ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of leadership and perceived organizational politics on work outcome (organizational citizenship behaviour, OCB; and counterproductive work behaviour CWB) among public sector employees. Employees at the Electricity Company of Ghana served as the population for this study. Data was collected through the distribution of personally administered questionnaires to the respondents who were chosen by convenience non-probability sampling...
ABSTRACT The aim of this project is to describe and analyze socio-cultural practices as determinants of female genital mutilation. The instrument used was structured questionnaire. 90 participants (adult women and men living in Igbesa Area of Ogun state) took part in the study. The data collected were analyzed using chi-square statistical method. The findings revealed that there is a significant relationship between social practices and the prevalence of female genital mutilation in Igbesa. ...
ABSTRACT This study empirically examines the effects of exchange rate on balance of payment in Nigeria, using quarterly data from 1981-2017. The empirical methodology utilized the Bounds cointegration test to detect possible long-run and short-run dynamic relationship, and found no presence of long run relationship between the variables used in the model. The study employed the Autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL), to check for properties in the relationship between the variables above list...
INTRODUCTION In a modern economy, there is distinction between the surplus economic units and the deficit economic units and inconsequence a separation of the savings investment mechanism. This has necessitated the existence of financial institution whose jobs include the transfer of funds from savers to investors. It is generally expected that developing countries, facing a scarcity of capital, will acquire external debt to supplement domestic saving (Malik et al, 2010; Aluko and Arowolo, 20...
Abstract This study set out to examine the role of the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) in Ghana in resolving the transportation challenges in Accra. The study employed qualitative research approach with semistructured interviews as its main instrument of data collection. In all, a sample size of thirty includes policy makers of Bus Rapid Transit affectionately called Ayalolo at the Ministry of Transport, management members of the BRT. The study was conducted only in Accra, where the BRT has been pi...
ABSTRACT Within the context of corporate reporting and disclosure, information on risk has become important because of the complexity of modern businesses and these complexities have exposed firms to a lot of risks. Aside calls for the study of risk management disclosure in different cultural context, the effects of risk management on the profitability of banks still remain an issue. Content analysis was employed to examine the annual reports of listed banks from 2012 to 2016. Fixed and rando...
ABSTRACT This study seeks to evaluate the mining companies in Wassa West District’s social responsibilities from the community members and other stakeholders’ perspective. The specific objectives included the identification of the approaches the mining companies are using to respond to the call for Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR), the mining companies’ contribution to host communities’ health care system, educational development, employment and how stakeholders view the sustai...
ABSTRACT The study examined improving of relationship marketing in financial service sector in GCB Ltd, UCC Branch. The descriptive survey design was adopted in the study. A sample size of 200 was selected for the study. Self-developed questionnaire was used for data collection. Descriptive statistics was used to analyse the data including frequencies and percentages. The results revealed that majority of the customers agreed that GCB Ltd, UCC Branch adopted and implemented some relationship ...
ABSTRACT Most developing countries face the problem of raising tax revenue to carry out public sector spending. Tax revenue is necessary for economic growth and development. Unfortunately tax revenue generation has been low in Ghana. This study therefore examined the determinants of tax revenue with evidence from Ghana using quarterly data from 1988 to 2008. The tax effort function is used by regressing government expenditure, real gross domestic product and financial deepening on tax revenue...
ABSTRACT The study sought to examine the relationship between human resource development practices and employee performance in Goldfields Tarkwa Mining Department. A descriptive survey research design was used in the study and questionnaire was used to elicit information from the workers of Tarkwa Mining Department. The simple random sampling method was used to select the 200 respondents as the sample for the study. The data collected were analysed by the use of the Statistical Product and Se...
ABSTRACT Human resource development is a combination of training and education that ensure the continuous improvement and growth of both the individual and the organisation. Human resource development which builds personnel capacities to handle various technical and managerial activities in most institutions in Ghana has been a source of worry. The study examined human resource development and its contribution to teaching and learning in the Tamale Polytechnic. Primary data were collected fro...
ABSTRACT This study investigated the barriers to women career advancement and progression in the accountancy profession in the Kumasi Metropolis. The study sampled 48 female accountants from various institutions who also occupy diverse positions in the Metropolis. Data was collection through questionnaire and were further analysed using descriptive statistics such as mean, frequency and percentages. The study revealed that most of the female accountants pursue a career in accounting due to th...
ABSTRACT Several academic researchers in Ghana have heightened the importance of international remittances rather than the importance of internal remittances to migrant households (Kanu&Ozurumba, 2013; Quartey, 2006). This study therefore, examined remittances and social expenditures of migrant households in the Ekumfi District. The study employed a cross sectional and descriptive survey design using questionnaire and interview guide as the data collection instruments. A sample size of 377 re...
ABSTRACT The main purpose of the study was to find out pupils’ perception of domestic violence and its effects on their lives. The study sought to find out pupils’ level of knowledge on domestic violence, forms of domestic violence, effects of domestic violence as well as strategies and interventions that can be used to combat the problem of domestic violence in the community. Descriptive survey design was used to carry out the study. The population comprised all pupils and social workers...
ABSTRACT This study sought to examine three main determinants of financial sustainability of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana (PCG) in view of the fact that the Church is grappling with serious financial challenges regarding funding administrative overheads, scholarships, and social services. The PCG is a major contributor to the socio-economic and spiritual development of Ghana since 1828 in areas like health, education, agriculture, etc. It was guided by three objective predictors of financ...