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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Challenges Of Realizing Improved Health Services In Public Health Centers In Kinondoni Municipality, Dar Es Salaam

ABSTRACT The research aimed at examines the challenges, of realizing the improved health service in public health centers. The following specific objectives guided data collection; to examine the status of health service delivery, to identify the challenges facing health service delivery, and then to assess the prospects towards improving health service delivery at a desired level. Literature review in this study has shown that, there, are some nation w that have been able to deal with healt...

Challenges Facing Community Secondary Schools And Their Influence On Girls’access To Secondary Education In Tanzania: A Case Of Dodoma Municipality

TABLE OF CONTENTS CERTIFICATE .......................................................................................................... i DECRALATION AND COPYRIGHT ................................................................... ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ....................................................................................... iii TABLE OF CONTENTS ......................................................................................... iv LIST OF TABLES ..............................

The Impact Of Training On Employee Performance And Turnover: A Case Study Of Kondoa District Council

ABSTRACT Recently employee training has become more important to organisations which seek higher performance since there is competition among organisation. Thus the study was devoted on the impact of training on employee performance and turnover. The study was conducted at Kondoa District Council in Dodoma region. The respondents of the study involved the employees and employer/management of KDC. The sampling techniques were simple random sampling and purposive sampling. Simple random sampli...

A Comparative Study Of Financial Performance Of Crdb And Nbc Banks An Application Of Camels Model

ABSTRACT The study was done on comparative of the financial performance between two financial Institutions CRDB and NBC, these two banks were selected as a sample .The study on the comparative financial performance of CRDB and NBC has been an important issue in the field of banking services. The focus was on the performance of CRDB which is a growing bank in Tanzania and very competitive among other banks while NBC is an average bank which has been experiencing operations problems in recentl...

The Capacity Of Lgas In The Decentralized Secondary Education Delivery: A Case Study Of Dodoma Municipality

ABSTRACT The study was interested to examine the capacity of LGAs in the decentralized secondary education delivery a case study of Dodoma Municipality. LGAs in secondary education development give a clear understanding of its direct impact. Respectively, the capacity of LGAs in the decentralized secondary education delivery is clearly an asset to the individual; it also benefits families and serves the common good. Herein employed was Sample size of 100 respondents so as to obtain pertinent ...

Local Government Reforms In Tanzania: Bridging The Gap Between Theory And Practice

The rhetoric and theory of decentralisation promise better governance and deeper democracy as public officials are held more directly accountable for their actions and as citizens become more engaged in local affairs. Practice over more than two decades, however, suggests that new experiments with decentralisation can result in unfulfilled expectations and the emergence of unanticipated problems 

The Role Of School Management In Controlling Teachers’ Performance In Government Secondary Schools: A Case Of Dodoma Municipality Tanzania

ABSTRACT The study has explored “The Role of School Management in Controlling Teachers‟ Performance in Government Secondary Schools, the Case of Dodoma Municipality”. It, thus, focuses on assessing the effectiveness of school management on controlling teacher‟s performance at work. A sample of 80 respondents was used and these were haphazardly obtained from Dodoma Municipality. Data collection employed interviews, questionnaire and documentary review. The tables, figures, percentages...

The Influence Of Agricultural And Marketing Cooperative Societies On Socioeconomic Well-Being Of Smallholder Cashewnut Farmers In Tanzania: A Case Of Cashewnuts Cooperative Society In Tunduru

ABSTRACT This study assessed the influence of Agricultural and Marketing Cooperative Societies on the socio-economic well-being of smallholder cashew nuts farmers in Tunduru District, Tanzania. The study focused on the cashew nut smallholder farmers in the area. Precisely, the study examined the contribution of institution capacity, collective bargain and network development on the socio economic wellbeing of smallholder farmers. Both, qualitative and quantitative approaches were employed in...

Effectiveness Of Local Government Authorities In Preventing Child Abuse And Neglect In Tanzania: A Case Study Of Dodoma Municipal Council

ABSTRACT This study assesses theeffectiveness of the local government authorities in preventing child abuse and neglect in Tanzania. To achieve this, the general and specific objectives, were formulated. The specific objectives sought to investigate the extent of child abuse and neglect in Tanzania, to examine the resources available to the local government institutions for child protection and to evaluate challenges which the local government faces in preventing child abuse and neglect. The ...

Factors Affecting Growth Of Small And Medium Agro-Processing Firms In Tanzania: A Case Of Sunflower Oil Processor In Dodoma

ABSTRACT SMEs in Tanzania have been growing rapidly, however they have showed that there is high possibility of them meeting their death or stagnation. Therefore, this study examined the factors affecting the growth of small and medium agro-processing firms in Tanzania. An analytical cross-sectional design and descriptive design was adopted; the sample size of 100 respondents was obtained. Statistical Package of Social Sciences (SPSS) version 21 was used to analyze the quantitative data foun...

The Challenges Of Sustainability Of Agricultural Projects: A Case Of Bumbwisudi Irrigation Scheme In Western District, Zanzibar

ABSTRACT This research was conducted at Bumbwisudi village Zanzibar. It aimed at examining the challenges of sustainability of an irrigation scheme. The specific objectives of were to examine the extent of community participation in the irrigation scheme, to trace the development of institutional capacity in sustaining the irrigation, and, to examine the reasons for the withdrawal of some farmers from the project. The literature on rural development projects shows clearly that community part...

Assessment Of The Impact Of Socio-Cultural Factors On The Performance Of Women SMEs In Tanzania: A Case Of Dodoma

ABSTRACT Worldwide including Tanzania SMEs play a great role in employment creation, income generation and economic growth. However, in Tanzania SME sector is faced by a number of factors including socio-cultural factors (SCFs) which hinder its development. The study focused on the assessment of the impact of SCFs on the performance of women SMEs in Tanzania involving food vendors and household retail shops in Dodoma urban and Chamwino districts in Dodoma region. The study employed both cros...

Effectiveness Of Beach Management Units On Sustainable Fishery Management On Lake Victoria: A Case Of Musoma Rural Districts

ABSTRACT This study was meant to generate information on the effectiveness of Beach Management Units on sustainable fishery management on Lake Victoria. The study intended specifically to; assess the status of fishery practices, examine institutional and managerial challenges and suggest mechanisms to make the BMUs sustainable. The study was conducted in the Musoma Rural District‟s BMUs. A total of three BMUs (Kigeraetuma, Mugango and Etaro) were involved in the study. Data were collected ...

Assessment Of The Role Of Private Sectors In Reducing Youth Unemployment: A Case Of Urban West Region, Zanzibar

ABSTRACT This study aimed at assessing the role of private sector in reducing youth unemployment in Urban West of Zanzibar. It was important to conduct this research in Zanzibar and in Urban West Region, because there was no research of such nature that I know or I am aware of. Judgmental sampling procedure was employed. A total sample of 137 respondents comprising 124 unemployed youth in both sectors including government offices, private sector; (formal and informal) 13 officers responsible...

Warehouse Receipt System And Its Contribution To The Small Scale Cashew Nut Farmers In Masasi District, Mtwara

ABSTRACT The study is about the warehouse receipt system and its contribution to the small scale farmers in Masasi District. The general objective of the study was to assess the contribution of warehouse receipt system to the small scale cashew nut farmers‟ development in Masasi district. The specific objectives were (a) to identify the roles of stakeholders in implementation of the warehouse receipt system in cashew nut marketing; (b) to examine the contribution of key stakeholders in imp...

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