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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

AN Evaluation of Commercial Banks Lending to The Productive Sectors: Evidence From Namibia

ABSTRACT The primary objective of this study is to evaluate the commercial banks on lending to the productive sectors in Namibia. The problem that the study has identified is that the commercial banks are reluctant to lend to the productive sectors of the economy. Most of the deposits that are mobilised locally by the commercial banks are not used to develop the domestic economy. Commercial banks in Namibia do not see it as their business to lend to risky long-term investments which are the ...

The Importance of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) on The Economic Development of Oshikango Town

ABSTRACT This thesis’ main research issue was: The importance of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) on the economic development of Oshikango in particular. It focused on the impact of FDI at the local economy level by assessing the indirect and direct benefits of FDI firms to the local people. This thesis used the Developmentalism model of FDI and the theory of Product Life Cycle, propounded by Raymond Vernon, to address the main research issue. These models provide the contribution of FDI as...

An Analysis of The Relationship Between Antenatal Care, Skilled Birth Attendance And The Socio-Economic Status of Household in Zimbabwe

ABSTRACT Maternal mortality is a global concern and a consensus has been reached that the health of mothers and children is an important indicator of national health and the socio-economic development of countries. Monitoring progress in maternal mortality reduction relies on reproductive health indicators, including the proportion of births attended by a skilled health worker and antenatal care coverage. Besides playing an educative role on the importance of skilled birth attendance, the us...

Beneficiary Assessment/Impact Evaluation Of The Fadama Ii Critical Ecosystem Management Project (Cemp)

Abstarct Community Driven Development (CDD) approach is presently becoming popular due to its potential to develop projects that are responsive to local demands, empower local communities, and are better targeted at the poor. This study was conducted to assess the impact of Fadama II Critical Ecosystem Management Project, a CDD project on its beneficiaries. The Fadama II Critical Ecosystem Management project is a six year project whose specific objective include making sure that by project en...

Managerial Psychology

Abstract Managerial psychology is a sub-discipline of Psychology or Management, focusing on understanding organization behaviour. Managerial psychology draws from frameworks and descriptions about the psychology and sociology of organizations and the institutional context of work and careers. This chapter introduces the reader to behavioural science concepts, constructs, theories, methods, and tools that are used and applied to issues that people encounter in their work and career. The chapte...

Psychosocial Factors Associated With Smoking Behavior Among Secondary School Adolescents In Ibadan Metropolis

ABSTRACT The use of tobacco among adolescents has been recognized as prominent problem behaviour in recent years. This study investigated the psychosocial factors associated with smoking behaviour among secondary school adolescent smokers (N=200) in Ibadan metropolis. One hundred and forty six (73%) were males while fifty four (27%) were females. The study is a cross-sectional survey which adopted the expost facto research design. Each participant was administered a questionnaire consist...

Maternal Crises and the Role of African Men: The case of a Nigerian Community

ABSTRACT Studies have consistently shown that maternal processes in Africa are prone to crises as a result of multiple socio-economic and religious factors. A combination of male-domination, low status of women, poverty, cultural beliefs and practices and high fertility affects pregnancy outcomes in most societies in the continent and especially in sub-Saharan Africa. With very few exceptions, African communities are patriarchal and as such norms, values and expectations are defined and susta...

Militarization of Nigerian Politics and Violations of United Nations Universal Human Rights 1999 - 2019

Abstract: Human  rights  violation  has  been  endemic  in  Nigeria  despite  its  ratification  of  the  United  Nations’  Universal  Human Rights (1948)  -  rights  equally enshrined  in  1999 Nigerian  constitution.  This  study  examined  the  militarization  of Nigerian  politics and  its  adverse  effect  on  the  United  Nations  Universal  Human  Rights  in  Nigeria.  The  paper  is  descriptive  and  qualitative  in typology.  Metho...

The Persistence Of Female Circumcision In Nigeria: A Case Study Of The Okpe People Of Delta State

ABSTRACT The paper attempted to examine the reasons accounting for the sustenance of the practice of female circumcision and how to stem it. mc basis of the facts presented here are derived from a survey involving a saitiple of four hundred and five respondents of both sexes conducted in two local government areas (Okpe and Sapclc) of Delta State. The subjects that constitute'd the sample were randomly chosen and the data anslysd through .simple descriptive and inferential statistics. The res...

The Social Relations Of Imported Used Electronics Merchandise In Lagos, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Imported Used Electronics (IUEs) are officially conceived in research oriented policy as potential and actual toxic ―solid waste‖, yet Nigeria remains a high consumer demand economy for them. IUEs include electronic monitors, digital devices, docking stations, cell phones, hand-held diagnostics, screening tools, television sets among others. Nigerian economy has evolved a socially constructed merchandise structure, which sustains IUEs trade. Literature, however limits IUEs discou...

Efficacy Of Communications Regulation In The Prevention Of Content Cybercrimes In Tanzania: A Case Of Dar-Es-Salaam City

ABSTRACT This study assessed the efficacy of communications regulation in the prevention of content cybercrimes in Tanzania, whereby Dar-es-Salaam City was used as a case of study. The study was guided by the specific objectives which aimed at exposing out the extent to which content cybercrimes prevail in Tanzania; effect of the National ICT policy on containing content cybercrimes in the locality; to show the level of content cybercrimes prevention done by communications regulatory instrum...

Perceived Hiv-Risks And The Preventive Strategies: The Case Of The Trafficked Women Of Edo State Origin

ABSTRACT This paper examines the peoples' perception of getting infected with HIV -AIDS and the preventive strategies known and adopted by trafficked and vulnerable Nigerian women of Edo State origin. The data were obtained from secondary sources which included literature searches and primary sources based on qualitative data obtained through structured interviews involving the trafficked and deported Edo ladies. A further source of the data was from a focused of group of vulnerable women in ...

Customer Awareness And Satisfaction On Rates Charged By Mobile Money Transfer Services: A Case Study Of Vodacom M-Pesa In Kigoma/Ujiji Municipality.

ABSTRACT This study was conducted at Kigoma/Ujiji Municipality in Kigoma Region, Tanzania. It mainly aimed at making assessment of Customer awareness and satisfaction of Vodacom M-pesa rates in Kigoma/Ujiji Municipality. A sample of 99 respondents was used in the study out of which, 86 were frequent Mpesa users, 10 M-pesa Agents and 3 key Vodacom M-pesa staff in Kigoma Branch. Questionnaires, interviews, documentations and one focus group discussion were used to collect data summary of which...

Effect Of Training Program On Employee Retention In Tanzania: A Case Study Of Kilindi District Council In Tanga Region

ABSTRACT Man power is the skeleton of any organization. Nowadays, employee retention has become the important tools for the development and improvement for all types of organization. The biggest challenge that organizations are facing today is not only managing these resources but also retaining them. The purpose of this study was to conduct critical examination on the effect of training program on employee retention in order to obtain findings which provide a good atmosphere for public sect...

Assessment Of The Compassion International Tanzania (CIT) Support On Poverty Reduction Among Orphans And Vulnerable Children (OVC) A Case Of Dodoma Urban District

ABSTRACT This study was conducted aiming to assess the impact of Compassion International Tanzania (CIT) Support on Poverty Reduction among Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) in Dodoma Urban District. The specific objectives of the study included, to assess the functioning of the Compassion International Tanzania (CIT) support in poverty reduction, examine the impact of CIT support to registered OVC and to identify the challenges that CIT encounters in supporting Orphans and Vulnerable Ch...

10576 - 10590 Of 19638 Results