ABSTRACT The intent of this research was to expose the challenges which growth points have faced in the promotion of rural development, a case study of Magunje Growth Point in Mashonaland West Province. A sample of 40 people was selected as respondents. Semi- structured questionnaires, and interviews were used to collect the information from the respondents. The research results were based on the data captured in the questionnaires and from the qualitative face to face interviews. Growth poi...
ABSTRACT The research was meant to assess the effects of product positioning on company performance. A case study of Grain Marketing Board Zimbabwe was used. The objectives of this study were to assess consumers brand association of the Silo products, to evaluate the impact of Silo brand communication on brand awareness and to assess if Silo brand identity matches consumer perceptions. Literature gaps were identified on the areas like the match between brand identity and consumer perceptions...
Abstract The main purpose of this research was to explore the effects of SA rand devaluation on the welfare of families in Chiredzi urban district that depend on remittances send to them by those in SA diaspora. It is clear that diaspora remittances have been a source of livelihood for a lot of Zimbabweans since the decline of the local industry have resulted in people looking for other opportunities elsewhere outside the country. In Chiredzi urban there is a lot of informal activities makin...
ABSTRACT Research has proven that financial literacy improves the knowledge, attitude towards and uptake of financial products and services. It is in this context that this research assessed the level of financial literacy amongst commercial bank clients in Zimbabwe. Moreover, given the failure in the past by the Zimbabwean banking sector to perform its role effectively due to issues such as bank failures, operational failures and the provision of expensive inappropriate products, the resear...
Abstract The researcher was motivated by the way school heads administered inclusive education in primary schools. As a specialist teacher, the researcher had noted with concern how school heads administered inclusive education in various schools she had taught in. This compelled the researcher to come up with the topic: “Challenges faced by school heads in the administration of inclusive education in primary schools in the Southern Stars Cluster of Bulawayo Central District”. The study...
Abstract The study sought to evaluate the impact of periodically engaging forensic auditors to verify related party transactions in Zimbabwean banks, focusing on financial institutions listed on the ZSE. The study was motivated by the prevalence of bank failures that have been experienced in Zimbabwe between 2009 and 2013, where two banks were placed under curatorship whilst three were closed. The objectives of the study were to examine the nature and extent of related party lending frauds a...
ABSTRACT With the growing level of competition in the Bakery and Confectionery Industry it is important for a company to maintain and grow its market share to gain an edge over competitors. This research aimed at evaluating the influence of direct marketing on company performance in the Bakery Sector. Companies gain competitive advantage through a more targeted marketing strategy. The major focus of this research was to establish the areas where various authorities agree or disagree then f...
ABSTRACT This study sought to investigate the effect of consumer ethnocentrism tendencies towards imports and local products in the food manufacturing industry in Zimbabwe. The research was guided by the following objectives namely: to determine the impact of demographic characteristics on cognition and affect, to examine the influence of product attributes on cognition and affect, to measure Zimbabwean ethnocentric tendencies and to investigate how the local food manufacturing industry can ...
ABSTRACT This research seeks to provide the ways of increasing revenue at Zimbabwe prison and correctional service to mitigate the funding gap and thereby improving its financial performance. The research’s explored ways or strategies available to enhance finance, alternative ways of enhancing finance and the best practices to implement strategies to enhance finance. The researcher got relevant literature from different authors and formulated research questions and objectives which gave gu...
ABSTRACT The aim of the research was to assess the effectiveness of supplier relationship management strategies on service quality. The objectives of the research were to assess the effectiveness of value creation strategy on service quality, to assess the effectiveness of supplier account management strategy on service quality and to assess the effectiveness of joint venture strategy on service quality. Relevant literature on the effectiveness of value creation strategy, supplier account m...
ABSTRACT The researcher sought to study the impact of poor classroom acoustics on student’s attention and lecturer’s teaching ability on Midlands State University. The research made use of various related researches and literature in order to appreciate the thoughts of the scholar who have targeted this area of study. The researcher also made use of two theories of attention in attempt to further his research. The researcher used a quantitative approach to research on this topic.The rese...
ABSTRACT Employee motivation has become a major concern among industrial psychologists and human resource management practitioners thereby creating a need of finding ways to motivate employees. In light of the above, the purpose of this study was to explore on the relationship between non-monetary rewards and employee motivation among employees at City of Harare. This is in a bid to address the antecedents of the observed cases of absenteeism, late completion of tasks, poor service delivery,...
Abstract The research sought to analyze the importance of private-brand products in improving company performance, a case of Tynserv Distributors (Bonita brand). The research study was carried during the period of June to September 2016. The objective of the study is to review how customers perceive the Bonita brand, the impact of sales promotion on sales of Bonita brand products as well as the impact of store image on influencing customer’s purchase decision. Literature was reviewed from ...
ABSTRACT The research seeks to bring out the psycho-social challenges that are faced by children living in the streets of Mutare. The study was anchored on the notion that children living in the streets are human beings that should enjoy their lives just like any other children. However, in Zimbabwe and other countries this is not the case as some of them are facing various psycho-social challenges such as lack of shelter, poor sanitation, substance abuse, depression, discrimination and ment...
ABSTRACT The research sought to assess the competitive strategies used by the Zimbabwean state-owned passenger road transport industry. The basis of the research is that there have been many competitive strategies adopted by state-owned road passenger transport organisations but there has not been any significant improvement in the performance of their organisations. Hence, it is with this background that the researcher saw it fit to assess the competitive strategies used by these state-owne...