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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Public Finance Reforms: Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) And Its Efficiency In Namibia.

The focus of this study was to review the performance of MTEF and notice the change that was brought about by MTEF since the commencement of its implementation. The study examined the effectiveness of the budget reform process, the current process whether the Namibian fiscal policy did achieve the micro and fiscal policy goals. Given that Namibia has implemented a homemade MTEF in Africa, the paper examines whether Namibia MTEF's is different from those MTEF initiatives. The study analysed th...

Assessing The Food Security Status Of Smallholder Farm Households In The Northern Region Of Ghana

ABSTRACT  Smallholder farmers play a vital role in food production especially through subsistence farming. However, their households are major casualties of food insecurity despite their efforts in food production. This study seek to assess the food security status, factors influencing household food security status and coping strategies used among smallholder farm households in West Mamprusi (WMD) and Mamprugu Moaduguri (MMD) Districts in the Northern region of Ghana. The study used the COC...

Climate-Smart Agriculture Technology Adoption And Impact In The East Gonja District Of Ghana

ABSTRACT  Climate Smart Agriculture has been introduced as a viable solution to tackling the climate change challenge across the world. It is believed to have the potential of increasing resilience to the impacts of climate change while simultaneously increasing crop yield and incomes of farmers and reducing the emission of Greenhouse Gases. The aim of this study was to determine the factors contributing to the adoption of CSA practices in the East Gonja district of the Northern region of Gh...

Developing Reading Strategiesto Improve Upon Reading Culture Among Upper Primary Pupils Of Malshegu Kidz Active Foundation School In Tamale, Northern Region, Ghana

ABSTRACT The purpose of this project was to develop reading culture among the upper primary pupils of Malshegu Kidz Active Foundation School through alternative reading strategies. The project guided by the interpretive paradigm adopted a qualitative approach (action research) design to assist 97 upper primary pupils (30 in class four, 34 and 33 pupils in classes five and six respectively). A teacher in each of the Upper Primary classes was also guided as to how to use different teaching str...

Local Government And Domestic Revenue Mobilisation: The Case Of East Gonja District Assmbly In The Nothern Region

ABSTRACT Financing local government development presents a worrying scenario to many Municipal, Metropolitan, and District Assemblies (MMDAs). While some MMDAs are well endowed with resources, others have less. However, how efficient and effective actors are able to identify, exploit and allocate these resources inform how developed their society may be. It is on this note that this study was conducted to examine the potentials and challenges of internal revenue mobilisation in the East Gonj...

Assessing Employee Perceptions Of The Performance Management System In The Ministry Of International Relations

ABSTRACT This research sought to assess the effects of employee attitudes and perceptions on the functionality of the Performance Management System (PMS) in the Ministry of International Relations and Cooperation (MRICO). It also aimed to achieve the following research objectives: to determine whether employee attitudes and perceptions influenced the PMS; to explore whether the PMS motivated employees to perform better and to identify the major problems facing the PMS. The Office of the Prim...

Inflation And Economic Growth: An Estimate Of An Optimal Level Of Inflation In Namibia

Abstract This study empirically investigates the inflation-economic growth relationship to determine whether a threshold effect exists and if so to estimate the optimal inflation level which is conducive for economic growth in Namibia. With this view, various tables and charts, correlation matrices, pair-wise Granger Causality tests and a quadratic regression equation was estimated by OLS. Time series annual data covering a sample period from 1980 to 2012 were used in the estimation process....

Estimating The Demand For Money In A Developing Country: The Case Of South Africa

Abstract In this paper, the demand for real money, M3, is estimated for South Africa for the period 1965 to 2003. The paper employs an Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) model using a two equation technique that includes cointegration and an errorcorrection model (ECM). The cointegration model estimates the long-run relation that might exists between the dependent variable and the explanatory variables, and the ECM determines the short-run relationship between money demand and its determi...

Examining Electricity Consumption Patterns By The Mining Sector In Namibia Between 2003 -2013

ABSTRACT Energy is an essential component of a developing economy such as that of Namibia. The affordability, availability and security of energy supply are indispensable to economic development on many facets. This study focused on electricity consumption patterns by the mining sector in Namibia by examining variations of annual production output, electricity consumption, electricity per unit output of production, and electricity tariffs of Gold, Uranium and SHG (Special High Grade) Zinc in...

Examining The Relationship Between Foreign Investment Flows And Foreign Exchange Reserves In Namibia

ABSTRACT This study investigated the relationship between foreign investment flows and foreign exchange reserves in Namibia for the period 2005Q2 to 2016Q2. The approach used for this analysis was the simple regression method utilising unit root test techniques. Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) results showed that the two variables are stationary in levels suggesting that they are integrated of order zero. The Jarque-Bera Normality test rejected the null hypothesis at 5% and 10% that the normal...

The Funding Challenges Faced By Small And Medium Enterprises: A Case Of Windhoek, Namibia

ABSTRACT This study aimed to investigate the funding challenges faced by small and medium enterprises in Windhoek city. The specific objectives that this study sought to address were to ascertain whether SMEs have challenges in accessing credit in Namibia and if so, determine these specific challenges; to determine how financing challenges affect the operations of Small and Medium Enterprises and recommend to policy makers on how to overcome these funding challenges and thus improve accessib...

An Empirical Investigation Into The Relationship Between Exchange Rate Volatility And Economic Growth In Liberia (1980 To 2012)

Abstract This study investigated the relationship between the exchange rate volatility and economic growth in Liberia from 1980 to 2012. Empirical literature shows conflicting results. The study used the generalised autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity model to estimate volatility. The order of integration of the variables was tested and the variables were found not to have the same order of integration. The bounds test confirmed co-integration between GDP growth, exchange rate vola...

Analysing The Exchange Rate Volatility Relative To Trade Balance: The Case Of Sacu Countries

ABSTRACT The term exchange rate volatility is widely used in the financial market. The exchange rate is determined in the foreign exchange market, which is said to be the largest market in the world and it trades financial assets. Many studies have shown that researchers, relevant practitioners and policy makers pay lots of attention to the issue of exchange rate and volatility. Volatility is known to be very important when it comes to making decisions in financial trading activities that ar...

An Investigation Into The Role Real Estate Investment Plays In Diversifying Portfolios Of Institutional Investors In Namibia.

ABSTRACT This research study investigated the role real estate investment plays in diversifying portfolios of institutional investors in Namibia. The study was encouraged by the fact that real estate investment in portfolios of most institutional investors in Namibia is low, despite existing research studies having reliably reported attractive risk-return attributes that would suggest much higher allocations. The research design applied both the qualitative and the quantitative research appr...

Gender And The Changing Division Of Labour In The Namibian Household: A Comparative Study Of Families In Ongwediva Constituency Urban And Rural

ABSTRACT The study investigated the changing gender division of labour between individuals of Ongwediva rural and urban households. The study involved 18 participants who were selected from 6 different families, 3 families from Ongwediva rural and 3 families from Ongwediva urban. These families were selected through snowball sampling strategies and the sampling criteria were that the family members should be married, legally and stay together. In addition to that an extra member of the famil...

10726 - 10740 Of 19638 Results