Social & Management Sciences

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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Democracy And Economic Growth In Ghana

ABSTRACT The study of democracy and economic growth is a growing research area both in economics and political economy all over the globe. This study primarily examines the empirical relationship between democracy and economic growth in Ghana using time series data from 1971-2009. It specifically explores the short-run and long-run relationship between democracy and economic growth as well as the direction of causality between them. The research further seek to find the extent to which tax re...

Assessing Critical Factors For Successful Implementation Of Donor Funded Projects In Ghana: A Case Of The Ministry Of Education

ABSTRACT Donor-funded projects are crucial for socio-economic development of nations. Unfortunately, infrastructural deficit in Ghana has widened in the face of dwindling oversees development aid. Delivering value-for-money project remains vitally important for key stakeholders. This study seeks to examine critical factors for project success/failure, and specifically the relationship between critical factors and successful implementation of donor-funded projects in Ghana. The study was cond...

Marketing Practices And Business Performance Of Small Scale Food Processing Firms In Ghana

ABSTRACT Small scale businesses are on the growing trend as these businesses can be found at almost every sector of any economy globally due to its important contribution to national development. The SMEs contributes massively and large percentage to nation‘s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in ensuring growth, employment and income stability of most countries in Africa and the rest of the world. This research is basically concerned with the extent of marketing practices (i.e. market research, ...

Social Media Advertising And Consumer Decision Making In The Fashion Industry

ABSTRACT Social media advertising is a powerful tool in contemporary times. The study sought to explore the effectiveness of firms’ social media advertising of fashion brands on consumer decision making with the mediating effect of consumer engagement in Ghana. Three constructs in assessing the effectiveness of firms’ social media advertising which included emotional appeal, informativeness and advertising creativity were used. There were two objectives of the study. The first objective w...

Customers’ Perception Of Rebranding And Bank Preference. A Case Of Gcb Bank

ABSTRACT This study investigated how customers’ perception of the rebranding exercise by the largest bank in Ghana with focus on selected rebranded elements and its influence on their bank preference. The perception of potential customers of the rebranded elements was ascertained using three of the selection criteria (memorability, meaningfulness and likeability) for brand elements as opined by Keller (2003). The selected brand elements in the context of this study included; name, slogan a...

Selective Indices Of Health Seeking Behaviour Among Ghanaians: A Study Of Herbal And Orthodox Medical Regimens

ABSTRACT This study concerns the determinants of the differential use of health care regimens. The focus is on herbal and orthodox medical regimens. Its central theme is that socio-cultural determinants constitute important factors that influence the sick in the selection of a health care regimen in developing African countries. The study pursues this theme by examining the complaint patterns of the two medical regimens, ascertaining the motivations that account for the basis of preference, t...

Determinants Of Non-Performing Loans Of Banks In Ghana: A Case Of Listed Banks

ABSTRACT This research investigates into the determinants of non-performing loans of listed banks in Ghana using a quantitative research design which allows for both entity and time dimension. Data for macroeconomic variables for the years 2006 to 2016 were obtained from World Development Indicators (WDI) whiles Bank specific data were collected from the annual reports of banks. The study found banks size to be positively related to NPLs. ROA is negatively related to NPLs but it was not sign...

Expereinces Of Forgiveness, Psychological Healthrelated Quality Of Life And Immunological Markers: A Study Among People Living With Hiv/Aids In Ghana.

ABSTRACT The role of forgiveness of perceived offenses in health has gained empirical attention for about three decades now in various areas including the area of Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS). This study aimed at investigating the relationship between forgiveness of offenses directly related to one’s HIV/AIDS-positive status and two health outcomes – psychological health-related quality of life (PHRQOL) and immune functioning, measured b...

A Study of the Behaviour of Drivers at T Junctions

ABSTRACT Observation of the behaviours of 1406 drivers at T Junctions were made by pairs of final year.

A Study Of Change And Continuity In French Foreign Policy (1990-2006) In Africa

ABSTRACT As a colonial power French developed the policy of assimilation the most ambitious administrative system through out the colonial experience of Africa

A Sociological Inquiry Into Collective Action By Academics And Medical Doctors In Nigeria

ABSTRACT The aim of this study is to explain why members of Academic Staff Union of Universities and and the Nigerian Medical Association particularly those in state employment, at the federal or state level engage in strike

A Research Work On The Role Of Small Scale Industries In Economic Diversification.

ABSTRACT Small Scale Industries all over the world have been the engine room for viable economic growth and development. In the light of the above, this research work identifies the role of small scale industries (SSI) in the growth of the nation's economy. Various related literatures were reviewed from which it was noticed that Small scale Industries are central to the growth of the nation’s economy. This is evident in the policies created by government to accelerate the development of sm...

A Public Sector Strategy For Providing An Adequate Food And Nutrition In Nigeria

ABSTRACT The main purpose of the study was to develop a systematic approach for analyzing food and nutrition problems in Nigeria with a view to providing a suitable framework of public sector policies

Microfinance And Women Empowerment In Ghana

ABSTRACT The majority of women enterprises are in the informal sector and they earn low incomes. Research has shown that microfinance is a development tool that can be used to empower women. However, there have been several discussions on whether microfinance serves the poor; since about 70% of the world poor are women. The study seeks to assess the role microfinance plays in the social and economic empowerment of women in Ghana. Probability and non-probability sampling techniques were used ...

A Discourse on Accumulation and the Contradictions of Capitalist Development in Nigeria

ABSTRACT The study examines and conceptualizes accumulation in the context of Nigeria‟s neocolonial state. It investigates the nature of accumulation in Nigeria and, the role of the state and social classes in the accumulation process; the implication of the hegemony of foreign capital and transnational accumulation for the development of underdevelopment in Nigeria; the impact of the state-capital model of primitive accumulation on the crisis and contradictions of capitalist underdevelopm...

11356 - 11370 Of 19638 Results