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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Role Of Church's In The Rehabilitation Of Orphans And Vulnerable Children: Case Study Zaoga Child Evangelism Ministry

ABSTRACT  The purpose of this research was to identify the role been played by ZAOGA FIF CEM in the rehabilitation of orphans and vulnerable children through the provision of their needs, the protection of their rights as well as the promotion of OVC participation in entrepreneual activities. Socio-eco-political, psychological, environmental and physical vulnerabilities of children have led to their exploitation and infringement of children‘s rights and have costed the nation by reversal o...

Effect Of Small And Medium Enterprises Challenges On Access To Commercial Bank Credit In Seme Sub-County Kenya

ABSTRACT Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) sector has continued to play an important role in the economy both globally and regionally. The Kenyan government has therefore encouraged the commercial banks to provide credit facilities to this important sector of economy. However, reports have indicated that there is low accessibility of credit facilities among the SMEs from the commercial banks. This study therefore sought to determine the effect of small and medium enterprises challenges on a...

Impact Of Budgeting And Budgetary Control On Financial Performance Of Statutory Bodies: A Case Of Upper Manyame Sub Catchment Council

ABSTRACT This study sought to investigate the impacts of budgeting and budgetary controls on the financial performance of Upper Manyame Sub Catchment Council (UMSCC) a statutory body in Zimbabwe. The specific objectives of the study were to analyse the budgeting and budgetary control techniques adopted at UMSCC, investigate the impact of budgeting system on the revenue of UMSCC, and to assess the impact budgetary control techniques have on the overall costs of UMSCC. The research was complet...

An Investigation Of The Safety, Health And Environment (She) Cost Structures A Case Of Windmill Pvt Ltd

ABSTRACT This project aimed at investigating the safety, health and environmental (SHE) cost structures at Windmill Pvt Ltd. The problem of increased SHE costs at Windmill Ltd was the main thrust which prompted the need for the research. The research was done using both primary and secondary data sources, using the questionnaires and interviews as the research instruments. The questionnaires used for gathering data were administered by the researcher, achieving a total response rate of to 90...

Influence Of Financial Sustainability Factors On Growth Of Non-Governmental Organizations In Kenya

ABSTRACT Kenya has experienced enormous growth in establishment of NGOs, with more than 100% increase between 1977 and 1987, striking over 23,000 by 1997 and 47,000 by 2016; thereby attracting increased foreign and local funding especially from 2006; reflecting renewed donor confidence in the government’s resolve for proper management of the economy. Despite the phenomenal establishment of sustainability drivers; being income generating capacity, income source diversity, financial planning ...

:An investigation on the risks of a partially computerised accounting lnformation systems: the case of united college of education.

ABSTRACT United College of Education has been using a partially computerised Accounting Information System since its inception in 1968.The risks, as well as the weaknesses of this system, have prompted this investigation. This research investigated the risks of partially computerised AIS, identified the strengths and weaknesses of the system, effects of the partially computerised AIS on data quality and quality of decisions made at United College of Education.A census was conducted to all re...

The Effects of Grey Importation of Vehicles on the Performance of Franchised Dealers: A Case of puzey and payne.

ABSTRACT The study is titled “The effects of the grey importation of vehicles on the performance of franchised new car dealers: A case of Puzey and Payne”. The main objective of the research was to establish the effects of the grey importation of vehicles on the profitability of franchised new car dealers. The research also sought to analyze the effects of grey imports on the sales of new vehicles by franchised dealers. The literature reviewed include Duhan and Sheffet (1988) views on th...

Assessing and explaining the female condom uptake in chikomba district.

ABSRACT  HIV /AIDS has been a major problem in Zimbabwe and mostly affecting women such that of the infected people in Sub Saharan Africa women constituted 60% . This growing evidence led to the introduction of the female condom in 1997. In Chikomba district despite the introduction of the female condom its uptake is significantly low. The theory of planned behaviour and the Health belief model guided through understanding the findings of the research. The study was largely qualitative and w...

The impacts of child marriages on young girls. Case study of mutasa district.

Abstract Despite international agreements and national laws, marriage of girls below 18 years of age is common worldwide and affects millions. Child marriage, defined as marriage of a child below 18 years of age is an ancient worldwide custom. Other terms applied to child marriage include "early marriage" and "child brides." Child marriage is a human rights violation that prevents girls from obtaining an education, enjoying optimal health, bonding with others their own age, maturing, and ult...

An Evaluation Of The Management Of Customer Experiences By Zimbabwean Commercial Banks

ABSTRACT The research investigates the management of customer experience by Zimbabwean commercial banks. The Zimbabwean banking sector has witnessed significant changes characterized by rebranding of some banks, increased stiff competition, and the uneven shaky playing field/unstable environment. Most of the products being offered by the banks have become standardised therefore banks are being forced to orient their strategies towards customers instead of products making customer experiences...

An Investigation Into The Recurrence of Audit Observations in The Ministry of Home Affairs 2010 to 2013 Financial Years.

ABSTRACT  The research was prompted by the recurrence of audit observations in the Ministry of Home Affairs between 2010 to 2013 final years. The objectives of the study were to find out challenges in complying with audit reports. The researcher reviewed what different scholars say about audit recurrences. The research used a sample size of thirty people from a population of forty employees. A non-probability method was used to sample data. Questionnaires and interviews were used to collect ...

Women’s Participation in Local Politics in Zimbabwe. The Case of Chiwundura of Midlands Province, 2000-2018.

ABSTRACT The study is a qualitative exposition of women participation in local politics in Zimbabwe. The study examines the efforts made to promote the participation of women in local politics in Chiwundura, the status of women and the challenges that militate against women participation. The case for the study is Chiwundura a rural area in the Midlands Province. The study covers the period 2000-2018. Qualitative data collection methods which include interviews and questionnaires were used. ...

An Assessment of the Level of Women’s Participation in SMEs Management in Urban Zimbabwe: A Focus on Harare 2012 to 2017

ABSTRACT  The purpose of the study was to assess the level of women’s participation in SMEs management in Harare, Zimbabwe. The study used mixed research design in which both qualitative and quantitative approaches were employed. The study area was conveniently based on the geographical location, and in each location, businesses with women or owned by women were purposively sampled as the research demanded. The sample was made up of 184 women entrepreneurs in Harare. Individual factors hav...

An Investigation On The Role Played By The Internal Audit Function On The Survival Of Banks In The Zimbabwean Banking Sector, A Case Study Of Zb Financial Holdings

ABSTRACT This study focused on the role of Risk Based Internal Audit (RBIA) approach on assurance of enterprise wide risk management to ensure survival of banks in Zimbabwe a case study of ZBFHL. This enabled an investigation of the impact of Risk Based Internal Audit Approach on assurances of enterprise risk management to guarantee survival of banks in Zimbabwe. The research adopted a mixed research approach which used both qualitative and quantitative research with a view of getting inform...

The Relationship Between Public External Debt and Private Investment in Zimbabwe (1980-2016)

ABSTRACT Progressive public indebtedness in Zimbabwe particularly in the form of foreign financing has culminated into debt distress in the nation. The country has accumulated stocks of unpaid public foreign debts over the years and as a consequence debt burden began to develop in the nation. Apparently such accumulation of external debt stocks is posited to lead to debt overhang and determent of private investment. As such this research study examined the relationship between public externa...

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