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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Managers’ Experience and Efficiency of Regional & Selected Ghanaian Hospitals in Maternal & Newborn Health Service Provision

ABSTRACT Despite the numerous studies on technical efficiency in the Ghanaian health sector, none has included regional hospitals, which are secondary referral hospitals.  Researching the efficiency of this group of hospitals is important given their critical role and the fact that they employ substantial amounts of public resources. This thesis provides evidence on the relative technical efficiency of all regional hospitals, plus some selected large district/municipal/metropolitan hospital...

An Evaluation Of The Prospects And challenges Of Informal Entrepreneurs In Accra: Lessons From Agbogbloshie Market

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study is to evaluate the prospects and challenges of informal entrepreneurs in Agbogbloshie and to further examine how market men and women personally seek steps to curb the challenges they face. Data was gathered from 23 informal entrepreneurs in Agbogbloshie Market through face-to-face interviews with the help of an interview guide and analysed thematically. The findings of the study show that, despite the contributions informal entrepreneurs make to the growth...

Building the Administrative Capacity of District Assemblies in Ghana: Examining the Role of Staff Postings

ABSTRACT The study examined the role of staff postings as a tool for strengthening the administrative capacity of the District Assemblies in Ghana. The theory adopted for the interpretation of the findings was the theory of institutional integrity where the effectiveness of an institution is measured by its level of integrity or corruption. The methodological approaches used for the study were both qualitative and quantitative. Hence in-depth interviews and survey questionnaires were administ...

Determinants Of Foreign Portfolio Investment: Evidence From Sub-Saharan Africa

ABSTRACT Motivated by the need to analyse the factors behind portfolio inflows of developing countries, this study aims to investigate the determinants of portfolio inflows (PI) of Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). The study uses a panel data on 17 SSA countries over the period, 2005-2013. Net portfolio equity inflows as a percentage of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the dependant variable. The study employed a panel regression with domestic factors like market size, level of financial development,...

Financial Management System of Churches: A Case Study of the Methodist Church Ghana, Tema Diocese..

ABSTRACT The fast-paced nature of the modern world, coupled with the influx of quality information that define and inform people‘s critical attitude and approach to life has inspired the need for even faith based organization to show transparency and accountability in the management of resources committed to their care by members. This research was conducted to assess the financial management system of the Methodist Church Ghana, using the Tema Diocese as a case study; the effectiveness and...

PSN Africa 87 PAGES (19903 WORDS) Finance Paper
Financial Management System of Churches: A Case Study of the Methodist Church Ghana, Tema Diocese.

ABSTRACT The fast-paced nature of the modern world, coupled with the influx of quality information that define and inform people‘s critical attitude and approach to life has inspired the need for even faith based organization to show transparency and accountability in the management of resources committed to their care by members. This research was conducted to assess the financial management system of the Methodist Church Ghana, using the Tema Diocese as a case study; the effectiveness and...

PSN Africa 87 PAGES (19903 WORDS) Finance Paper
The Relationship Between Obesity and Depressive Symptoms Among Young Ghanaians

Abstract Considerable research has been documented showing obesity to lead to poor mental health outcomes including a higher risk for depression. However, in Ghana, obesity is an issue that raises mixed interpretations and attitudes. Although the traditional model is favourable towards overweight figures, obese people are still subjected to considerable weight stigmatization. Such stigmatization and its consequent psychological effects may be even better felt in settings, such as the school, ...

Impact of The Land Administration Project on Land Titling in Ghana. A Case Study of the Greater Accra Lands Commission.

ABSTRACT  Land titling is undoubtedly a crucial step in securing investments, sanitizing and providing some assurance for ownership in the land sector of the Ghanaian economy. However, the institution of formalized systems through registration and titling of lands which is considered a means to solve land conflicting issues has rather proven to be creating more uncertainties. The question remains as to why the nation is still yet to reap the full benefits of the Land reforms we are implement...

PSN Africa 59 PAGES (12571 WORDS) Finance Paper

ABSTRACT The dilemma concerning the choice between austerity and stimulus packages has reignited the finance-growth debate. This study joins the debate to examine the linkages between financial deepening, trade openness and economic growth in selected West African countries. The study looks at the two monetary zones in West Africa, namely the West African Monetary Zone (WAMZ) and West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU). Using a panel data of twelve (12) countries covering 1992—2009...

Leaders Emotional Intelligence And Employee Creativity In Indigenous Ghanaian Banks: The Mediating Role Of Employee Voice

ABSTRACT The main aim of this study was to assess how leaders’ emotional intelligence influence the creativity of employees in indigenous Ghanaian banks. Moreover, the study examined how employee voice acts as a mediator for the leaders’ emotional intelligence-employee creativity relationship. Specifically, the objectives of the study were to examine the relationship between leaders emotional intelligence and employee creativity in indigenous Ghanaian banks; to determine the relationship...

The Effectiveness Of Recruitment, Selection And Placement Policies Of Organizations In Nigeria A Case Study Of Kano

ABSTRACT Recruitments selection and placement function is an important task of personnel management. It is a function that determines who is employed and filled vacant position for the smooth running of the organization. In Nigeria the recruitment, selection and placement function is not justly done because of the complex nature of the society. It is being influenced by such factors as tribalism, neporism, favourtism etc. The employee of every organization serve as the engine that regulate t...

An Appraisal Of The Impact Of Paye Administration On Internal Revenue Generation In Kebbi State

1.1 Background to the Study With the increasing focus on the good corporate governance and emphasis on revenue generation by the government, it is more critical now than ever to comply fully with the law including ensuring that tax filling and payment deadline are met. This assertion should not be overemphasized when considering a great deal of concerned show by the Board of Internal Revenue when it comes to personal income tax such as PAYE in Nigeria today. PAYE , being an acronym for Pay A...

Marketing Planning And Implementation As A Tool For Business Survival (A Study Of Sokoto Cement)

The current difficulties and uncertainties in business underline the importance of professional and up to date marketing practice. Many companies are realizing the need to employ other strategies in their operation as cost cuts are not enough, the only sure way to improve/expand business is by improving marketing by finding more profitable customers and new high growth market. Some would want to argue that business concerns have thrived successfully before the advent of marketers as a managem...

Graduate Unemployment And Its Socio-Economic Impact On Nigeria’s Economy.

ABSTRACT The main research question for this study is; what is the relationship between social policy, economic development, education, and the level of unemployment in the Nigerian economy? This study contributes information to employers, investors, policy makers, labor planners, academicians, employees and the job seekers. The research focuses on determining the causes and effects of unemployment and how the problem of unemployment in Nigeria will be reduced to a minimal level or even erad...

A Study Of Leader Selection In Churches Under The Ghana Pentecostal And Charismatic Council

ABSTRACT The subject of leadership is of keen interest to mankind. Attention is therefore paid to the selection of leaders. However, the 21st century has been revolutionised with many global concerns. One such concern is the choice of a leader. This study therefore sought to investigate the process of selecting leaders in churches under the Ghana Pentecostal and Charismatic Council (GPCC). The qualitative research approach was adopted to understand the uniqueness of leader selection in the c...

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