ABSTRACT This study focused on the preparedness from flood disasters due to climate change and variability in Kyela district. Basically this study sought to; i) examine the link between climate change and variability and the occurrence of floods, ii) assess the impact of floods on socio-economic activities, iii) asses the level of preparedness in addressing flood disasters due to climate change and variability, iv) examine the challenges faced by the local community to engage in flood disast...
ABSTRACT The study on effectiveness of motivation on quality service delivery among health workers was undertaken in Makete District Hospital (MDH). According to URT, (2017), Tanzania has reasonable number of staff who are motivated, trained and developed on the competencies or skills that they lack so that they perform better. However, the quality of health service delivery is still poor. Despite this fact, it is not established yet as to why some officials continue to offer services of low...
ABSTRACT This study was aimed to assess the local government response against HIV/AIDS spread and towards prevention to Youth in Dodoma Municipality. From the data given by (Ministry of Health Tanzania mainland HIV/AIDS/STI report 2010). It shows that Dodoma Municipal is leading with 3.2 percent of the infection rate in Dodoma region. For the purpose of obtaining sufficient data the specific objectives included: to assess the local government efforts against HIV/AIDS spread and towards preve...
ABSTRACT The study focused on investigating the effectiveness of education officers on teacher‟s performance in Tanzania secondary school. A Case study research design was used where by Musoma Municipal was selected and used in the study. Survey, interview and document review was used in the study as the method of collecting data (primary and secondary data), Where by questionnaire was used to collect information from teachers and interview guide was used to get information from EO‟s thr...
ABSTRACT Most Developing Nations suffer from hunger due to excessive grain’s Post-Harvest Loss (PHL) Hence, ensuring food security in Africa is among the 2030 Sustainable development goals (SDGs). To achieve that, it is necessary for farmers to adopt modern and improved grain storage technologies to minimize PHL. However, due to financial constraints, smallholder farmers use traditional methods due to their limited income. Therefore, financing initiatives are needed to enable them to adopt...
ABSTRACT This dissertation informs of the factors that influence the effectiveness of internal audit function in the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology in Tanzania. The study was guided by three objectives namely, to access the level of independence and its influence on the effectiveness of internal audit function in the ministry, to evaluate the influence of internal auditors’ competence on the effectiveness of audit function on the ministry and to access the influence of manag...
TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page - i Approval Page - ii Dedication - iii Acknowledgements - iv Table of Contents - v CHAPTER ONE: GENERAL INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background to the Study - 1-4 1.2 Statement of Research Problem - 4-6 1.3 Objectives of the Research - 7 1.4 Research Hypotheses - 7 1.5 Scope and Limitations of the Study - 8 1.6 Significance of the Study - 8-9 1.7 Schemes of Chapter - 10-11 CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction - 12-13 2.2 Concepts of Advertising -...
ABSTRACT This study, has assessed the sustainability of income generating groups of widows and PLWA in income poverty reduction in Tanzania, whereby the study was carried out in rural settings of Dodoma Municipality. The study aimed specifically to assess the contribution of income generating groups in household income, strategies that were used to sustain income generating groups and to identify income generating activities that were performed by the groups. Data were collected from a sampl...
ABSTRACT The study has focused on the assessment of the impact of Community Health Fund on health services provision in Tanzania specifically in Dodoma Municipality. It was guided by four specific objectives which were: to describe the activities done by CHF in provision of health services in the study area, to assess the contributions of Community Health Fund (CHF) on the financing health services in the study area, to examine the uses of CHF on purchase of health medicines and supplies as ...
ABSTRACT This research project intended to examine the Impact of Sales Promotion and Consumer Buying Behavior in selected Local Governments Area in Zone A of Niger state. This is with the view to evaluate the extent that the behavior of the consumers can be affected by sales promotion. The research used random sampling methods as a sampling technique to obtain the sample size from the population case study. Primary source of data, through questionnaire were collected from 80 consumers f...
ABSTRACT This research work focused on the attitude of men towards family planning in Sokoto North Local Government, 50 questionnaires were designed and distributed among the target population in the study area multi-stage cluster sampling techniques was use to select 4 wards out of the entire ward of the study area which consists upon ended question various information gathered was presented in the table using frequency and percentage. The ended findings of this research shows that despite t...
ABSTRACT This study evolved the sex education needs of adolescents in secondary school of Anambra state. Specifically, the study determined the sex-related challenges (body changes, emotional changes and relationship with the opposite sex) of adolescents in secondary schools in Anambra State, the sex education knowledge needed by adolescents to cope with the sex-related challenges, the sex education attitude required by adolescents to cope with the sex-related challenges, the sex education s...
Abstract The thrust of this work was to establish the organoleptic attributes and acceptability of whole wheat bread fortified with moringa leaf flour. The study adopted an experimental research design. The experimental procedure used includes that the whole wheat grains were bought from Eke Awka market and milled. The moringa oliefera leaves were plucked, washed, shade dried and grounded into moringa leaf flour. Two kilograms of whole wheat flour and other bread ingredients were used for e...
ABSTRACT The study focused on dressing styles and its social impacts in higher learning institutions in Tanzania, a case of Dodoma University. Dressing style is one of the denominations of mankind and dress patterns or adornment is an aspect of human physical appearance which has social significance. This study examined the social impacts of dressing styles in higher learning institutions of Tanzania with an aim of portraying the picture of the way people dress and the social implications of...