ABSTRACT Research into sexting has yield inconsistent result in terms of sexting prevalence and correlates such as sexual risk behaviours and psychological wellbeing. The present study examined the relationships between sexting, sexual risk behaviours and psychological wellbeing among college students in Ghana. This cross-sectional survey recruited 380 undergraduate students in the Greater Accra Region using a convenient sampling technique. The study revealed that sexting behaviours is posi...
ABSTRACT Relationship marketing has become a buzz word in academia and industry due to its acclaimed benefits of attracting and retaining customers. The hospitality industry in Ghana is one sector where relationship marketing practices have not been well researched. This study was thus motivated to address this research gap. The main purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between relationship marketing and customer loyalty in the Ghanaian Hospitality (hotel) industry. Specifi...
ABSTRACT The study examines the determinants of liquidity risk of Ghanaian banks and how it affects their profitability. Theory on the effects of liquidity risk on bank profitability is mixed; while some studies conclude that high liquidity risk increases bank profitability through high net interest margins, others indicate that it reduces profitability due to the high cost associated with securing funding at such times. With an unbalanced data set of 22 banks over a 10 year period spanning ...
ABSTRACT Many developing countries are striving to attract foreign direct investment into their country of which Ghana is no exception. They believe foreign direct investment inflows can boost domestic consumption expenditure and eventually aid in the alleviation of poverty in their respective countries. This key objective of this study is to investigates the impact of foreign direct invest (FDI) inflow on household consumption expenditure in Ghana, the research used secondary data from the ...
ABSTRACT The objective of this research was to assess the explanatory power of Book-To-Market value of equity ratio (BTM) and firm size on portfolio returns in Ghana. This study also sought to compare the strength of BTM to size in explaining returns. The last objective was to measure the efficiency of Fama and French (1992) Three-Factor Model on the Ghana Stock Exchange (GSE) over the period January 1997 to December 2009 and to compare the Three-Factor Model to the Capital Asset Pricing Mod...
ABSTRACT Despite the availability of Hepatitis B virus (HBV) preventive vaccine, HBV still remains a major health threat in Ghana as evidenced by data from the Ghana Health Service. Even though efforts have been made to reduce this health menace, the focus has been on awareness creation, need for policy, screening intentions and prevalence of the disease without considering the behavioural factors influencing the spread of the disease. This study sought to examine how the Health Belief Model...
ABSTRACT The alarming rate of waste generation in Ghana, coupled with the adoption of improper solid waste disposal methods by most Ghanaians has necessitated several interventions of which the polluter pays principle is key. However, its implementation has not yielded the desired results yet, since the exploration of the main factors underlying the use of improper solid waste disposal (SWD) methods as well as the decision to pay for SWD has not been exhaustive. This thesis therefore seeks t...
ABSTRACT Purpose - The purpose of this study is to compare the performance of selected West African countries regarding their attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The study used the Extended Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) as the main framework. This is because TOPSIS creates room for the incorporation of the three dimensions of sustainability-social, economic and environmental to establish a threshold below which a country is deeme...
ABSTRACT The Ghanaian banking sector in recent years has seen some developments after the recapitalization exercise embarked on in 2012. This study generally assessesthe impact of the 2012 recapitalization on the performance of banks within the Ghanaian banking sector. The study specifically aimed at examining the effect of the regulatory increase in capital of banks in Ghana on their performance as well as the impact of the regulatory increase on the lending behaviour of these banks. Employ...
ABSTRACT The study assessed the contribution of international NGOs towards sustainable health promotion in the Northern Region. It has also investigated the level of collaboration and networking among the international NGOs working in the health sector in the Northern Region as well as the key intervention areas of the International NGOs health programmes and the problems affecting their health programmes implementation among others. The Northern Region is plagued with a myriad of health haz...
Many women especially in Liberia and other developing countries when asked if they would consider entering politics, i.e., consider becoming a candidate for an elective position in public office or appointed to a decision-making position in government, answer in the negative. Foremost among their reasons is that politics is reputed to be dirty, where methods employed include the illegal and the unethical to win in elections and assume power, and where the corruption of public service for pe...
ABSTRACT Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become an integral part of business practice over the last decade and this has led many corporations to dedicate a section of their annual reports and corporate websites to CSR activities. Although extant literature with regard to CSR has examined a number of themes such as the link between CSR and financial performance, very few studies have been conducted on CSR and Competitive Advantage (CA). As such, this paper was aimed at identifying ...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to identify the determinants of AML compliance among member countries of FATF. This study measured the AML/CFT compliance levels of 165 member states of FATF from the year 2004 to 2016 by composing an AML.CFT Compliance Index. The Ordinary Least Squares technique of estimation was used to run multiple regressions of the data. The OLS technique was employed due to the low frequency, and quality of Money Laundering data. The results of the study suggest...
Abstract This paper argues that a close analysis of staff - student relations within institutions or higher learning shows that rather than both parties upholding the ethics guiding their institutions, or justifying the confidence reposed in them, some of them exhibit behaviour capable of undermining the merit system and questioning the rationale of the institutions' claim to the production and preservation of knowledge. The paper suggests that a commitment to core ethical values can help in...
Introduction “Globalization represents the reality that we live in a time when the walls of sovereignty are no protection against the movements of capital, labour, information and ideas nor can they provide effective protection against harm and damage” (Higgins, 1999). This declaration by judge Rosalyn Higgins, the former president of the International Court of justice, presents the contraventional wisdom about the future of global governance. Many view globalization as a reality that wi...