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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

AN Analysis of The Determinants of The Banking Crises in The Southern African Development Community(SADC)

Abstract  This study analysed the determinants of banking crises in the SADC region for the period 1985-2011. The probability of a banking crisis was estimated using a multinomial logit model on real GDP growth level, terms of trade, the ratio of private domestic credit to GDP and the ratio of M2 to foreign exchange reserves. The model was estimated for the pooled, non-systemic and systemic crises economies in order to determine if the impact of the determinants differs between systemic and ...

The Linkages Between Producers And Processors In Improving Tobacco Production In Uyui District, Tabora Region

ABSTRACT Tobacco producers and processors link in different aspects such as provision of tobacco seeds, extension services, construction and an improvement of curing barns, soft loans for farm implements like tractors and oxen. This study analyses the linkages between producers and processors in improving tobacco production in Uyui district, Tabora region. The study has shown that the interface has played a significant role in improving tobacco production in the district. The study took plac...

Factors Constraining Food Security In Dodoma Region: A Case Study Of Chamwino District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Food insecurity has been a global problem for decades. It is high on Africa‘s development agenda especially in sub-Saharan Africa. Advanced causes of food insecurity are climate change, food price increase and volatility since 2008 and poverty. Other causes are population growth, armed war and conflict, coupled by external and internal policies. This study focused on assessing factors constraining food security in Dodoma region a case of Chamwino district. The study aimed to deter...

An Investigation Into Challenges of Funding Social Enterprises: A Case Study of Special Needs Schools in Windhoek, Namibia

ABSTRACT Social enterprises have the ability to impact nations economically, environmentally and socially by solving the most pressing problems through the provision of their innovative products and services. However, for social enterprises like special schools to deliver effective, efficient, innovative and quality services in response to their goals, they require sufficient and sustainable finances. Many researchers claim that lack of funding is one of the challenges that social enterprise...

Effectiveness Of Advertising Campaigns On Domestic Tourism Destination In Tanzania: A Case Of Tanzania National Parks

ABSTRACT This study aimed to examine the effectiveness of advertising strategies used by Tanzania national parks authority (TANAPA) in Tanzania and how these strategies influence market performances in the tourism destination. The population of study was domestic visitors to the 16 national parks maintained by TANAPA across the country, but sample was considered from 5 top performers only (Serengeti, manyara, Arusha, mikumi and tarangire National parks. Descriptive and cross sectional resear...

The Success And Challenges Of Stock Market In Tanzania: A Case Of Listed Companies

ABSTRACT Since its inception in 1996, there is a lack of literature that shows success of DSE in its operations. This study therefore, was put in place in order to examine the success and challenges of stock market in Tanzania. The central issues of concern were to determine the perceptions of stakeholders, towards stock market operations activities, to understand the opportunities resulting from operations of stock market and to investigate on the success and challenges facing stock market ...

Alternative Institutional Arrangements of Accelerating The Implementation of Rural Electrification in Namibia

ABSTRACT At the beginning of the new millennium, it was estimated that about one-fourth of the world’s population (1.6bn people) have no access to electricity; the majority of those living in developing countries. Sub-Saharan Africa sits on some of the most significant potential fuel reserves in the world. Research suggests that, globally, no more than 20%, in some countries less than 5% of the population (2 % in rural areas) has access to electricity. In sub-Saharan In Africa, only about ...

Post-Harvest Management: A Case Of Cereal Crops In Siha District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Management of post harvested cereals is a proactive approach intended to solve a problem of post harvested looses. This is an intervention is place to ensure the situation does not happen again or if it happens a process is defined on how it should be handled. These losses occur between the completion of harvest and the moment of consumption. This study aim at examining the management ways of post harvested crops, used by the households in Siha District in Kilimanjaro Region. In tha...

Evaluation Of The Impact Of The Annual Assessment On Development Grants Funds In Lgas. A Case Of Dodoma Municipal Council

ABSTRACT This study has intended to evaluate the impact of the annual assessment for the local governments‘ council development grants on the financial management performance in LGAs. A cross sectional research design was adopted; the sample size of 91 respondents was obtained through a purposive and non-purposive sampling techniques. This study observed that, the annual assessment has great contributions on improvement on the financial management performance, which enabled the Municipal C...

The Influence Of Risk Behavior In The Spread Of HIV/AIDs Amongst Zanzibar Youth: A Case Study Of Urban District, Zanzibar

ABSTRACT This study on the Influence of Risk Behavior in the Spread of HIV/AIDS amongst Zanzibar Youth: A Case Study of Urban District, Zanzibar uses experiences of youth, parents, ex- drug and drug users in obtaining a broad picture on the influence of drugs to risk behaviors among youth in the Urban district. The purpose was primarily to examine the influence of drug risk behaviors that contribute to the spread of HIV/AIDS among the youth in the district. Thus the extent of drug use, the i...

The Role Of Local Government Authorities (LGAS) In The Decentralised Secondary Education Delivery: A Case Of Dodoma Municipality

ABSTRACT The study was intended to examine the role of LGAs in the decentralized secondary education delivery a case study of Dodoma Municipality. It was guide by three specific objectives which are: to evaluate the extent of implementation of LGAs in improving decentralized secondary education delivery in Dodoma Municipality, to examine the impacts of LGAs in improving decentralized secondary education delivery in Dodoma Municipality and to analyze challenges facing LGAs in decentralized se...

Analysis Of The Challenges And Prospects Of The Implementation Of Open Performance Review And Appraisal System (OPRAS) In Local Government Authorities: A Case Of Handeni District Council

ABSTRACT This study aimed to analyse the challenges and prospects of the implementation of Open Performance Review and Appraisal system in Handeni District Council. The specific objectives were to determine the level of awareness of OPRAS among employees, to assess the extent to which the council implements OPRAS, to investigate the challenges of the implementation of OPRAS and to determine the some ways to improve the implementation of OPRAS at Handeni District Council. Cross-sectional surv...

Analysis Of Performance Of Cost Volume Profit (CVP) Analysis In Manufacturing Companies In Tanzania - A Case Of Tanzania Portland Cement Company (TPCC))

ABSTRACT This paper presents the study on the subject of the analysis of performance of Cost Volume Profit (CVP) analysis in manufacturing companies in Tanzania, a case of Tanzania Portland Cement Company. Cost volume profit analysis is a model which is used to plan profit. The general objective of this study was to determine if CVP can assist management in formulating pricing policies by projecting the effect of different price structures on cost and profit and to highlight the usefulness o...

Public-Private Partnership In Provision Of Secondary Education In Tanzania: A Case Of Mufindi District In Iringa

ABSTRACT This study was conducted in Mufindi District Council. The study assessed the contribution of Public-Private Participation in provision of Secondary Education in Mufindi District, in Iringa-Tanzania. Three research objectives guided the study which included the evaluation of the contribution of Public-Private Partnerships in education provision in secondary schools, assessment of the quality of education provided by PPP in secondary schools and examination of the factors affecting PP...

Contributions Of Tourism Industry In Social Economic Development In Tanzania :A Case Of Babati District Council

ABSTRACT This study has intended to assess the contribution of tourism industry in social economic development in Tanzania. A cross sectional research design was adopted; a sample size of 113 respondents was obtained through a purposive and non-purposive sampling techniques. The study has used both quantitative and qualitative methods for data analysis. Statistical Package of Social Sciences (SPSS) version21 and Excel software were used to analyze the data. Findings have revealed that, game-...

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