ABSTRACT About 10% of Tanzania area is covered with wetlands and some wetlands are very rich in fish resources. However, there is increase of socio-economic activities that put threats to these ecosystems. This study was conducted in the Wembere wetlands to investigate the influence these activities have on wetland fish resources. 100 respondents were used 94 picked simple random samplings and 6 were purposefully sampled. Descriptive statistical analysis was used to analyse data. Trend of fi...
ABSTRACT This study entitled “Community Participation in Water Resources Governance in Semiarid Areas: A Case of Mbabala Ward, Dodoma Municipality” was conducted in three selected villages namely: Bihawana, Mbabala „A‟ and Mbabala „B‟. The study was conducted in the year 2015 and data were collected using questionnaire survey and interviews. This study involved 28 respondents selected from three villages whereby (9) respondents were taken from Bihawana, (9) respondents from Mbaba...
ABSTRACT The study aimed at finding out the effectiveness of community participation in Rural Development Projects. It was guided by three specific objectives which are: to assess the extent to which the community participates in community development projects, to explore mechanisms and strategies used to ensure effective community participation in community development projects and to examine the role of the Government and NGOs in ensuring effective community participation in community deve...
ABSTRACT This study has investigated the influence of training on administrative performance in Regional Administration in Tanzania using Dodoma regional secretariat as a case study. This study based on performance –based training design theory designed by (Pucel, 1989); the theory emphasizes the importance to train employees on the job which enables them to do the job well. Thus, it aims to provide the theoretical bases of the study in terms of knowledge, skills and attitude of employee t...
ABSTRACT The high rates of crime and high levels of insecurity in Tanzania present a serious challenge to democratic consolidation and the construction of a peaceful society. Experience has demonstrated that the police are not able to resolve these complex social problems by themselves; rather, a more proactive, preventative approach, which relies upon the involvement of the whole community, is necessary. In 2006, Tanzania Police Force (TPF) adapted community policing as a viable alternative...
ABSTRACT This study has aimed to examine contribution of financial institutions in reducing women poverty taking in Bahi district as a case study. Specifically, the study intended to examine the extent of women empowerment through SACCOS and VICOBA in households in Bahi district, to assess the impact of SACCOS and VICOBA on the member‟s socio – economic situation, to identify obstacles and challenges exist for women in gaining empowerment through micro-credit lending, and assess percepti...
ABSTRACT This study investigated on the effectiveness of OPRAS in the Public Service, specifically, the study intended to understand the perceptions of the users of OPRAS at PO-PSM to evaluate effectiveness of the performance review and appraisal system in use at PO-PSM and to find out, factors hindering the effectiveness of performance appraisal at PO-PSM. The study employed a case study design and collected data from ordinary employees and top management. Questionnaires for the ordinary em...
Abstract This study examines the effect of social capital on willingness to pay (WTP) for health services provided through community based health insurance schemes (Community Health Fund) in Tanzania. The study covered 274 household heads. We use probit regression analysis to model the relationship between the predictors and our outcome variable. Our results have shown that with the exception of religion, all other social capital variables have a positive and significant impact on the WTP fo...
ABSTRACT Apparently, the government of Tanzania has engaged various actors in public service delivery. Some studies have indicated that the engagement of private sector in service delivery has inevitably increased efficiency and effectiveness of this process. The situation is controversial and in fact raises a need to study the extent to which public receive better services after engagement of the sector. This study aimed at investigating the challenges and prospects of private sector engage...
ABSTRACT This study aimed at investigating community perceptions on cultural landscape as tourist attraction in Kondoa District, Central Tanzania. Specific objectives of the study included to examine the use and non-use value of gullies in Kondoa district; to examine community willingness to accept (WTA) for change to conserve gullies for tourism purpose; and to assess community willingness to pay (WTP) for visiting gullies. The study employed a case research design using descriptive researc...
ABSTRACT When thinking about poverty level of the World in gender manner, women are most identified affected, therefore; this research was designed to explore the significance of women‘s led Income Generating Activities (IGAs) on poverty alleviation in Tanzania. The study was conducted in Dodoma Municipality within areas of Mvumi, Street number 6, Baruti and Nara. The intention of study was to: identify types of Income Generating Activities and source of initial capital. Identify factors i...
ABSTRACT This study examined the role of menstrual hygiene management practices to adolescent girls in primary school in Bahi district. Specifically the studies assessed awareness of menstruation to adolescent girls, identify menstrual hygiene management practices in selected primary school and examined the effects of MHM to adolescent girls in selected primary schools. Methods for data collection were Key informants interview, focus group discussion and survey. The data were collected from ...
ABSTRACT The study investigates the factors influencing motivation of teachers in secondary schools in Dodoma Municipal. The study sought to examine the extent of motivation, factors influencing motivation of teachers, and measures that need to be taken to improve motivation of teachers. The study employed a sample of 50 respondents including teachers, head teachers, community members and Dodoma Municipal Education officer. The primary data were used through questionnaires and face to face i...
ABSTRACT Fund management is a critical function in organizations success. As a result, organization that manage their finances well have higher chances of success. Most NGOs in Tanzania are operating under poor financial performance and others fail even to submit annual activity reports and annual financial audited report at the end of each calendar year, to the donors, government and other stakeholders. This problem is attributed in failure to meet financial obligations during operation, poo...
ABSTRACT A study was undertaken aiming four villages of Kilago, Igung'hwa, Ngulu and Mhongolo of Kahama District, Shinyanga Region. The study objective was to determine carbon tradi ng mechanism in semi arid areas of north western Tanzania using Kahama District as a case study. Specific objectives include d 1) assessing community involvement in carbon trading mechanisms under REDD+ initiatives; 2) assessing the cost benefit mechanisms towards adoption of REDD+; and 3) analysing important stre...