ABSTRACT The conduct of periodic free and fair elections is gradually becoming the norm rather than the exception in most developing parts of the world including Africa and Ghana. Ghana’s successful conduct of seven multiparty democratic elections resulting in three alternations of power has surpassed the two-turn over test espoused by Huntington. This has also recognised the country as a democratic torchbearer on the continent. In all these elections, the role of the media has been very p...
The role of Parliament in the policy making in Ghana has been found to be limited as the institution has suffered from the unstable political environment within which it operated especially from independence in 1957 to 1992. The lack of consistency and continuity of democratic governance undermined Parliament's ability to be properly institutionalized and benefit from path dependency.
ABSTRACT Internet banking is receiving greater attention as one of the most important and popular delivery channel for banking services in the cyber age, and it has remarkably developed in the light of the advances made in the information and communication technologies over the last three decades. This study analyses the factors influencing customer perceptions on adoption of Internet banking in Namibia by focusing on the selected demographic attributes such as gender, age, qualification and ...
Abstract This study evaluated audit committees in the government ministries in Namibia by assessing their composition, function and regulations governing them. The study used the qualitative method. A purposive sampling method was used as the researcher selected ministries with audit committees. Thematic and content analysis was used in this study. The researcher used primary and secondary data. On primary data, interviews were conducted and recorded with a voice recorder. Secondary data were...
ABSTRACT The main aim of the study was to explore and study, in order to understand the lived experience of TB patients whose treatment was interrupted and those who default the TB treatment. Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by a Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacterium. The research project explored the treatment interruption and default among the TB patients in Oshakati District, Oshana Region in Namibia. A person can become infected with tuberculosis bacteria when he/she inhales pa...
Abstract This study examined the causal relationship between Private Sector Credit Extension (PSCE) and Economic growth in Namibia. The study used the quarterly data covering the period from 2000:Q1-2017:Q4. The variables employed were Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth, Private Sector Credit Extended, Broad Money Supply (M2) and lending rates. The study employed co-integration tests on different sets of variables used to examine long run relationship. Granger causality tests established the...
Abstract The research focused on analysing factors affecting financial control using the Ministry of Land Reform’s Windhoek head office as a case study. It sought to satisfy the following objectives: To investigate reasons for non-compliance with the State finance Act in the Ministry of Land Reform; To identify strategies to enhance the effectiveness of financial control in the ministry of Land Reform and; To examine ways of monitoring financial transactions within the ministry. Literature ...
ABSTRACT The objectives of this paper are to: examine whether there is a long-run relationship between financial development and economic growth in Namibia and hence determine the direction of causality as well as the implications of such results for a financial sector policy- oriented growth in the economy. In order to test for the existence of long run relationship between the variables, the study employs a cointegration and error correction modeling (ECM) technique. The study uses quarterl...
ABSTRACT The study sought to analyse the financial performance of state owned enterprises in Namibia, using TransNamib as a case study. A sample of twenty-five respondents was selected using the convenience sampling technique. This technique was used to ensure that data was collected from the right respondents at TransNamib and the Ministry of Works and Transport as the main shareholder. A mixed research method, involving the administration of questionnaires containing both open and closed-en...
ABSTRACT This research examined the impact of value added tax (VAT) on economic growth of Nigeria. The aim of this study is to examine the contributions of the VAT in the economic growth of Nigeria. Data used in this study was mainly from secondary source principally the Central Bank of Nigeria and the Bureau of Statistics. The study employed a time series date for a twenty year period 1995 – 2014. The data was analyzed using the regression statistical model. The model assisted in testing...
ABSTRACT Namibia is one of the countries in Southern Africa seriously affected by HIV/AIDS. To that end the pandemic contributed heavily to the burden of Orphans and vulnerable children in the country. The loss of a parent causes trauma and jeopardizes the future of the child. It is also observed that the death of a parent due to HIV/AIDS contribute to the rejection, isolation and exclusion by both the family members and caretakers. This study examines the living conditions and problems and c...
ABSTRACT From the literature researched in this study it was clear that micro enterprises have the potential to make a strong contribution to the economy of African countries like Zambia and others. In spite of this, it is concerning to note that they often do not progress to the next level of competence. An alarmingly high number of micro enterprises fail shortly after start - up while many others remain stagnated in terms of potential growth. This study was primarily aimed at establishing t...
bstract The colonial regime left Namibia with a fragmented education system characterised by factors such as racial and ethnic divisions, unequal access to education, unqualified and under-qualified teachers and lack of proper schools facilities and poor performance. After independence, the Government made a commitment to reform the education system. An education policy ‘Toward Education for All’ was put in place to guide the education reform process. As a result, the education sector rec...
ABSTRACT Studies on the effect of exchange rate risk on stock market returns have received prominent attention in literature. This is due to the important role that stock markets play in the mobilization of capital that has the potential to create economic and social development. The researcher used an experimental research design to evaluate the magnitude and statistical significance of the effects of exchange rate risk on stock market returns on the Namibian Stock Exchange (NSX). Secondary ...
ABSTRACT The study examines the relationship between private consumption expenditure and lending rate in Namibia, with the aim of highlighting the effect of lending rate as an important factor that determine the private consumption expenditure growth. The study is based on annual data covering the period from 1980 to 2011. The Unrestricted Vector Auto – regression Model (VECM) procedure was adopted. Two proxies for real wealth and real disposable income are used in the study. The results sh...