bursary schemes that enhances access and equity in the provision of secondary school education. With Siaya County’s 16% of the population having secondary school education, below the neighbouring Kisumu county’s 25%, Vihiga county’s 20% and Kakamega county’s 19%, coupled with inequity in bursary distribution, the Co...
ABSTRACT Although law makes it mandatory for businesses registered for VAT to issue tax invoices and/or cash sale receipts which must be ETR generated or supported by ETR receipts, the Treasury’s budget policy statement (2019) reports that KRA collected to Kshs 633.7 billion in the first half of the FY 2017/18, which was equivalent to 6.3 percent of GDP, against a target of Kshs 677 billion indicating a shortfall which may be attributed to poor business performance precipitating to low upta...
ABSTRACT Faith Based Organizations (FBOs) are facing a dynamic changing environment impacting on their ability continue to offering services to the community. It therefore calls for these organizations to be managed more strategically and effectively to endure attracting the donor community who support their programs. Faith based Organizations, just like other public and private organizations have adopted strategic management. Despite the application of strategic management in organizations, ...
ABSTRACT The Savings and Credit Cooperatives sub-sector is a key player in the provision of financial services to Kenyans. Over the years, the Sacco‟s have expanded significantly and currently even offer Front office Savings (FOSA). This rapid growth has not been devoid of SACCOs facing such challenges as illiquidity, capital inadequacy, poor credit management, losses, reduced profitability; loss of members to banks and low confidence among members. SACCO prudential practices aim at curing ...
Abstract This research seeks to investigate the influence of tax knowledge on tax influence using Zimtile (Pvt) Ltd as a case study. Some researchers were of the view that tax knowledge has a significant positive influence on the tax compliance level of a company. However, others argued that there is a negative association between tax knowledge and tax compliance. Zimtile (Pvt) Limited failed to obtain a tax clearance certificate on time during the period between from 2014-2016. Therefore t...
Abstract The study highlights the growing dependence on entrepreneurship in the form of the informal sector and its sustainability as a substitute to the formal sector. In Zimbabwe’s current economic situation formal employment has become a luxury with most of society turning to the informal sector for survival. Programs by both government and NGOs have been established to train people to be entrepreneurs as a substitute for formal employment. As a sample, the study is focused on the Epwo...
ABSTRACT This research sought to investigate the impact of Kurera/Ukondla youth fund on youth empowerment in Warren Park. The researcher further explored how the government and other youth based institutions can assist youths to reach their full potentialities. The researcher has deliberated on the role of the government in meeting the needs of the youths in Warren Park and in Zimbabwe at large. Youths face different problems in Zimbabwe such as unemployment, underemployment, lack of access ...
ABSTRACT The increase in the number of refugees in Zimbabwe has seen many even the national assembly claiming that this is why there are cases of crimes, human trafficking, budget deficit and other socio-economic and political threats. The research was influenced by a high rise in influx of refugees into Zimbabwe who are migrating from war torn region the African Great Lakes Region (AGLR) in particular the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Refugees are viewed as a security threat in differ...
ABSTRACT The study examined the relationship between Human Resource Management Practices and employee attitudes among employees at Tobacco Research Board. 210 participants took part in the study which comprised of 120 males and 90 females and stratified random sampling. Participants’ age ranged from 23 – 59 years. Participants also had different levels of education and different working years in the organization. Correlation coefficient indicated that there was a high positive relations...