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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

An Analysis of Early Stage Formal SME Funding Challenges in Windhoek, Namibia

Abstract  The importance of SMEs in the economies of all countries is well documented in literature worldwide. SMEs play an important role in world economies, including that of Namibia. These roles include employment creation, contribution to gross domestic product (GDP) and the generation of income. The purpose of this paper was to analyse early-stage formal SME funding challenges in Windhoek, Namibia. This was informed by the high SME failure rate of 75% at the early stage. The research ob...

An Investigation Into Growth Challenges Encountered by Registered Small And Medium Enterprises in Katutura Central Constituency

ABSTRACT The study sought to investigate the factors that hamper the growth of registered small and medium enterprises, specifically in Katutura Central Constituency, in order to develop an understanding of the dynamics of SMEs. The study was motivated by the fact that despite the establishment of the SME Incubation Centres in Katutura with the objective of assisting small businesses to grow into formal small and medium enterprises, most of them are still in incubation. The research study em...

An Evaluation of Strategy Implementation Practices at The National Housing Enterprise(NHE)

ABSTRACT  The purpose of the study is threefold namely, to do an evaluation of the strategy implementation practices at the National Housing Enterprise (NHE) and to understand what are the current challenges and impeders that are hampering the implementation of the strategic plan as well as to make recommendations on how the implementation of the formulated and approved strategic plan can be improved in order to realise the goals and objectives as stipulated in the strategic plan. This study...

Factors Influencing Motivation Of Teachers In Secondary Schools: A Case Study Of Dodoma Municipality.

ABSTRACT The study investigates the factors influencing motivation of teachers in secondary schools in Dodoma Municipal. The study sought to examine the extent of motivation, factors influencing motivation of teachers, and measures that need to be taken to improve motivation of teachers. The study employed a sample of 50 respondents including teachers, head teachers, community members and Dodoma Municipal Education officer. The primary data were used through questionnaires and face to face i...

Challenges Facing The Extension Of Provision Of Social Security Services To The Informal Sector In Tanzania: The Case Study Of Kahama Town Council

ABSTRACT The study focused on the challenges facing the extension of provision of social security services to the informal sector in Tanzania taking Kahama Town Council as a case study. The objectives of the study were to provide an overview of social security funds operating in Kahama Town Council; examine the members/beneficiaries to those social security schemes who work or are self – employed in the informal sector; to examine the challenges facing the social security funds in extendin...

Urban Public Transport: Alternatives For Improving Bus Operations in Windhoek

ABSTRACT The transport sector is the backbone of the development of all sectors of the economy and in the promotion of mobility. Soon after independence, the Ministry of Works and Transport, the custodian for the transport sector was tasked with a number of issues needing redressing. This includes the deregulation of the operators’ transport sub-sector. The Government of Namibia made a decision in 1995 to deregulate road transport, in particular, long-distance bus operation, bus operation ...

Factors Influencing Transparency In Preparation And Presentation Of Financial Statements In Local Government Authority: A Case Of Dodoma Muniparity

ABSTRACT This study examined the influence of transparency in preparation and presentation of financial statements in local government authorities. Particularly, the study wished to establish whether participation of the public in local government finance decisions enhanced transparency. Further, the study explored both the advantages of transparency and challenges facing finance departments of local government authorities in the course of preparing and presenting financial information. The ...

The Role Of MFIs In The Empowerment Of Rural Women In Tanzania: A Case Of FAWETA, EOTF And AIDOS In Ngorongoro District

ABSTRACT The study is a critical examination of the role of Micro Finance Institutions in the empowerment of the rural women in Tanzania‟s economic development. The general objective of the study was to assess and evaluate the contribution of microfinance institutions to the empowerment of women with particular emphasis on women in the rural areas of Ngorongoro District. The specific objectives focused on the types of business activities, challenges faced by rural women, impact of MFI serv...

Banana Xhanthomonas Wilt And Household Coping Strategies Towards Food Security: The Case Of Southern Muleba -District Kagera Region

ABSTRACT Banana Xhathomonas Wilt has become a major problem in Kagera Region hence affecting food security in the community. Although various measures have been taken to address the problem there are hardly any efforts on other native copying strategies to address shocks on food insecurity. The study was guided by three specific objectives, namely: to examine different coping strategies adapted by households in maintaining food security status, to examine the challenges faced by households w...

Evaluation Of Violation Of Rights Of The Child In Education In Government Primary School: A Case Stuy Of Dodoma Municipality

ABSTRACT This study analyzes “Violation of Rights of a Child in Education in Government Primary Schools in Dodoma Municipality”. A sample of 100 respondents was used and these were randomly obtained from selected five government primary schools in Dodoma Municipality. The methods used in data collection were interviews, questionnaire, and documentary review the statistical package for social science (SPSS) was used for management of data and analysis. In this study the theories pertainin...

An Evaluation of Resistance to Organisational Change And Its Effect on Employee Productivity: The Case of Telecom Namibia

ABSTRACT  Change has become important and unavoidable in today’s business environment. The dynamic business environment of today requires organisations to be continuously changing their systems and structures for survival and in order to remain competitive. However, many change initiatives face big challenges and have a low success rate. The study was conducted to evaluate the resistance to organisational change and its effect on employee productivity at Telecom Namibia. The purpose of the...

The Challenges That Customers Face When Using Automated Teller Machine: A Case Study Of Crdb Limited In Mbeya City Council

ABSTRACT The study focused on the challenges that customers face when they use Automated Teller Machine during their financial transactions: A Case of CRDB Mbeya Branch in Mbeya City. The study specifically intended to examine customer’s awareness on the uses of Automated Teller Machines, to find out the challenges that customer face when using automated teller machines and to find out the measures to be taken in improving ATMs services to the customers. The study employed descriptive rese...

Exploring Strategies to Fund And Manage School Development Funds in Public Secondary Schools in The Khomas Region in Namibia

ABSTRACT Since Independence, the government of the day strives towards quality education for all. Educational financial constraint issues came to the fore when the announcement was made by the Minister of Finance that the paying of compulsory school fees for secondary education will be abolished as from the beginning of the 2016 academic year. Although about 25% of the National Budget is for education, only about 20% of that amount is for education resources and day-to-day expenses. This req...

The Efficiency Of Funds Control Strategy In Local Government Authorities: A Case Of Kondoa District Council- Tanzania

ABSTRACT The study analyzed the efficiency of funds control strategy in Local Government Authority specifically in Kondoa district council-Tanzania. It was guided by three specific objectives which are: to identify strategies used to control funds s in Kondoa local government authorities, to assess the challenges faced by Kondoa local government authorities in applying the funds control strategies and to identify the measures taken in improving funds s control strategies. A sample of 56 resp...

Comparison Study On The Financial Performance Between Islamic Bank And Convectional Banks In Tanzania: The Cases Of Amana And Crdb Banks

ABSTRACT The study has evaluated and compared the financial performance of Islamic banks and conventional banks in Tanzania during year 2012 to 2016, to establish whether there were significant differences between financial performances of the two banking category. Data for the study were mainly extracted from the financial statements of the sampled banks, which were the Amana Bank and CRDB. CAMEL model was employed in the analysis of the financial performances and the mean ratios of each ca...

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