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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

A Review Of Capital Budgeting Decisions In Namibia’s State-Owned Enterprises

Abstract The objective of this discourse was to investigate the use of capital budgeting decision in Namibian State-Owned Enterprises. Firstly, to examine if Namibian SOE’s are using capital budgeting methods (like IRR, NPV, payback period etc.) for investment decisions? Secondly to analyze if SOEs risk assessment methods (sensitivity analysis, scenario analysis or Monte Carlos simulation) and standards are in place pertaining to capital budgets. A computerized environment with the assista...

Capacity Building Of The Regional Councils In Namibia

ABSTRACT The study assesses the present capacity of the Regional Councils and investigates whether the available capacity building efforts in Namibia meet the needs of the Regional Councils. Since the needs ofthe Regional Councils are numerous, the study focuses on the problems of capacity building in terms of human resources development, finance and infrastructures. The Regional Councils are newly established government entities under the decentralization process with the aim to extend the ...

Investigating Challenges In Appointment Of Head Teachers In The Hhohho Region, Swaziland

ABSTRACT There are challenges faced by the commission in selecting the rightful candidate for the position of the head of administration in local schools. These challenges are observed in poor performing schools and in maladministration of schools leading to suspension or expulsion of headteachers. The primary objective of the study was to investigate the challenges faced by the Teaching Service Commission in the appointment of head teachers in the Hhohho region of Swaziland. A qualitative r...

An Investigation Into The Differences Of Asset Allocation Strategies Of The Government Institutions Pension Fund And Capricorn Asset Management Company

Abstract The study investigates the differences of asset allocation strategies between the Government Institutions Pension Fund (GIPF) and Capricorn Asset Management Company, focusing on the strategies used when allocating investors’ funds among various asset classes. The study also compares the similarities and differences between the two investment firms regarding their allocation of investors’ funds, along with looking at their performance, considering the fact that the GIPF is a publ...

Towards Capacity Building For Effective Policing In Namibia: The Case Of Khomas Region

ABSTRACT The focus of this study is on capacity-building in the Namibia Police since independence because the majority of officers who constituted the Namibian Police (at independence) were former members of the apartheid colonial system. Being so, the Namibia Police needs requisite skills and appropriate logistical means to perform effectively in democracy. Policing in democracy is a complex undertaking requiring the police not only to respond to crimes and maintain law and order but also t...

Testing The Applicability Of A Privatization Model On State Owned Enterprises In Namibia

Abstract The purpose of the study was to explore and determine the factors that leads to the success and failure of the State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) in Namibia with a view to develop a privatization model that could be used as a pilot for future privatization effort within the Namibian context. A semi-structured questionnaire was used to collect primary data from 31 respondents who occupied management positions within the various departments of the 12 selected economic and productive SOEs....

The Role Of Significant Others In The Utilization Of Traditional Orthopaedic Services In Kwara State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Orthopaedic injuries contribute to most musculo-skeletal health challenges in developing societies partly due to increasing rate of technological advancement and its associated consequences. Despite the little recognition experienced, traditional orthopaedic service due to the 'severity of most orthopaedic injuries which sometimes 'left patients incapacitated, decision making regarding treatment is sometimes determined by significant others and has implication for patients well being...

Women’s Experiences And Coping Strategies Towards Domestic Violence: Analysis Of Cases From Female Survivors In Windhoek, Namibia.

ABSTRACT The domestic violence against women, especially from male counterparts, has escalated in Namibia to the extent that women suffer physical violence and even murder. Thus, the Government of the Republic of Namibia established the Gender Based Violence Protection Unit (GBVPU) to provide services to domestic violence survivors, both men and women. This research investigated how both married and single-status female victims and survivors experienced and coped with physical violence by th...

A Study On Family And Caregiver Support To Psychiatric Patients In Katutura: A Psychiatric Social Work Perspective

ABSTRACT De-institutionalization brought with it a shift in the care taking of psychiatric patients from institutional care to community care. As a result, people with mental illnesses have to rely on families for support and care. Existing literature in the field of psychiatry tend to over concentrate on the well-being of the mentally ill, while the experiences of caregivers are understudied. This exploratory study was designed to investigate family and caregivers support to psychiatric pat...

The Role Of The Ministry Of Youth, National Service, Sport And Culture In Reducing Youth Unemployment In Namibia With Special Focus On The Urban Khomas Region

Abstract Finding decent work for young people to staunch the youth employment crisis is one of most significant challenges of our time. This research paper reports on the role of the Ministry of Youth, National Service, Sport and Culture in combating youth unemployment in Namibia focusing on urban Khomas region. In the introduction section a comparative approach displays the global and sub-Saharan Africa features of youth unemployment as compared to the Namibian situation. This reflects that...

Analysing The Relationship Between Real Exchange Rate Misalignment And Capital Flow In Namibia

Abstract The paper analysed the relationship between real exchange rate misalignment and capital flow in Namibia during the period 1993Q1 - 2015Q4. Namibia has a fixed exchange rate regime which is prone to speculative attack, moreover, a devaluation or undervaluation is the major cause of capital outflow which hinders economic growth. Thus, the estimation of the equilibrium RER and misalignment is essential. The study employed time-series techniques such as the unit root test, autoregressiv...

Investigating Obstacles Of Accessing Formal Finanacial Services By Small Medium Enterprises In Khomas Region

ABSTRACT This study investigates the obstacles to accessing formal financial services by small and medium enterprises in the Khomas region. It further identified obstacles that hinder the SMEs’ access to formal financial services in Namibia. Primary data was collected through the use of structured questionnaires which were issued out to a sample of forty firms selected from a population of fifty-five SMEs which are presently operational at Soweto and Dr. Libertina Amadhila center. Addition...

Gender And Military Professionalism: A “Case” Study Of The Namibian Defence Force

ABSTRACT The Namibian Government’s commitment to the provision of equal opportunities and gender implementation in all Government institutions and agencies has brought a new significant dimension to the Namibia Defence Force (NDF) in terms of employment practice, thereby requiring change of attitudes in order to adapt to the new approach. This thesis, a case-study of the NDF provides detailed views and perspectives on gender in the country’s military profession. The study thus, portrays ...

An Investigation Of The Effectiveness Of The Interest Rate Channel Of Monetary Policy Transmission Mechanism In Zambia

ABSTRACT This study investigates the effectiveness of the interest rate channel of monetary policy transmission in Zambia by employing the vector auto-regression (VAR) approach and focuses on the reduced-form relationships between money supply, inflation, real interest rate and real output by utilizing annual data for the period from 1980 to 2011. Using the 4 variable VAR model, the analysis was carried out by examining the dynamic nature of impulse response functions, multivariate Granger c...

Social Determinants and Attitudes of Women on Empowerment through Microfinance Institutions

Abstract  Empowerment is a process, and it does not occur automatically. This has necessitated several studies to have different findings about the evidence for women empowerment. This is because empowerment is a continuous and constantly evolving process. This necessitates investigation of the factors which determine women empowerment in specific areas. This paper examined social factors which determine women empowerment in Kondoa District. Moreover, it establishes the level of attitude tow...

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