ABSTRACT The study sought to assess the sustainability of cocoa production and consumption in Ghana in the last twenty years (1997-2017). The objective of this study was to examine the trend in cocoa production and consumption in Ghana (1997-2017), evaluate the factors that drive production of cocoa over several years andinvestigate the challenges confronting cocoa production.To address the stated specific objectives, a quantitative research design was employed for the study. Regarding the sa...
ABSTRACT This study assesses the prospects of green energy technologies (photovoltaic system) as an alternative source of energy in La Nkwantanang-Madina Municipality. The assessment revolves around analyzing the influence of socioeconomic, institutional and technical factors on the adoption of green energy technologies (photovoltaic system) as an alternative source of energy by micro and small businesses. The data are drawn from the administration of questionnaires and in-depth interviews wi...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to construct a composite optimal risky portfolio across eleven African countries from which optimal portfolio decisions can be made by investors. This is done through a static model. The study further assesses how robust the optimal portfolio is to possible variations in economic conditions of a country through the use of a bootstrap algorithm. This, therefore, makes the optimal choices of this study reliable and robust to non-normality biases. The variou...
ABSTRACT The effectiveness of an internal audit function is importantly dependent on the outcome of its objectives. However, during the achievement of the internal audit function’s objectives, the function is mandated to contribute to the effectiveness of the organization’s risk management, governance, and internal control processes. This research examines the level of effectiveness of the internal audit function of public tertiary institutions in Ghana and its influencing factors such as...
ABSTRACT The study explored the issue of ageing and chronic diseases by looking at the types of chronic diseases, contributing factors, challenges and coping strategies of the elderly. The elderly are among the groups most vulnerable to chronic disease worldwide. The prevalence and associated risk factors for these chronic diseases have been observed to have increased over time in Ghana, including Akim Oda. The views and opinions of 19 elderly persons between the ages of 60 and 90 years recei...
ABSTRACT Teenage girls from northern Ghana, independently migrate to the urban centres of the south to seek economic opportunities. Most of these teenage girls end up living on the streets of the urban centres they migrate to and often are at risk of sexual abuse. The prevalence of pregnancy and childbearing is increasing among these girls. However, little is known about the experiences and challenges of these teenage girls during pregnancy and post-delivery. This study, examined the lived ex...
ABSTRACT Several reports around the globe point to the fact that access to water has improved in many parts of the world. However, there are still many people who are not able to access improved water. Many people mostly children around the world die from illnesses associated with inadequate and poor water supply. Ghana has the Ghana Water Company Limited (GWCL) and a National Water Policy in place to provide potable water. However, the people in Dome in Accra still have challenges with acces...
ABSTRACT The main aim of this study was to assess how leaders’ emotional intelligence influence the creativity of employees in indigenous Ghanaian banks. Moreover, the study examined how employee voice acts as a mediator for the leaders’ emotional intelligence-employee creativity relationship. Specifically, the objectives of the study were to examine the relationship between leaders emotional intelligence and employee creativity in indigenous Ghanaian banks; to determine the relationship ...
ABSTRACT Profitability and maximizing shareholders wealth top the chat when it comes the reasons why people or organisations engage in business. A bank like any other business venture also has these same objectives in mind. The contentious issue however, is finding a right balance between the profit maximization objective and the right amount of liquidity to hold amidst macro-economic variables such as Gross Domestic Growth rate (GDP), inflation, etc. Evidence from prior academic literature i...
ABSTRACT In recognition of the recent relevance of SMEs and innovation, which is as a result of their potential to contribute substantially to economic growth and development, academics and practitioners have focused attention on these subject matters. In a similar vein, the current study seeks to investigate innovation among SMEs in Ghana and has focused on assessing the constraints of innovation. In view of this, the current study seeks to identify the internal and external factors that con...
ABSTRACT This paper examines the climate change effect on inclusive growth and the possible moderating role of adaptive capacity in climate change/inclusive growth in the long and short-run. The study employs temperature change anomalies (with 1951-1980 as the baseline climatological year) and CO2 emissions (metric ton per capita) as variables for climate change and a set of variables as indicators to measure inclusive growth. These set of indicators are adopted from the Asian Development Ban...
ABSTRACT This research focuses on the study of customer retail preferences at the Kotoka International Airport terminal three. Many studies have in the air transport industry, focused on the aeronautical (the aircraft or aerospace) part of the airport, with specific attention to the airport environment and the overall quality at the airport. Despite the academic contributions made however, the airport retail shops have over the years seen little or no improvements and have little or no meanin...
ABSTRACT Despite the dominant nature and the significant contributions made by Family-Owned Businesses (FOBs) to national and global economies, most family-owned firms face survival problems as the management and ownership pass from one generation to the other. This justifies the need to examine the state of governance of these businesses. A qualitative research approach and analysis based on twenty (20) interviews conducted with participants from fifteen (15) selected FOBs in Ghana were used...
ABSTRACT The world has become a global village and more and more firms are now competing for the attention and action of the same customer. This exposes the customer to hundreds of promotions a day. To survive and grow in this hostile business environment, firms attempt to capture the attention of potential customers through their marketing communication efforts. Service firms use a variety of promotional tools including servicescapes to reach potential consumers. As a result of the variety ...
ABSTRACT With the advent of globalization and regional economic integration across the globe, monetary and financial integration has become imperative in West Africa and this has led to the creation of a West African Monetary Zone (WAMZ). A major challenge for the introduction of a single currency within WAMZ countries has been the persistence instability in the balance of payments. The objective of the study is to analyse the monetary approach to the balance of payments (MABP) in the West Af...