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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Impact Of Capital Structure On The Corporate Performance Of Manufacturing Firms In Nigeria: A Study Of Selected Firms

ABSTRACT  This study is an appraisal of the impact of capital structure on the performance of manufacturing firms in Nigeria. The work attempts to examine the contributions of capital structure on corporate performance. It is prompted by the observation that the capital structure of most companies in Nigeria is sub-optimal and this accounts, in part, for the poor performance of many of the corporations, which has led some to liquidation. Data were collected through primary and secondary...

Models Of Institutional Care For The Elderly In Namibia With A Case Study Of Sweden

Abstract The Namibian family has always cared for elderly people, but it is beginning to fail due to modernisation factors. Institutionalisation of elderly people is becoming another form of elderly care in Namibia. The question arises as to what model of institutional care is appropriate for the majority of elderly Namibians. Modernisation factors such as urbanisation and changing family structures, for example nuclearisation of families, weaken the extended family; contribute to changing at...

An Empirical Testing Of The Ricardian Equivalence In Namibia

Abstract The study aims to empirically test the Ricardian Equivalence hypothesis in Namibia, using quarterly time-series data from 1991 quarter one to 2017 quarter four. The annual data was converted from annual to quarterly by using Eviews 10 software. Consumption function was used to test for Ricardian Equivalence Hypothesis by testing how government debt and tax affect consumption. Additional control variables such as inflation, government expenditure, population growth and income were inc...

The Determinants Of Commercial Banks' Interest Rate Spread In Namibia: An Econometric Exploration

ABSTRACT The objective of this study is to explore the main determinants of interest rate spread in Namibia's commercial banking industry using a panel data analysis of bank level data and time series analysis of macroeconomic data. The literature surveyed in this study suggests that the interest rate spread is influenced by several bank-specific, bankindustry, and macroeconomic variables. The data for the bank-specific model covered a sample period from the first quarter of 2004 to the last ...

The Lived Experiences Of Transgender Students At The Windhoek And Khomasdal Campuses Of The University Of Namibia

ABSTRACT The aim of this research was to explore and describe the holistic lived experiences of transgender students studying at the University of Namibia by looking at the ways in which the campus climate and environment impacts on transgendered students overall well-being and coping mechanisms. This study also further sought to highlight the presence of a student population that defies conventional gender binaries and that exhibits gender variance. There is a dearth of research both locally...

Investigating The Effects Of Government Expenditure And Money Supply On Unemployment In Namibia

Abstract Over the years, Namibia continue to experienced rapid growth of unemployment. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of government expenditure and money supply on unemployment in Namibia. The annual data employed in the study covered the period from 1980 to 2018. The study applied the ARDL or bound cointegration approach which is said to be more appropriate for the estimation of small sample studies and variable combination of the order of integration (I (0) and I (1...

An Investigation Of The Relationship Between Balance Of Payments And Economic Growth In Namibia

ABSTRACT The study investigated the relationship between balance of payments and economic growth for Namibia using quarterly time series data over the period 1999q1to 2018q2. The variables used include real gross domestic product, balance of payments, real exports, real effective exchange rate, net foreign capital inflow and terms of trade. This study employed time series techniques such as unit root and cointegration. The Bounds co-integration analysis and Autoregressive Distributive Lag (AR...

An Investigation Into The Effect Of Rewards On Employee Motivation: A Case Study Of Agribank, Windhoek.

ABSTRACT The primary objective of this study is to examine the relationship between rewards and employee motivation. More specifically, the study aims to analyze the effectiveness of the current reward system at Agribank in motivating employees. The theoretical part of the study introduces different theories of motivation and rewards. Emphasis is put on Maslow's hierarchy of needs, two-factor theory, the goal setting theory and the total reward system. Eight intrinsic and extrinsic factors wh...

An Investigation Of The Effectiveness Of Employee Recruitment Procedures In The Headquarters Of The Ministry Of Education, Arts And Culture In Namibia

ABSTRACT The main aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of employee recruitment procedures in the headquarters of the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture (MEAC) in Namibia. The study made use of the qualitative method of research by identifying a single case study and distributing questionnaires to be completed by the selected respondents. The results of the data analysis revealed that MEAC follows the recruitment procedures as prescribed by the PSM Circular 23 of 2001. I...

An Exploratory Study Of The Role Of The Shack Dwellers Federation Of Namibia’s (Sdfn) Saving Schemes In Housing Development: A Case Study Of Havana And Okahandja Park Informal Settlements In

Abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate the roles and challenges faced by Shack Dwellers Federation of Namibia‟s Savings Schemes, as stakeholders in housing provision in informal settlement areas. The study also looked at how the Shack Dwellers Federation of Namibia‟s Savings Schemes relate to other stakeholders such as NHAG, CoW and MRLGHRD. The rationale behind be study was to come up with an informal settlement housing scheme model suitable for the poor in Namibia. The qu...

An Investigative Study On The Growth And Success Of Small And Medium Enterprises (Smes) In The Construction Industry In Ondangwa And Ongwediva

Abstract In the stable economic growth, such as Namibia, small and medium enterprises in the construction industry are vital for the growth and sustainability of the county economy. The source of work of SMEs in the construction industry is through Government tenders and tenders warded to them. The aim of this qualitative study was to determine the growth and success of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the construction industry in Ondangwa and Ongwediva. Data collected through interview...

An Assessment Of The Impact Of Information Systems On Organisational Performance In Telecom Namibia

ABSTRACT Information systems (IS) play a crucial supportive and transformational role in organisations. This research sought to assess the relationship between information systems and organisational performance at Telecom Namibia (TN). To achieve the objectives of the research, a mixed method approach was used. Quantitative data was collected using a semi-structured questionnaire, whilst qualitative data was collected through semi-structured interviews. The sample for this research comprised ...

Innovation Systems For National Economic Competitiveness: A Comparative Analysis Of Botswana And Namibia

ABSTRACT There is also a growing interest from African policy makers- practitioners on how best to configure their national systems of innovation in their respective countries. Many countries including Botswana and Namibia, have embraced the concept of national systems of innovation into their national policies for science, technology and innovation. The study did literature review on theories, models and characteristics of National Systems of Innovation, including science, technology and Inn...

Investigating Factors Inhibiting Institutional Investors From Investing In Namibia: A Study Of Pension Funds

ABSTRACT The study investigated the factors inhibiting pension funds from investing their assets in Namibia. The study identified also financial instruments where pension funds’ assets can be invested in Namibia and suggested measures to encourage pension funds investors to invest in the local economy. The study adopted quantitative approach. The probability random sampling technique was used to sample pension funds and investment companies investing pension funds’ assets. A questionnaire...

Human Resources Development And The Utilisation Of Expatriates In Namibia's Public Sector.

ABSTRACT This paper looked at human resource development and the utilisation of expatriates in Namibia's Ministries of Health and Social Services and Basic Education, Sports and Culture. The two ministries are among those which were projected to continue to suffer from scarcities of skilled and professional human resources by the National Planning Commission (NPC, 2002). The broad objective of the study is to establish the progress made in addressing skills shortages and replacement of expatr...

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