ABSTRACT The study is a comparative analysis of SAP and NEEDS in economic planning and management in Nigeria. It seeks to understand if there is any relationship between SAD and NEED in economic planning and management and the prospect that NEEDS will succeed were SAP failed. Documentary data sources of textbooks, journals, newspapers and magazines among other secondary sources were used extensively in the study. Anchoring analysis on the depending theory, the study noted that NEEDS is an o...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to examine the causes of low performance in public organizations. Nigeria Institute for Oil Palm Research was used as a case study. Public organizations are faced with poor performance leading to low productivity in most developing countries like Nigeria. There is a general nonchalant attitude of staff in the discharge of their duties. What are the causes? These crucial and yet unresolved questions have been and are still a source of concern to the publ...
ABSTRACT This empirical study examined leader-member exchange, psychological empowerment, and organizational trust as antecedents of organizational citizenship behaviour among teachers. Two hundred and fifty-five (255) teachers comprising 127 males and 128 females were randomly selected using a cross-sectional design from teachers of four secondary schools in Nsukka Local Government Area. Their ages ranged between 23 to 60 years. Four instruments that were locally standardized using Nige...
Abstract The study investigated the influence of responsibility and gender on problem-solving. Eighty (80) final – year students of the Institute of Ecumenical Education, Enugu participated in the study. Participants were volunteers within the age range of 22 and 28 years with a mean age of 25 years. The instrument for data collection was the Eysenck General Intelligence Test – 4 (EGIT – 4) developed by Eysenck (1981) and which was modified for use in Nigeria by Ihekuna (1991). Tw...
ABSTRACT The research used a qualitative case study based on an agricultural extension organisation in Okombahe Settlement Area. The pressure on the public agricultural extension organisation to improve its responsiveness to meet the stock-raising needs of communal farmers has increased after Namibia attained her independence in 1990. Extensive livestock farming remains the main land-based economic activity in the communal farming area of the Okombahe Settlement. To improve agricultural prod...
ABSTRACT The increasing rate of juvenile delinquency has become a major social problem globally and locally. Researchers and concerned individuals have traced the preponderance of juvenile delinquency to the increasing rate of family instability among other factors. However, concerted inquiries into the influence of family instability on juvenile delinquency have resulted in a raging controversy. While some researchers have found a significant relationship between family instability and ...
ABSTRACT Knowledge Management in organizations has become an important strategic weapon for sustaining competitive advantage. Knowledge management manages the corporation’s knowledge through a systematically and organizationally specified process for acquiring, organizing, sustaining, applying, sharing and renewing both the tactic and explicit knowledge of employees to enhance organizational performance and create value. This study sought to investigate the effect of Knowledge Management o...
ABSTRACT The study evaluates the impact of international trade flows on industrial sector employment in Nigeria. Specifically, the study evaluates the extent in which trade expansion has impacted on the industrial sector employment, the impact of net export on aggregate labour demand by industrial sector employment in Nigeria. The data for the study were mainly sourced from CBN statistical bulletins and World Bank economic indicator for Nigeria. The estimation was done within the framework ...
ABSTRACT This study assesses the implementation of the National Gender Policy, with more emphasis on gender balance in position of power and decision-making. The topic, gender equality, was chosen on the understanding that equality and respect for Human Rights are major principles of democracy that the Namibian government has opted for. Namibia set herself a target of reaching 30% female representation in power and decision-making positions by 2005 in an effort to achieve an acceptable gende...
ABSTRACT This study investigated the relationship between population dynamics and economic growth in Nigeria. In addition, the study tried to identify the determinants of population growth as well as testing for causality between population and economic growth in Nigeria. Using annual time series data spanning from 1970 to 2013, the researcher employed a multiple regression model for the first and second objective of the study while the granger causality test was used to capture the third o...
ABSTRACT The study evaluates the judiciary as the major unit of the criminal justice system in Nigeria. Case flow management, financial autonomy, inadequate facilities, and other constraints have made it difficult for the judiciary in Enugu State to dispense cases freely. The objectives of this study, therefore, were to find out how slow dispensation of cases by the judiciary affects their citizens in criminal matters. The researcher used propositions to discuss and analyze the problems fac...
Abstract The study was designed to investigate the extent to which the Nigerian Prison Service had performed its cardinal objective of treating offenders with special reference to Lagos State Prison Formations. This study looked at the available resources for this purpose. Such resource s include finance, vocational skill training workshops qualified staff, prison facilities and health care delivery facilities, etc. In the investigation, seven research questions and three major hypothes...
ABSTRACT SACCOs are on the forefront to offer financial services to their members; but they encounter with countless problems such as lack of customer care services, lack of good governance, weak member confidence, and inadequate use of technology, insufficient financial services, high registration costs and increasing interest rates among others. Therefore, there exists a gap in literature, which this study aims to fill by establishing the influence of service quality on customer retention ...
ABSTRACT This study provided comprehensive details and assessment on the economic effects of antimoney laundering in Namibia. The mixed method was used to describe and analyse money laundering and financing terrorism in Namibia. The study also used a regression model to analyse the effect of money laundering on the economy. The topic is vital with regards to the main findings that revealed that money-laundered negatively affects economic growth. Corruption and tax evasion were identified as ...
ABSTRACT This study investigated the decision-making styles of Generation Y consumers in Namibia and the relationship between their decision-making styles and their learning styles, culture and e-literacy. Data were obtained by administering Sproles and Kendal’s Consumer Style Inventory (CSI), Felder & Silverman Index of Learning Style (ILS), Hofstede Cultural Dimensions, demographic and e-literacy questionnaires to a random sample of 505 respondents from the 3 (three) major Universities i...