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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Influence Of Personality And Alcohol-Use On Risky Driving Behaviour And Accident Proneness Among Injured Drivers Treated In A Teaching Hospital In Oshogbo, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Road traffic accidents in Nigeria have been on the increase in recent years despite the various programme designed to reduce the carnage on Nigerian roads. Various factors have been implicated in accident aetiology and these include personal predilection to risky driving behaviour, accident proneness and alcohol use. Personality traits of extraversion and neuroticism have been implicated in accident proneness based on several studies carried out in developing countries. Therefore, th...

Analysis Of The Determinants Of Exchange Rate Volatility In The SACU Region

Abstract The currencies of the five SACU countries have experienced notable volatility in the last decade. The purpose of this study therefore, was to identify the determinants of exchange rate volatility in the SACU region and also to determine if there is a long run relationship between exchange rate volatility and its determinants. The study used annual time series data from 1980 to 2017. This study uses the generalised autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity GARCH (1, 1) approach. ...

Examining The Efficiency Of The Foreign Exchange Market In Namibia

Abstract This paper examines the weak and semi-strong form of the efficient market hypothesis in the Namibian foreign exchange market using sample data from the period January 1993 to December 2011. The study uses monthly nominal spot exchange rates for the British Pound (GBP), the United States Dollar (USD) and the European Currency Unit (EURO). The weak form is examined using the unit root tests, namely: the Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF), the Philips-Perron (PP) and the Kwiatkowski-Phillip...

An Analysis Of The Impact Of Water Scarcity On Beverages Production In Namibia: A Case Study Of Namibia Breweries Limited-Beer Production, Windhoek, Namibia

ABSTRACT The aim of the study was to analyse the impact of water scarcity on the production capacity of Namibia Breweries Limited for a period of 5 years (2013 – 2017). This was with a special focus on beer production capacity, sales, revenue and the likely potential threats it poses to the country’s GDP. It intended to explore the long-term sustainable approaches to fight against water scarcity faced by the country in order to place NBL in a competitive sustainable business position dur...

Attitudes and Behaviour of Nigerian University Students towards Voluntary HIV Counselling and Testing

Abstract Despite increased campaign for voluntary counselling and testing (VCT) for HIV/AIDS in Nigeria only a negligible number of young people participates in this activity. This study investigates the factors affecting the attitudes and behaviour of students at the University of Ibadan, which is a microcosm of other universities in the country, as a way of understanding the context in which apathy towards VCT occurs. The Health Belief Model and the Theory of Reasoned Action enable the stud...

Empirical Evidence of Export Responses to Exchange Rate Volatility in Nigeria

ABSTRACT Following the economic importance of export promotion for improved current account balance of an economy’s balance of payment, this study examines the export responses to exchange rate volatility in Nigeria. The research built a VAR model transformed to VECM as well as ARCH and GARCH model and found out that exchange rate volatility has a long – term negative effect on Nigeria exports. The result calls for policy actions to tackle rising exchange rate volatility. The research su...

Manpower Planning And Development in The Nigerian Banking Sector: A Case Study of Oceanic Bank Plc Nsukka Branch

ABSTRACT This research work assesses the manpower planning and development in the Nigerian banking sector using of Oceanic Bank Plc Nsukka Branch as a case study. The study contends that manpower is a fundamental organizational resource which needs to be properly planned, trained and developed in order to enable the achievement of organizational goals. The data used in this study were collected from both primary and secondary sources. The primary method or sources of data collection included...

Administrative Challenges of The National Youth Service Corps Scheme in Imo State, Nigeria (2003-2011)

ABSTRACT The National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) essentially was construed as an instrument of national unity and socio-cultural integration. It was established by the General Yakubu Gowon Administration in Decree no. 24 of 1973. Seen and conceived as a rallying and unifying force for Nigerians, especially the youth, the corps members were to use their period of service to acquaint themselves with the traditions and cultures of other various ethnic groups of their areas of primary assignment...

Effective Leadership And Organizational Performance: A Case Study of National Youth Service Corps(NYSC) Kogi State

Abstract The study aimed at evaluating the impact of effective leadership on organizational performance in Nigeria using National Youth Service Corps Kogi State office. The evaluation was done through the use of questionnaire and structured interview question, tailored towards: determining the impact of effective leadership on the performance of the organization; assessing the effect of the relationship between effective leadership and organizational performance in promoting maximization of ...

Civil Society Organization And Democratic Consolidation in Nigeria And Ghana, 2003 – 2013

ABSTRACT Civil Society Organizations played an instrumental role in the restoration of democracy in Nigeria and Ghana and in recognition of their important role in democratic transition in both countries they were considered by both scholars and international organizations as a veritable tool for democratic consolidation. The argument that CSOs aid democratic consolidation in both countries and account for the dissimilarities in democratic consolidation necessitated this study. Therefore, th...

Job Stress, Negative Affectivity And Type A Behavior as Predictors of Work-to-Family Conflict Among University Lecturers

ABSTRACT This study investigated job stress, negative affectivity and type A behaviour as predictors of work-to-family conflict among university lecturers. A cross-sectional survey design was adopted while Multiple Regression was used for the data analysis. A total of 385 copies of the questionnaire were distributed among academic staff of the University of Nigeria Nsukka across six Faculties of the University. Out of the 385 copies distributed, 300 copies were returned for analysis. Partici...

The Elephant in the Room: Informality in Tanzania’s Rural Waterscape

Abstract: Informality is pervasive in Tanzania’s rural waterscape, but not acknowledged by development partners(donors and beneficiaries), despite persistent warnings by development scholars. Informality is thus the proverbial elephant in the room. In this paper, we examine a case of superior rural water access in two geographical locales—Hai and Siha districts—in Tanzania, where actors not only acknowledge, but actively harness informality to provide access to water to rural population...

Rebellion And Diplomacy In International Politics In The Context Of The Rwandan Crisis

ABSTRACT Rebellion and diplomacy have played considerable roles in international politics in the last two decades. Both phenomena, however, have failed to resolve many crises and conflict of interests that have plagued the African continent. Studies have been done on the causes and effects of these conflicts. However, substantial attention has not been paid to the centrality of diplomacy in the conflict processes. By drawing the contours of successes and failures of diplomacy, this study inve...

Role of Socio-Psychological Factors in Perceived Quality of Care Rendered by Traditional Medical Practitioners in Ibadan, Nigeria

Abstract Background: It was the aim of the current research to investigate perceived service quality rendered by traditional medical practitioners and the role of socio-psychological factors in the perception. Methods: The first part, a quantitative cross-sectional survey utilized a 93-item questionnaire to examine the influence of quality of life, general health perception, socio-economic status and personality factors on perceived service quality. The second part, a qualitative study utiliz...

Investigating Factors Affecting The Financial Sustainability Of Civil Society Organisations In Namibia

ABSTRACT Civil society organisations (CSOs) in developing countries like Namibia experience multiple operational hindrances, especially financial sustainability challenges that lead to the closure of their operations after few years leaving a void in many communities where they operate due to their dependency on foreign funding. Thus, there is need to establish the factors that affect the financial sustainability of these CSOs. The research sought to investigate the factors that affect finan...

10696 - 10710 Of 19638 Results