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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

The Impact Of Interest Rate On The Nigeria Economic Growth

ABSTRACT     Exchangerate isthe priceofonecurrency intermsofanothercurrency. Exchange ratesthisexchangerateisalsoused todeterminethe level ofoutputgrowth ofthe country.Overtheyears,Nigeriahasadoptedvariousexchange rateregimeranging researchworkiscenteredonthe impactof  exchangerate ontheNigeria economic growthwith specialemphasisonthe purchasingpower oftheaverageNigeriaand the  level  of  international  trade  transaction.  Todo this, the classical linear regressionmodelisappliedandt...

The Impact Of Interest Rate On Domestic Investment

ABSTRACT The relationship between interest rate and domestic investment has attracted the attention of economists and other economic experts. This study carried out an empirical analysis of the impact of interest rate on domestic investment in Nigeria covering the period 1980-2016. Data for the research was extracted from the central bank of Nigeria statistical bulletin. The methodology adopted in the research is the multiple linear regression with the application of Ordinary least Squares (...

The Impact Of Exchange Rate On The Nigeria Economic Growth

ABSTRACT     Exchangerate isthe priceofonecurrency intermsofanothercurrency. Exchange ratesthisexchangerateisalsoused todeterminethe level ofoutputgrowth ofthe country.Overtheyears,Nigeriahasadoptedvariousexchange rateregimeranging researchworkiscenteredonthe impactof  exchangerate ontheNigeria economic growthwith specialemphasisonthe purchasingpower oftheaverageNigeriaand the  level  of  international  trade  transaction.  Todo this, the classical linear regressionmodelisappliedandt...

The Impact Of Exchange Rate Fluctuations On Firms Financial Performance: A Case Study Of Some Selected Manufacturing Firms In Ghana.

ABSTRACT The Ghanaian economy has for some time witnessed a seemingly unstable exchange rate. The strength of the cedi against the dollar has been fluctuating for the past decades. Analysts established that the instability in the exchange rate stems from the massive importation of goods and services which could be produced in the country. The worsening and unstable strength of the cedi against major currencies like the US dollar has contributed immensely to the rise in the cost of goods and...

The Effects Of Branding On Godfrey Okoye University Students’ Patronage Of Gsm Service Providers

Abstract The study investigated the effects of branding on Godfrey Okoye University students’ patronage of GSM service providers.  It sought to find out the most patronized GSM network by students of Godfrey Okoye University Enugu. A descriptive survey research design was used in carrying out this research work with a population of 1600 students. A sample of 309 students were used for the study. The researcher used Taro Yamane formula in determining the sample size for the students. The ...

Accessing Healthcare In Ghana: Challenges Of And Strategies Adopted By Persons With Physical Disability In The Accra Metropolis

ABSTRACT Access to quality and timely healthcare is essential to the health and well-being of all individuals with no exception to persons with physical disability. However, people in developing countries tend to have less access to healthcare than those in developed countries, with Ghana not being an exception. The issue of inadequate healthcare services at health facilities and the absence of disability friendly environment have made it difficult for persons with physical disability to acc...

The Effect Of Recruitment And Selection Policy As A Tool For Achieving Higher Employee Productivity In Manufacturing Organizations: A Study Of Dozzy Group Of Companies

ABSTRACT This study titled the effect of recruitment and selection policy as a tool for achieving higher employee productivity in manufacturing organizations; a study of Dozzy Group of Companies. The objectives of the study are; to identify if external sources of recruitment strengthens diversity of talent within the organization, to identify the recruitment practices used in selecting qualified talents in the organization of the study and to examine the extent of bias in recruitment and sel...

Creativity and Entrepreneurship as a Device of Economic Development by Nigerian-Born Entrepreneurs in Togo Republic

Abstract: This study was established to empirically reveal the creativity and contribution of Nigerian-born entrepreneurs to the expansion of one of the West Africa Countries, Togo Republic through their mode of their business. To achieve accurate results, selection of respondents was made at some markets using multistage sampling techniques. Data were analyzed via the method of descriptive statistical analysis and analysis of covariance techniques. The results showed the demographic of age,...

Impact of Vertical Integration Strategy on the Financial Performance of Olam Nigeria Limited

Abstract The objective of the study was to provide empirical evidence regarding the impact of vertical integration on the financial performance of Olam Nigeria Limited. Data collected were gotten from Olam Nigeria Limited financial record and questionnaires administered to employees of Olam Nigeria Limited within the study sample frame. The secondary data was cross-sectional between the period of 2010-2018. While the administered questionnaire was to 183 employees of Olam selected using conve...

Factors Affecting Low Academic Achievement of Pupils in Kemp Methodist Junior High School in Aburi, Eastern Region

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to identify factors that are responsible for the low academic achievement of pupils in Kemp Methodist Junior High School at Aburi in the Eastern region of Ghana. To identify these factors, comparison was made with a high achieving school within the same Municipal area. Through this, the study has been able to establish issues that are particular to Kemp Methodist Junior High School. These factors attributed to teachers, school environmental, parents and...

The Relationship Between Self Esteem, Needs Satisfaction And Psychological Wellbeing of Male Prisoners; A Case Study of James Camp Prison, Accra

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to find out the relationship between the Self-Esteem, Needs Satisfaction and the Psychological Well-Being of prisoners. The study employed the correlation survey design method to solicit information from respondents who are prisoners in the James Camp Prison in Accra. The random sampling technique was used to select 155 male prisoners from an estimated population of 347 as at the time of data collection. Data collected was analysed using descriptive sta...

Investigating The Responses of Private Sector Credit, Output And Prices To Monetary Policy Shocks in Ghana

ABSTRACT  This study investigates the responses of private sector credit (PSC), output (RGDP) and prices (CPI) to monetary policy shocks in Ghana. The study adopted the technique of Vector Autoregression (VAR) using monthly data from 1990 to 2015. A base VAR was first estimated which comprised of RGDP, CPI, PSC and 91-day Treasury bill rate. Shocks to the Treasury bill rate were identified as monetary policy shocks. The base VAR was then extended to include money supply, exchange rate and pr...

Customer Engagement And Advertising Message Strategy; An Application of The Stimulus Organism Response Model

ABSTRACT It has been documented in the literature that customer engagement, defined as ‘‘customers’ behavioural manifestation toward a brand or firm, beyond purchase, resulting from motivational drivers”, leads to increased profits, sustained differentiation and superior competitive advantage. Scholars for a while have therefore focused on understanding the dynamics of this concept and, in particular, the factors that account for it. They have particularly called for studies that foc...

Examining The Relationship Between Electricity Consumption And Economic Growth in Nigeria

ABSTRACT Economic growth is an important indicator of a society‟s wellbeing and its ability to sustain it over a period. It enables a rise in living standards and a greater consumption of goods and services. It is underpinned by a rise in real gross domestic product (GDP). Energy is a key component of the modern society and is used heavily in the production of output. Ghana has seen mixed results in its yearly economic growth since independence. It has also suffered various challenges in e...

Education And Its Effects on Earnings in Ghana

ABSTRACT This thesis focuses on the effect of education on an individual‟s earnings in Ghana. The Mincer (1974) earnings equation is used in examining the relationship between different educational levels and their effect on earnings in Ghana. The study found that there are positive returns to education in Ghana and as such the earnings of an individual rise as a result of additional years of schooling. The findings of the study was confirmed by a cited research by Palmer (2006), noting th...

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