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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

An Analysis Of Mobile Information And Communications Technologies In Telecom Namibia: An Integration Architecture

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to analyze Mobile Information Communications Technologies (M-ICT) usage and recommend an integration architecture to Telecom Namibia (TN). The major problem of the research was the current usage of mobile technologies and the benefits of integration M-ICT in TN. The specific objectives are to assess the risk posed by the usage of mobile technologies to TN and to recommend suitable integration architecture for M-ICT in TN. The study is a quantitative rese...

Consumers’ Preferences And Willingness To Pay For Certified Vegetables In Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

ABSTRACT  The recent increase in consumers’ concern about safe food, particularly, certified food, is fueled by a number of food scandals that have resulted in illness and many death cases. This study assessed consumers’ perceptions and willingness to pay (WTP) for certified vegetables in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. A two stage random sampling method was employed to select 400 consumers from ten (10) sectors in Ouagadougou. A semistructured questionnaire which contained contingent valuati...

Tackling Electoral Violence In The Upper West Region Of Ghana

ABSTRACT  Since the return of Ghana to multiparty democratic regime from 1992 to 2008, Ghana has gone through five major successive general elections and has received numerous commendations all over the world. Incidentally, all these elections were associated with electoral violence. This study aimed at studying the causes, nature, and effects of electoral violence in the Upper West Region of Ghana. The objective of the study included how electoral violence affect the credibility of the elec...

Local Authorities And The Implementation Of Sustainable Development In Namibia

ABSTRACT Sustainable development has in the last three decades become a widely debated notion. Nevertheless the objective of achieving a state of sustainability has so far not been attained. The study examines reasons for this condition by investigating activities on the global, national and local levels, and examining various philosophies and approaches, to determine what constitutes sustainable development and sustainability. In the first chapter, the research problem, the objectives of th...

Enhancing Internationalisation Practices In Higher Education: A Case Of The University Of Namibia

ABSTRACT The world has become a global village, thus higher education has become increasingly international because students and academics have a choice to study or teach at preferred institutions. While interest in international education has increased over the years, various universities have developed policies and strategies for internationalisation, which act as a guide for their respective institutions. Despite the fact that the University of Namibia came into existence in 1992, compare...

Evaluating The Implementation Of Activity-Based Costing At The Government Institutions Pension Fund In Namibia

Abstract This thesis explores the adoption and implementation of ABC in 2009 by the Government Institutions Pension Fund in Namibia. The purpose of this study is to evaluate whether the implementation of ABC at the GIPF was effective. The aim of this study is to determine the benefits achieved as well as the barriers and challenges that might have been encountered thus far in the implementation of ABC at the GIPF. This study is an empirical investigation, which analyses the experiences and p...

Assessing The Effect Of Maize Farmers’ Participation In Outgrower Schemes On Credit Access And Utilization In The Upper East Region

ABSTRACT Despite the importance of credit to agricultural growth, economic development and poverty reduction, it is reported that access to credit is very low among farmers in Ghana. To overcome this challenge, the government of Ghana and NGOs has made attempt to empower outgrower schemes. Based on this argument, the current study attempts to examine smallholder farmers’ participation in outgrower schemes and quantify its effect on credit access and utilization. Multi-stage sampling techniq...

Achieving Effective Human Capital Development in A Global Economy: A Case Study of Enugu State : (2007- 2014)

ABSTRACT   The attainment of national development and socio-economic recognition in the global economy no longer depend alone on the natural and physical endowment. What is most important now is the level of human capital development of a nation. So for any country aspiring to attain global economic relevance must invest adequately in the development of its human capital. This research was aimed at identifying how to achieve effective human capital development in Nigeria that is capable of ...

Assessing The Effectiveness Of Sustainable Procurement In Ghana: A Case Study Of Northern Regional Coordinating Council

ABSTRACT Even though there is no doubt that an efficient public procurement system is necessary to ensure value for money in government expenditure, the systematic level of awareness and the degree to which the procurement process ensures sustainability is much less apparent. This study examines the effectiveness of sustainable procurement in the Northern Region of Ghana. The study employed the quantitative approach and descriptive design and targeted personnel of the Entity Tender Board Comm...

Agricultural Wastewater Use, Incidence And Costs Of Illness Among Urban Farm Households In Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

ABSTRACT Agricultural wastewater irrigation practices increasingly reached problematic levels, thereby raising concerns for higher risks and costs of water-related diseases for farm households. After reviewing the empirical literature, it appears, however, that both micro and macro level studies have not provided clear evidence to show the linkage between wastewater irrigation and incidence and costs of illness. The main objective of this study is to analyze how wastewater use for irrigation...

Effect of Evaluative Conditioning on Attitudes of Smokers Towards Smoking Behavior: The Moderating Role of Self-Efficacy

Abstract This study examined the effect of Evaluative conditioning on attitudes of smokers towards smoking behaviour: With self-efficacy as a moderating variable. Evaluative conditioning was varied into evaluative condition group and control group. Fifty male volunteered undergraduate student of the University of Nigeria, Nsukka who were smokers participated in the study. Their age range was between 18 and 30years with a mean age of 23.7000. Self-efficacy scale, five dimensions of attitude s...

Appraisal of Private Sector Participation in University Education in Nigeria, 1999-2012

ABSTRACT    The public failure theory and globalization imperatives led to the emergence of private universities in Nigeria beginning in 1999. Mere accretion in the number of private universities has however failed to solve the problems of crises of access and quality of university education in Nigeria. Thus, this study is an appraisal of private sector participation in university education in Nigeria with a view to determining if they could be a basis for the survival and overall progress...

The Governor and the Governed: Enhancing Participation in Ghana's Local Government System in the Bawku West District Assembly

ABSTRACT  Establishing a governance system that would afford a people the greatest opportunity to meet their hopes and aspirations and allay their fears of the dangers of governance or the absence of a system of governance has always been the dream of nations the world over and throughout all stages of human civilization.  Consequently, nations have adopted various forms of systems of governance at different stages of their nationhood both at the national and local levels in the fulfillmen...

Effectiveness of Government Intervention Strategies And Youth Unemployment in Kogi State, NIGERIA 2000-2010

ABSTRACT Poverty has been described as the unacceptable living standard orchestrated by absolute lack of basic amenities of life, clothing, and lack of proper food, lack of portable drinking water, Unemployment and poverty have been the greatest challenges of the Nigerian government, especially, the Kogi State government. This led to a lack of empowerment for the youth which posed a threat of insecurity to nuclear families of Kogi people, the government at all levels and entire citizens. All...

Teenage Pregnancy And Educational Progression Of The Girl Child: A Study Of The Tamale Metropolis, Ghana.

ABSTRACT  Teenage pregnancy has always been a major setback to the overall development of the girl child in every single community of the Ghanaian society. This study looked at how teenage pregnancy is hindering the educational progression of the girl child in selected communities of the Tamale metropolis of Ghana. The study employed mixed methods – qualitative and quantitative techniques in addressing the research questions. The major data collection instruments that were utilized include...

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