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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Effect Of Organizational Policies On The Financial Performance Of Road Transport Companies In Kenya: A Case Study Of Multiple Hauliers (E.A.) Limited

ABSTRACT There has been stiff competition amongst transport companies which has resulted in the steep decline of road freight rates of between 20% and 30% across various transport companies. Furthermore, the transportation costs in the Northern Corridor from Mombasa to various destinations across East African Community has reduced. In wake of such challenges, it raises concerns on the financial performance of the road transport companies in East Africa and how the organizational policies the...

Effects Of Credit Assessment Determinants On Credit Uptake In The Agricultural Financing Sector In Kenya: A Case Of South Imenti Sub County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Food Security is a vital cog in every fiscal and monetary growth of all countries worldwide. It is a state when all people have economic, social and physical access to nutritious, safe and sufficient food that meets food preferences and dietary needs for a healthy and active life at all times. Lack of funding confines farmers’ productivity and improved income hence a major impediment for farmer’s especially small-scale farmers in third world countries. The purpose of the project...

Knowledge And Use of Contraceptive Methods Among Youths in Abuja Metropolis

ABSTRACT Unwanted pregnancy followed by unsafe abortion can be avoided by using different contraceptive methods. Information on knowledge, attitude and practice of contraceptives among youth are particularly important because of high rates of teenage and unwanted pregnancies as well as soaring STI and HIV.AIDS rates. Unfortunately, in Nigeria, the case is not different as a significant proportion of youth who engages in premarital sex, either lack basic knowledge of contraception or are igno...

Strategies Of Customer Retention Among Commercial Banks In Kenya: A Case Of Bank Of Africa, Kenya

ABSTRACT A customer is one of the significant assets for any profit-making firm, hence most profit making firms strive to acquire and retain as many customers as possible so as not to experience nose-diving of profits. While few existing researches have shown that product and or quality of service results in acquisition and retention of business customers, some few researchers with little empirical data also recommend that corporate image and customer loyalty affects acquisition and retentio...

Traditional African Collective Actions For Community Development: A Search Into The Internal And External Factors That Arouse Collective Synergies For Sustainable Grassroots Development In Ka

Abstract Since the beginning of the new millennium, there are concerns about the wild spread poverty, underdevelopment and conflict especially in Africa. African governments, donors and development scholars have keenly paid attention to adopting and in some instances attempted to revamp traditional approaches as strategy for enhancing civic participation in development management and democratic processes at the grassroots level. However, despite such synergies not much is evident on the grou...

Determinants Of Internal Audit And Its Effectiveness In The Public Sector In Kenya: A Case Of The National Treasury

ABSTRACT Governance and core business strategy view internal auditing as vital management tool. Essentially internal audit focused on internal controls and monetary assessment. The Kenyan government is grappling with inefficiencies, wastage of resources, fraud, corruption and non-achievement of value for money which calls into question the role of internal auditing in management of resources. The purpose of the study therefore, was to investigate the determinants of internal audit effectiven...

The New Performance Appraisal Scheme And Employee Performance In Local Governments In Uganda. Case Study: Arua Municipal Council Local Government.

ABSTRACT The topic of this research was “The New Performance Appraisal Scheme (NPAS) and Employee Performance in Local Governments in Uganda, A Case Study of Arua Municipal Council Local Government. The overall objective was to examine how the New Performance Appraisal Scheme is being used to improve employee performance in Arua Municipal Council Local Government. The specific objectives were; to analyse how the NPAS is being used as a tool to motivate staff in Arua Municipal Council Local...

Effects Of Internal Audit Practice On Performance Of Public Commissions In Kenya: A Case Of Parliamentary Service Commission Of Kenya

ABSTRACT Public Commissions in Kenya are importance arms of the executive in the management of constitutional affairs. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of internal audit on performance of public commissions in Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were; to determine the effect of expertise of the internal auditing staff on the performance of Public Commission in Kenya, to examine the effect of internal audit controls on the performance of Public Commissions in Kenya...

Influence Of Product Strategy On Performance Of Savings And Credit Cooperative Societies In Kenya: A Case Of Azima Sacco

ABSTRACT Increased non-performing loans and the availability of substandard products among SACCOs in Kenya has been a major challenge facing these cooperatives. The current study aimed at determining the influence of product pricing, product delivery, product quality and product design on performance of SACCOs in Kenya. The study was grounded on resource-based theory and stakeholders’ theory that portrays the need to focus on stakeholders’ needs when coming up with product strategy. The ...

Influence of Parental Monitoring, Birth Order, And Gender on Adolescents Health Risk Behavior

ABSTRACT  The research investigated the influence of parental monitoring, birth order and gender on adolescent health risk behaviour. Three hundred and fifty (350) participants (175 female and 175 male) participated in the study. Participants’ ages ranged from 15 years to 21 years, with mean age of 18 years. Two instruments were used for data collation in the study: Parental Monitoring Inventory and Adolescent Health Risk Behaviour Scale. A three-way ANOVA was used for data analysis and th...

Empirical Analysis of Wage Differentials Among Public Servants in Nigeria

Abstract This study investigated wage differentials among public servants in Nigeria with four specific objectives. Both primary and secondary (salary structures) data were used for this study. The work employs a stratified sampling technique in collecting the primary data. We employ the quantile regression and logistic models in our analysis. Using a sample of 840 employees, in accordance with our theoretical priors, the empirical result support the standard inverse relationship between wag...

Role Of Growth Support Programs On Performance Among Micro And Small Enterprises: Case Of Anza Entrepreneurs Limited

ABSTRACT The study was to determine roles of growth support programs on performance of micro and small enterprises with a focus of Anza Entrepreneurs Limited (Anza) in Tanzania. The research objectives were to find out the role of financial sector deepening program in enabling enterprises access financing and meet their financial needs to enable their performance; to establish the role of business development services program performance; and to determine the role of business sector program ...

Workplace Social Support And Personality Type as Predictors of Job Satisfaction

ABSTRACT  Investigated in the present study were workplace social support variables and personality types as predictors of job satisfaction. Two hundred and fifty staff of Nigeria Breweries Ama Enugu State who volunteered participated in the study. Their average age was 28 years and they were mainly junior and medium level staff. Valid questionnaire were used to collected raw data about the study variables and multiple regression analysis using SPSS version 16 was used to analyze the data. T...

Relationship Marketing And Sustainable Competitive Advantage Of Ambulance Service Providers In Kenya: A Case Of Amref Flying Doctors

ABSTRACT The ambulance services industry in the country is very competitive, and most of the companies in the industry are facing service delivery challenges. This study analyzed the association between relationship marketing and sustainable competitive advantage in AMREF Flying Doctors, Nairobi. The specific objectives of the study included; determining the effect of use of technology on attaining sustainable competitive advantage, establishing the effect of customer retention on achieving ...

Assessment Of Park Resource Use By Local Communities As An Incentive Strategy For Natural Resources Conservation In Protected Areas: The Case Of Rwenzori Mountains National Park Adjacent Comm

ABSTRACT Assessment of park resource use by local communities as an incentive strategy for natural resources conservation in protected areas was carried out in communities adjacent to Rwenzori Mountains National Park (RMNP). Since 2008, Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) signed 14 Memorandum of Understandings (MOUs) with local communities in 15 parishes around RMNP to access dry bamboo, firewood, medicinal plants and mushrooms. There was increased pressure from local communities for resources i...

10831 - 10845 Of 19638 Results