ABSTRACT This study focused on examining the creation of competitive advantage at Namibia Wildlife Resorts through customer relationship management. The purpose of this proposed study is to investigate the extent to which the practice of customer care relationships contributes to occupancy levels in the travel and tourism industry with specific reference to Namibia Wildlife Resorts. The overall objective of the proposed study is to understand how customer relationship management strategy, as...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to evaluate the integral components of an integrative tourism destination marketing strategy for the Namibian Tourism Board (NTB). The main objective of the study was to examine whether the Namibian Tourism Board has an integrative tourism destination marketing strategy in place and, if absent or ineffective, provide recommendations pertaining to the integrative marketing strategy based on the research findings. A single case study approach was employed...
ABSTRACT This study had the objective of examining the effects of firm size on market performance of investment management firms in Namibia using fixed effects method estimation to analyse panel data for the period 2003-2017. Return on investment was used as a proxy to measure firm performance, while assets under management and number of employees were employed as the main variables of interest to measure firm size. Capital invested, volume of sales and technology investment were employed as...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to investigate the levels of poverty in Babylon informal settlement community in Windhoek. Babylon was selected as a case study, since Babylon was amongst the first informal settlement areas to be established in Windhoek. Poverty is a multi-dimensional phenomenon, and it is characterised by lack of power, exposure to risk, malnutrition, high mortality rate, low life expectancy, and insufficient access to socio-economic services, and opportunities for inc...
Abstract This study explored the effects of traumatic events on the psychosocial functioning of police officers at Wanaheda Police Station in Windhoek, Namibia. An understanding of the effects of traumatic events on the psychosocial functioning of police officers will enable mental health workers in the Gender and Welfare Directorate of the Namibian Police Force and other helping professionals, to understand the police officer’s world view better and tailor interventions to their particula...
ABSTRACT This research paper focused on the constraints that inhibit the development of the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Namibia. Due to high unemployment rate and wide gaps of income in Namibia, SMEs development was identified as a means of creating employment opportunities for people with low levels of education and training, who are the majority of the country’s population. Specific policies and strategies were designed for active promotion of the SMEs, but still there is a sl...
ABSTRACT The study determines the causal relationship between financial development and economic growth in Namibia. In order to test for existence of long run relationship between the variables, the study employs a cointegration and vector error correction model (VECM) technique. Granger causality test was applied to the variables to test for the direction of causation between variables. The study uses quarterly data for the period of 1993 to 2007. Economic growth is proxied by gross domesti...
ABSTRACT Air Namibia is a State-Owned entity that frequently appeared in the news for the one reason of poor performance. Much of the poor performance of the national airline has been attributed to weaknesses in corporate governance practices in the airline. A preliminary literature search in the area of interest revealed that limited research has been conducted in the scope of interest for the current study. Motivated by the preliminary gap identified; a public outcry regarding poor perform...
ABSTRACT The UN Secretary General‘s Study on Violence against Children approached child protection systems from the perspectives of human rights, public health and child protection. A global agenda to protect children emphasised the urgency of country level action with targets for governments. The UNCRC and the ACRWC underpin the delivery of high quality essential services to all children. There is increasing recognition worldwide, as well as in Namibia, that the protection of children can...
ABSTRACT This research analysed the level of efficiency of commercial banks operating in Namibia. The research targeted the big four banks: First National Bank, Bank Windhoek, Standard Bank and Nedbank; by market share in the economy. The research was carried out using data from the respective banks’ annual reports for the period 2011 to 2015. Analysis of the data was done through the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method. The inputs and outputs used were defined through the intermediatio...
ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of internal audit in fraud detection and prevention in the Ministry of Finance. Specifically, the study was guided by the following objectives: (1) To determining whether internal control and internal audit control systems exist and their effectiveness. (2) To identify the extent to which internal audit standards are adhered to at the Ministry of Finance in terms of accountability, transparency, expertise and the effeteness ...
Abstract The study is set out to investigate municipal service delivery at the town of Otjiwarongo more specifically with land service delivery and how it links to economic development with specific reference the nature and level of community participation, Staff, Councillors and stakeholders’ understanding of their functions, roles and responsibilities as well as capacity required by the municipality to delivers quality services based on its mandate. Over the past years, there has been an...
Abstract This study reviews the effectiveness of the analysis of Namdeb’s turnaround strategy to improve its financial performance in view of declining carats profile. The study was triggered by the continuous uncertainty in land operations, which is affecting Namdeb’s financial profits. The study determines the extent to which the company’s financial performance is attributed to its turnaround strategy, identify factors that are crucial to the company and suggest ways to improve the c...
Abstract Studies on the stability of money demand or money supply functions have received prominent attention in the literature. This is due to the importance of having stable money demand or money supply functions for economic predictions to ensure long-term economic stability. Although these functions are not the only tools for monetary policy formulation, they play an important role in the assessment of the effectiveness of monetary policy in an economy. Stability in money supply or money...
ABSTRACT The study sought to analyze the determinants of private investment in Kenya. The problem of ambiguous results of existing studies, mainly stemming from inappropriate econometric methods, called for further study of methodology and empirical model building. Results from numerous studies that have employed autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) approaches are more likely to be persuasive than their predecessors. Primary objectives of the study were investigation of determinants of priv...