ABSTRACT The recent worldwide competition for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and African’s poor show in FDI attraction is the main motivation of this study. The study primarily investigates the impact of infrastructure development and ease of doing business on FDI in Africa. This study uses 52 African countries for the period 2010-2014. The system Generalised Method of Moments (GMM) estimation technique, a dynamic panel regression technique, is employed for this analysis because of the sm...
ABSTRACT Stocks represent ownership in a corporation or a company in finance. They are sometimes referred to as equities or shares. The converging place of the buying and selling of stocks is what is referred to as a Stock Market/Exchange. The main objective for the study was to determine how inflation impacts the stock market performance in Ghana to help companies and individuals make informed decisions when there are changes in inflation rate. A quantitative approach of data analysis was em...
ABSTRACT Public transport is crucial for the growth of any economy and trade, both of which are highly dependent on the conveyance of people and goods. However, there is, in many cities of developing countries, a major challenge of adjusting the existing system of mobility to the evolving transportation needs of the people. The situation in the Accra Metropolitan area provides a template of the circumstance in most of these city-regions. Against this backdrop, the study investigated the use ...
ABSTRACT Reports of unethical attitudes involving members of the accounting profession have increased in recent times. The reported ethical infractions occurring globally have resulted in the collapse of corporate bodies in developed and developing economies. Accounting educators and professional accounting bodies have been partly blamed for their failure to adequately prepare graduates through education and training. Others have blamed the ethical failures on the personal attributes of ethic...
ABSTRACT World Bank report (2010) clearly reported a continuous increase in old age dependency ratio and a sharp decline in fertility rate. The disparity of child birth between the early 1960s and the 2000s has caused many people to be found in the old age group. Now, the kind of pension scheme operating in Ghana is the Pay as you go scheme (PAYG) and the sustainability of the scheme depends on increasing working population. The problem is how the fewer young people under the PAYG scheme can ...
Abstract Farmers and herdsmen have co-existed for centuries. Nonetheless, as the world population increases, migration induced by climate change and the increasing prevalent scarcity of resources, farmers-herdsmen relationship has tragically experienced a paradigm shift of co-existence to fierce competition over limited resources. The primary objective of this study is to engage the gap in the literature as to why farmers and herdsmen conflict in Ghana have become protracted, increasingly vio...
ABSTRACT Learning to live with and take care of a family member with stroke is immensely complex and demanding. Without appropriate support and coping strategies, informal caregivers are at risk of their own general health decreasing thus becoming a patient themselves. The study therefore examined predictors of mental health among informal caregivers of stroke patients /survivors. A sample of one hundred (150) participants were purposively sampled using a cross sectional research design at th...
ABSTRACT World trade has expanded over the last few decades, but the trade within Africa especially among Sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries has been low. Globally there has been a reduction in tariff rates, reducing trade costs in general, but the SSA region still records the high costs of trade as compared to other developing regions and this has hindered the flow of trade within the region (World Bank Doing Business report, 2013). SSA’s poorly developed trade logistics in the form of po...
ABSTRACT The Persons with Disability Act, 2006, makes provision for inclusive participation for persons with disability (PWDs) in Ghana’s political governance. Nonetheless, political participation of PWDs in Ghana is generally low. The study, therefore, seeks to examine the extent of implementation of the Disability Act in promoting political inclusion of PWDs. It identifies Actors and motivations for advocacy and policy implementations for political inclusion of PWDs, challenges to partici...
ABSTRACT Global flows of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) have seen a boom in the last two decades. This is evident in the annual United Nations’ Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) investment reports. Notwithstanding this, Africa remains the least recipient of global FDI and its share continues to decline. Africa’s predicament has been explained variously. One reason is that Africa is considered unsafe for foreign investments. Proponents of this conjecture base their arguments on...
ABSTRACT The District Assemblies Common Fund (DACF) was introduced in 1993 to assist the Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies (MMDAs) to perform their functions and responsibilities. Over the years, a portion of the Fund has been allocated to Members of Parliament (MPs) to be used in their various constituencies. However, there has not been any regulation or requirement on how the MPs Constituency Project Fund (MPsCPF) should be used. This has led to an abuse of the Fund, as the MP...
ABSTRACT Ghana‟s government, was a totalitarian government from the early 1980s until both external and domestic pressures was borne on the regime to liberalize. In 1992, the authoritarian government liberalized and fresh elections were conducted to that respect. In view of the above, the Electoral Commission encountered difficulties in the process of managing the elections. The major challenges were: technical advice, financial constraints; material for election challenges; problems of re...
TABLE OF CONTENT Title Page ............................... i Approval page .............................. ii Dedication ............................ iii Acknowledgement ......................... iv Table of contents ......................... vi CHAPTER ONE 1.1 Introduction ................. 1 1.2 Statement of the Research Problem ................... 5 1.3 Aim and Objectives of the Study ..................... 6 1.4 Hypothesis ................. 6 1.5 Significance of the Study ...................
ABSTRACT Adequate supply of financial resources is a necessary condition for the survival of any business. This study tends to review government policies and programmes on financing MSMEs in Nigeria. Both primary and secondary data were employed to arrive at the results with the use of statistical method of testing hypothesis chi-square (X2) 13.62 > 9.49 the calculated value is greater than the critical or table value. The results reveal that there is a significance effect between gov...
ABSTRACT This research titled “Global Economic Crisis and Credit Risk Management in Nigerian Deposit Money Banks: A Case Study of First Bank Nigeria Limited”. Chapter one is the introduction of the study, statement of the problem, objective of the study and prelude to the significant of the study, research hypothesis and scope and limitation of the study. Chapter two the review of related literature, Concept of Credit Risk, Credit Risk Management in Nigerian Deposit Money Banks, Rec...