ABSTRACT Affirmative Action is a concept that started in the USA, where intentional policies and measures were taken to correct historical socio- economic imbalances between Whites and Blacks. Since then, Affirmative Action has been widely employed in many countries to address such imbalances, with varying degrees of success. This study attempts to critically analyse the implementation of Affirmative Action at the University of Namibia against the backdrop of experiences in other countries. ...
Abstract Dominant scholarships on globalization and conflict management take one of two basic approaches. The providentialists describe it as a process of unifying the world into a one happy and peaceful family of 7 God. The constructionists conceive it as a human effort towards the creation of a borderless world through technological inventions. Both approaches failed to recognize resource inequalities as the driving force of both processes. It is against this backdrop that this study sou...
ABSTRACT The study focused on the significance of working capital management in enhancing liquidity and profitability in the electricity distribution sector in Namibia. The main motivator for the researcher to conduct the study was the fact that the electricity distribution sector has deteriorated sharply as the sector continues to be troubled by heavy gearing. This has been aggravated by mounting debt, resulting in financial stress. In this study, the positivism philosophy was adopted as we...
ABSTRACT The aim of the study was to investigate the impact of the merger of the Consumer Education and Corporate Communications Departments in the Namibia Financial Institutions Supervisory Authority (NAMFISA). The uncertainty of the merger of the two departments necessitated the research of this kind in order to find out whether the merger of the two departments will be of best interest to the organization. The main objective of the research was to investigate and document the effects of m...
ABSTRACT A well designed system for rewarding labour greatly has a direct relation on the output of employees and therefore positive impact on the performance of the organisation as a whole. The study aimed at providing an objective view of organisations reward systems and their role on organisational performance. It analysed the reward package of the selected Vocational Training Centres, and established whether their current reward systems have any bearing on organisational performance. The...
INTRODUCTION This dissertation is about the well-being of Namibian secondary school educators as well as the employee and organizational outcomes thereof. Chapter 1 focuses on the background and motivation for the study, the problem statement, justification for the study, as well as research objectives and methodology used in this study.
ASTRACT The study investigated and sought to establish the relationship between internal control systems and financial performance in an Institution of higher learning in Uganda. Internal controls were looked at from the perspective of Control Environment, Internal Audit and Control Activities whereas Financial performance focused on Liquidity, Accountability and Reporting as the measures of Financial performance. The Researcher set out to establish the causes of persistent poor financial pe...
Abstract The study is on “Commercialization and workers’ Remuneration: a study of Nigeria Ports Plc, Lagos. The study was restricted to the three seaports in Lagos (Marina, Tin-can and Ijora Wharf) and a total no of 558 respondents who are employees of these three ports in Lagos were surveyed in the study. The cross-sectional survey design was used while six research questions were formulated to guide the study. Respondents are of both sexes. Questionnaires were administered to 540 of t...
ABSTRACT In recent years, Corporate Social Responsibility has been attracting heightened attention throughout the world. Stakeholder expectations of the business have increasingly ranged from maximum profits to strong levels of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Previous research into effects of CSR on Business Operations and Performance has yielded mixed results. Research on CSR in the Ugandan context has however been minimal. Business managers in Ugandan Corporations have actively embr...
Abstract This study aimed at assessing the socio-economic impact of international students on Ugandan universities and there after using the information gathered to propose ways of how government ant other education providers can maximize the benefits from international students. The study was premised on mixed methods strategies with more inclination towards qualitative strategies. The research sample composed of 54 respondents of which 34 were female and 20 were male these were selected us...
ABSTRACT The ambulance services industry in the country is very competitive, and most of the companies in the industry are facing service delivery challenges. This study analyzed the association between relationship marketing and sustainable competitive advantage in AMREF Flying Doctors, Nairobi. The specific objectives of the study included; determining the effect of use of technology on attaining sustainable competitive advantage, establishing the effect of customer retention on achieving ...
ABSTRACT Conflict has persisted in the Great Lakes region of Africa since time immemorial, yet the challenges of a peaceful coexistence in this region continue to manifest themselves in an even escalating manner. Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, in a particular way, has experienced a vicious circle of tragedy and victimhood, from unlived memories, through constructed memories and narratives, to lived narratives and memories. Hence, people in this part of the DRC find themselves trap...
ABSTRACT In achieving organizational excellence employers and employees need to work together in order to achieve the bank’s overall strategic goals. This research sought to determine the influence of Mckinsey’s 7s model on organizational excellence of Development banks in Kenya particularly the PTA bank. The Mckinsey’s 7s includes strategy, staff, style, skills, shared values, structure and systems and how they objectively affect the organizational success of the PTA bank. It is a mod...
ABSTRACT Public private partnerships (PPP) are pursued to leverage knowledge, resources, and capabilities to achieve public goals. Despite its strategic role in enhancing optimal benefits of PPPs, synergy is a developing concept in most of the PPPs in developing economies, Kenya included which largely remains untested coupled with lack of models to be benchmarked with. The study investigated the influence of synergy on performance of public private partnerships in Kenya: a case study of the ...
ABSTRACT This study looked at the effect of procurement management on the financial performance of banks in Uganda with a case study of FINA Bank Uganda Ltd. Specifically the study reviewed procurement planning, controls and monitoring and how they affected the performance of banks. It was hypothesised in the study that procurement planning, controls and monitoring positively affect the performance of banks. Empirical data was collected from the staff of FINA Bank Uganda and the study had 33...