ABSTRACT The aim of this research is to assess how ZCSOT has contributed to youth empowerment within Zvishavane District using Dayataya ward as reference. In particular youth empowerment was looked at from the perspective of five different capitals which are social, physical, human, financial and natural capital as provided for in the Sustainable Livelihoods Framework. The general objective was to look at how ZCSOT has promoted youth empowerment and assess failures in cases where they have n...
ABSTRACT The focus of the study was to evaluate implemented program by the government and NGOS In trying to promote children`s rights on children on the move: A focus on illegal child migrants in ward 5 Mwenezi District Zimbabwe. The research was qualitative in nature and purposive sampling was used as easiest way of sampling the research participants’ during this research .it focused on the group of people who once migrated illegal and they have got detailed information on the living expe...
ABSTRACT The research aimed at assessing the impact of budgeting process on service delivery in local authorities in Zimbabwe. Special attention was on City Council as a case study for the research, targeting year 2015 and 2016. The research objectives were centered on reviewing the budget process, assess the impact of result based budgeting on service delivery, identifying the challenges in the budget process and establish if poor service delivery can be traced to poor budgeting. The resear...
ABSTRACT The main aim of this thesis was to find out the determinants of effective and efficient land development system in Windhoek. With increased movement of population in search for better settlement and employment, more people tend to be concentrated in urban areas. This thesis identifies the dynamics of land for urban housing in Namibia with specific reference to the city of Windhoek. The thesis remarks on one hand, weaknesses in the existing institutional framework for urban planning ...
ABSTRACT The research was carried out to analyze the effectiveness of financial management in the performance of Chirumanzu Rural District Council. An investigation was incorporated as to whether the council has sufficient funds to finance its operations and also whether the council has been implementing effective financial management approaches. The research made use of related literature so as to strengthen and support the research aspects. Reliable and valid data was gathered through que...
ABSTRACT This research investigated the effectiveness of market based approach in promoting poverty alleviation from smallholder farmers in Zimbabwe. The research gathered evidence from a group of smallholder farmers in Domboshava, Zimbabwe, who are part of a market- based approach project run by SNV in order to sustain and improve the livelihoods of vulnerable and emerging rural farming households in Domboshava and thus reduce their dependence on humanitarian assistance. Literature review w...
Abstract The study seeks to investigate the compatibility of the generalisations of the investment life cycle model in Zimbabwe. In that it contrasts the economic condition of Zimbabwe with chosen benchmarks of efficient economies which are USA and RAS. A comparative study of descriptive statistics is employed in carrying out this study with ratio analysis on selected macro-economic variables including inflation and economic output measures. Data will be collected from documents published by...
ABSTRACT The research study is about inbound logistics on company performance. The researcher aimed at determining the influence of Logistics Information management on the lead time, assessment on the effects of inventory management policies on reducing stock-outs, influence of transport system should be used on product delivery and inventory costs that are incurred and affects profitability of the company. The research was carried out at Browncast steel merchant company a member of steel me...
ABSTRACT Several issues in employment and organisation of work have the potential for great impact on the personnel and industrial relations function. One of such issues for which research and adequate information is lacking in developing economies is shift work. This study presents an examination of the management of shift work in Nigeria and its implications for labour-management relations. It also attempts to reverse the trend in current literature on shift work, which focuses on mainly th...
ABSTRACT This thesis attempted an estimation of the impact of Federal government expenditures on income distribution. Using documentary, survey and case study research methods, and employing statistical methods of analyses, the study estimated the distribution of Federal government expenditures for 1971/72 and 1976/77 financial years among the regions and the distributional impacts of 1976/77 Federal government expenditures on education, health, housing, electricity and general services among...
ABSTRACT This study empirically examined the impact of foreign direct investment and financial sector development on economic growth of Nigeria. The study modified the standard endogenous growth model to incorporate the interactions of foreign direct investment and financial sector development as having complementary impact on growth. Using time series analysis from 1970-2011, the study tested for the time series property of the variables used and adopted Ordinary Least Squares (OLS), Co-int...
ABSTRACT This work investigated the effectiveness of pricing as a tool for marketing banking services in Nigeria. This has become necessary in view of the persistent altering of Nigerian banking landscape since the advent of Federal Government Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP) in 1986. Structural Adjustment programme ushered in a period of bank market liberalization that lowered the industrial entering and exit requirements, introduced deregulation in the industry and offered banking mod...
ABSTRACT The study examines the extent of application of strategic management in Nigerian tertiary health care institutions, and investigates: • top managements' understanding of different environmental factors and problems affecting their hospitals. • the extent to which differential variables (management background and experience) of the CMD contribute to organizational effectiveness • the extent to which the Board of Directors influence on the CMD has contributed to organizational ef...
ABSTRACT The existence of Nigerian trafficking syndicates in places such as Botswana, Malawi, Italy, and Spain is evidence that the phenomenon of trafficking in young women is not only transnational but has become a global scourge and in Nigeria, it has become a major social problem. Unfortunately, there exists little awareness of the ramifications and dynamism of this phenomenon in Nigeria due to the dearth of empirical date. This study set out to ascertain the socioeconomic and cultural fac...
ABSTRACT This study evaluates the effectiveness of National Provident Fund in attempting to satisfy family social needs and examines the potential area which magnify unmet needs. The first research task was to trace the evolution of Provident Funds over the past years and then conduct a sample survey to select retired persons from private and public sectors of the economy from Lagos and one other community, Benin City, with a smaller population and with a lower cost of living. Comparative stu...