ABSTRACT This research examines the impact of monetary policy on capital structure and financial performance of companies in Ghana. The research uses panel data from 2008-2017 for 33 firms on the Ghana Stock Exchange. A system GMM-technique is used to analyze the data. This technique allowed the researcher to control for autocorrelation to ensure a robust result is achieved. The study finds that firms prefer to borrow long-term when monetary policy is contracting (increasing policy rate). ...
ABSTRACT This study sought to compare leadership emergence and engagement among leaders of charismatic and historic mission churches in Ghana. A combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches were used for the study. The qualitative technique was used to explore the differences in leadership emergence among the leaders of charismatic and historic mission churches. On the other hand, quantitative technique was used to assess the differences in leadership engagement. In all, four hundr...
ABSTRACT As part of the neo-liberal agenda, Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) are generally perceived by countries around the world as major innovative policy tools that will remedy the lack of dynamism in traditional public service delivery by increasing investment in infrastructure as well as improving the delivery of social services. Currently, addressing Ghana`s infrastructural deficit and increase demand for basic social services by Ghanaian citizens, public sector will require sustaine...
ABSTRACT The study sought to first examine the levels of gift tax awareness and the level of compliance of gift tax among graduate non-accounting students in Ghana. The study also examined factors that influence gift tax compliance in Ghana and also factors that influence effectiveness of tax administration system in Ghana for gift tax. The study sampled 125 graduate non-accounting students from the University of Ghana. The study used descriptive statistics, charts and diagrams, ANOVA and wel...
ABSTRACT Electricity is an essential commodity that affects every sphere of life. It is especially fundamental for emerging economies whose national developmental agenda require constant availability of power. Ghana depends heavily on electricity to carry out most of its activities. The industry, services sector, and households all need electricity for their activities. Unfortunately, a major problem that confronts the nation is the irregular and unreliable supply of electricity. Electric pow...
ABSTRACT Globally, population ageing is occurring at a period when the extended family support system which has been a safe haven for the Ghanaian aged is fast eroding as a result of the impact of social change. The increasingly failing domiciliary eldercare is making way for residential non-domiciliary eldercare in the urban centres of Accra. This study is a contribution to the growing literature on aged care in Ghana with a focus on the activities of residential aged care facilities and how...
ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to determine the effects of organizational structure (formalization and centralization) on employee job stress and employee efficiency of micro finance firms in Ghana. Guided by theoretical concepts in organizational behavior and institutional theory, a standardized questionnaire was adapted and used to collect data from a sample of 222 employees working in the microfinance industry in Ghana. The collated data was analyzed using factor, correlational and reg...
ABSTRACT Although SMEs are touted as the engines of economic growth, recent empirical findings suggest that non-application of appropriate Information Technology (I.T), and Improper Accounting Practices often lead to their non-performance. Yet to be successful in the Information Era requires businesses to apply I.T in managing key business functions like accounting. This therefore necessitates research at the intersection of I.T and accounting. The study sought to investigate constructs withi...
ABSTRACT This thesis comprises of five chapters with three empirical papers on essays on foreign direct investment (FDI) in SSA. The first empirical paper investigates the geographical determinants of FDI, while controlling for resources, market, efficiency and institutional factors in Sub-Saharan African (SSA) from 2002 to 2016. To achieve this objective, a panel data consisting of a sample of 40 SSA countries was estimated using Hausman-Taylor estimation technique. To check for the robustn...
ABSTRACT Remittances to developing countries have become not only the second largest type of flows after foreign direct investments but have also become more than official aids received. This paper uses data on remittance flows to 50 developing countries in Africa from the period 1990 to 2011 in studying the link between remittances and financial sector developments, the extent to which remittances may promote financial developments and the causality traceable between remittances and financia...
ABSTRACT Gold is the most important mineral resource in Ghana. It has over the years contributed to Ghana’s foreign exchange earnings, Gross Domestic Product, employment and government revenue through taxes. However, mining of gold brings great destruction to Ghana’s forests and its habitats. These costs are usually not considered in the design of fiscal policies. The question that arises is, what is the optimal royalty tax rate that would internalize the environmental cost of mining...
ABSTRACT This study is motivated by the conviction that previous studies on the determinants of per capita government healthcare expenditure are mostly based on international comparisons of healthcare expenditure. The study analyses the main demand side determinants of per capita government healthcare expenditure in Ghana from 1970 to 2006. Using the Johansen cointegration test and an error correction model, the paper identified the key determinants of per capita government healthcare expendi...
ABSTRACT This study analyzes the impact of foreign direct investment (FDI) on economic growth in East and Central Africa between 2000 and 2015. A sample of 24 countries made up of 16 from East Africa and 8 from Central Africa were considered. Data was obtained from World Bank Development Indicators and World Governing Indicators. I employed the pooled Ordinary Least Square (OLS) regression and panel data econometric techniques for the estimations and the findings revealed that FDI positively ...
ABSTRACT The aim of this research is to examine the effect of job burnout on ethical decision making and professional conducts of accountants. The study further seeks to examine how job burnout mediates job stressors (i.e. role stressors, excessive workload, time budget pressure) and ethical decision making as well as professional conducts. Data was collected from individuals working in accounting firms in Ghana and analyzed using the Partial Least Square Structural Equation Model (PLS-SEM)....
ABSTRACT This study sought to bring to the fore, the impact of working capital management on the profitability of banks in Ghana via a case study of FBN Bank, Zenith Bank, Guaranty Trust Bank, GCB Bank, Cal Bank and Fidelity Bank. In the study, the researcher identified the relationship that existed between the components of working capital and the profitability of banks. The researcher as well identified the level of correlation that excited between the components of working capital and prof...