Social & Management Sciences

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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

The Challenges In Accessing Finance By The Small And Medium Enterprises (Smes) At Bokamoso Entrepreneurial Centre, Windhoek

ABSTRACT Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in developing countries, face significant barriers to finance. SMEs are constrained by gaps in the legal and financial systems, lack of skilled human capital and social fragmentation. The fact that SMEs have not made the desired impact on the Namibian economy in spite of all the efforts and support from government, civil society and private sector underscores the extent to which SMEs are challenged. Therefore, this research investigates the challen...

Adolescents‟ Adjustment To Divorce And Living In Step-Families

ABSTRACT The step-family is no longer the exception in society. Globally statistics reveal the growth in this type of family structure. Divorce and living in step-families is a life-transforming experience; adolescent‟s life is profoundly altered. They encounter differences in feelings over the two-time periods. There is a need to learn more and gain a better understanding of adolescents‟ adjustment and coping with the changes caused by divorce and remarriage. The key question this resear...

An Investigation Of Affordable Housing Provision In The High Density Location Of Havana In Windhoek, Namibia

ABSTRACT A quantitative study approach analysed factors influencing affordable housing provision for the low income households in Havana Informal Settlement in Windhoek. A simple random stratified technique was used to sample the households. Using a questionnaire which was administered to the different selected heads of households of Havana informal settlement through a guided interview, the study mainly looked at possible causes of the housing shortages in Havana informal settlement, conduct...

Electroconvulsive Therapy With Schizophrenics: Cognitive Dysfunction And Psychomotor Effect A Study In Ghana

ABSTRACT The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) on cognitive function in schizophrenics.

A Study Of The Impact Of Missionary Activities And Colonial Rule On A Traditional State

This thesis is a study of the nature and extent of the pressures - social, economical and political 

A Comparative Analysis Of The Accounting Practices Of Micro-Businesses In Windhoek: A Case Study Of Micro-Businesses In Incubators And Those Outside The Incubators

ABSTRACT The micro-business sector in Namibia plays a major role towards job creation. Micro-businesses in Namibia contribute about 14% to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and also employ a significant number of youth. Though small in size, they impact the social lives of citizens and enhance national development. The study focused on comparing and analysing the bookkeeping and accounting practices inside and outside the Bokamoso Incubation Centre in Windhoek. The data collection instruments ...

Revenue Productivity Of The Tax System In Namibia

ABSTRACT Namibia depends mainly on tax revenue to finance the budget. This study evaluate the revenue productivity of Namibia’s overall tax system on the basis of estimates of tax buoyancy and tax elasticity, using the quarterly time series data for the period 2001 to 2014. Secondary data from ministry of finance was used in this study. Time series properties were tested using Dickey fuller (ADF) to test the existence of unit roots among the variables. The variables were found to be non-sta...

An Econometric Study Of Fixed Capital And Investment Behaviour In Nigeria Manufacturing Industries

ABSTRACT The primary aim of this study is to analyse empirically the determinants of investments behaviour in Nigerian manufacturing industries based on

Strategies To Facilitate Application Of Sociology Of Development To Nursing Practice

ABSTRACT Nursing practice is a living body of knowledge derived from different disciplines, i.e. biological, psychological and social. From the social sciences, Sociology of Development is one of the sources of knowledge used in nursing practice. Student nurses in Namibia have been taught Sociology of Development since 1987 at the diploma level. The content of sociology motivates the pivotal role of nurses as resource persons who enhance and promote the social upliftment of the people of Nam...

Implementation Of An Integrated Library Management System In Community Libraries: A Case Study Of Windhoek Public Library

Abstract Library automation plays a pivotal role in the growth and development of modern-day public libraries. The purpose of this study “Implementation of an Integrated Library Management System (ILMS) in Community Libraries: A Case Study of Windhoek Public Library” was to establish the reasons that led to the automation of the library and the selection of a proprietary system. The objectives of the study were to: establish reasons that led to library automation; determine why a propriet...

Age And Driving Experience As Predictors Of Driving Error Among Work-Related Drivers In Lagos Metropolis

Abstract The loss of lives from road traffic crashes is still occurring at an unacceptable level on Nigerian roads. Observers and commentators have in several cases implicated driver error as the major factor in traffic crashes. Furthermore, some demographic variables have been cited in traffic literature as predictors of driving error among drivers. However, this has not been empirically determined in Nigeria. Therefore this study examines age and driving experience of drivers as predictors...

Towards The Successful Implementation Of Intervention Strategies In Three Namibian State Hospitals: A Deterministic Framework

ABSTRACT Healthcare reform is a difficult policy issue that involves complex trade-offs between policy goals, such as ensuring access to high-quality healthcare and keeping public spending at fiscally affordable levels. Namibia, like most emerging economies faces challenges in expanding public healthcare coverage without undermining its fiscal sustainability. Yet, in the wake of the 2008 global financial crisis, developed countries had to undertake fiscal consolidation, which has seen a decli...

Employee Satisfaction And Performance: A Case Study Of Woermann Brock Supermarkets, Windhoek, Namibia

ABSTRACT The study was meant to assess the satisfaction and performance of employees in five Woermann Brock retail shops; namely Ombili supermarket, hyper supermarket, Eros supermarket, Klein Windhoek supermarket and lastly Olympia supermarket. The major problem facing its management was that some employees did not work together as a team (Head of HR department, Head Office Khomasdal). One of the three objectives were to define employee satisfaction, measure it, and examine how it could affec...

Regional Integration In The Southern African Development Community (Sadc): A Case Study Of Namibia’s Cross Border Migration Issues In Oshikango

Abstract The main objective of this dissertation was to investigate issues of cross-border migration and their effects on the project of SADC regional integration. The principal theoretical grounding comes from theories on migration, inclusive of their gender perspectives. Inclusive in this framework were perspectives of regionalism and its subsets of regionalisation, regional cooperation, regional integration and regional awareness/identity. The dissertation also examined competing theoretic...

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