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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Factors Affecting Female Shs Students’ Decision To Pursue Accounting As A Career: Evidence From Some Selected Schools In The Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolis

ABSTRACT The continuous decline in female students’ enrolment in accounting courses in Ghana has been witnessed and attributed to various factors. It is in this light that, the study seeks to assess the factors that influence female students in pursuing a career in accounting among Senior High Schools within the Sekondi-Takoradi metropolis. The study employed the quantitative approach and descriptive research design due to its research objectives. A sample size of 136 respondents were rando...

Analysis Of Household Energy Consumption In Ghana

ABSTRACT Household energy consumption and its related issues have received considerable attention in recent times. However, the bulk of research has focused on macro perspective using times series data and methods. Empirical research using micro level data is limited. This study therefore examines household energy consumption using household level data. The study used data from the sixth round of the Ghana Living Standards Survey to examine enegy consumption, choice and crowding-out effects o...

Interrelationship Between Stock Price Index And Macroeconomic Variables: A Case Of Ghana

ABSTRACT The study sought to investigate the interrelationship between stock price index and macroeconomic variables taking Ghana as a case using the cointegration, vector error correction (VEC) and vector auto regression (VAR) approaches. Annual data covering the period 1991-2006 on real GDP, All-shares index, consumption, investment and consumption shares of real GDP was collected, interpolated into quarterly series for the analysis and used for the study. The outcome of the study showed th...

Gender Dynamics Of Rural Solid Waste Management In Twifo-Ati Mokwa District

ABSTRACT Proper solid waste management is key for sustainable environmental development. Despite high level policy efforts and technical investments, unmanaged solid waste remains a problem in Ghana. There is a paucity of information on gendered aspect of solid waste management in Ghana. It is in line with the gender and rural solid waste management gap that the thrust of this study is defined. The study sought to explore gender dynamics of rural solid waste management in Twifo-Ati Mokwa Dist...

Assessing The Contributions Of Internal Audit Function To The Financial Administration At The Technical Universities In Ghana

ABSTRACT The aim of the study was to assess the contribution of the internal audit function to the financial administration of technical universities in Ghana. Specifically, the study examined the contributions of the internal audit function to the technical universities of Ghana, evaluated the financial administration of technical universities in Ghana, ascertained the effective and efficient financial administration of the technical universities in Ghana, determined the relationship between...

Impact Of Foreign Direct Investment On Economic Growth In Ghana

ABSTRACT The issue of economic growth has become a great concern for many economies. The growth of economies has been attributed to many factors. To contribute to this subject, the study investigated the impact of foreign direct investment (FDI) on economic growth using evidence from Ghana. It went further to determine which FDI impacted sector has a significant effect on economic growth. Using time series data spanning from 1980 to 2012, Autoregressive Distributed Lagged model (ARDL) is empl...

A Global Reporting Initiative (Gri) Based Analysis Of Corporate Governance Disclosure Reporting On The Websites Of Ghanaian Listed Banks

ABSTRACT The study examined the web-based disclosure practices of governance information among listed banks in Ghana. Based on the G4 sustainability framework produced by the Global reporting Initiative (GRI), the study undertook a content analysis of the corporate websites of the banks considered. Banks included in the study were Access Bank Plc, Agricultural Development Bank, CAL Bank, Ghana Commercial Bank, ECO Bank, Republic Bank, and Standard Chartered Bank. The finding of the study sugg...

The Impact Of Monetary And Fiscal Policies On The Lending Rates Of Commercial Banks In Ghana.

ABSTRACT The study set out to examine the effect of monetary policy and fiscal policy on the lending rates of commercial banks in Ghana. The study used secondary data acquired from the Central Banks quarterly report spanning starting 2004 - 2018. Time series data analysis was used. The study found that monetary policy had a significant positive effect on the lending rates of commercial banks. Government expenditure had insignificant effect on the lending rate and lastly inflation also had a p...

Effectiveness Of The Role Of Internal Audit In The Ghana Police Service

ABSTRACT Effective internal audit function in an organization has been argued out as one of the best way of curbing the menace of corporate scandals which resulted in the collapse of many corporate institutions in recent years. Internal audit department has been noted to be the custodian of internal control system that monitors and promote good governance system in an organization. The purpose of this study is to assess the effectiveness of the role of internal audit within the Ghana Police S...

Corporate Rebranding And Corporate Brand Image: The Mediating Role Of Marketing Communication

ABSTRACT Corporate rebranding has become prevalent all around the world despite the fact that it is a risky, costly and time consuming exercise. Companies make changes to their corporate brand elements in order to communicate a change in strategic direction and identity with the expectation that, it will create positive corporate brand image perceptions. However, the failure of a corporate rebranding exercise has been reported to have dire consequences on the corporate brand image and reputat...

The Impact Of Internet Addiction On Interpersonal Relationships And Social Functioning Among Ghanaian Students

ABSTRACT Internet addiction is one of the growing social problems in many African countries and Ghana is no exception. Hence, this cross-sectional study assessed the impact of internet addiction on interpersonal relationship and social functioning. It also examined whether demographic characteristics such as sex and educational levels influence internet addiction, interpersonal relationship and social functioning. A sample of 330 Student respondents from University of Ghana, Action Progressiv...

Institutions And Human Security In The Post-Conflict Development Of Liberia: 2003 – 2011

ABSTRACT One of the significant challenges confronting the international community in the post-Cold War era is dealing with intra-state conflicts in various parts of the world, particularly in Africa. In addressing this issue, it has also become essential over time, to address the question of what states must do upon the cessation of hostilities to prevent a recurrence of the conflict. Consequently, post-conflict development, including the rebuilding of infrastructure, political and social in...


ABSTRACT This study reexamines the effect of shareholder activism, as a corporate governance mechanism, on firm performance.  The owners of the firm (the shareholders) employ the managers (the agents) to manage the firm for them but this employment contract has the potential risk of adverse selection and moral hazard. Hence there is the need for the shareholders to be active and monitor the firm. This constitute shareholder activism. But the argument is whether shareholder activism improves ...

PSN Africa 100 PAGES (21335 WORDS) Finance Thesis
Improving Operational Efficiency In Ghanaian Government Hospitals Using The Six Sigma Model

ABSTRACT In today's complex healthcare environment, a focus on quality is of particular importance. Hospitals are increasingly realizing the need to focus on improved efficiency as a means of eliminating poor quality of services, and as well, improve on their competitive position. Within any industry, organizations must strive to continuously improve on their efficiency while dealing with the complex and dynamic business environment. Reports have shown that efficiency levels in the healthcare...

Auditor Personal Characteristics And Fraud Detection Skills: The Mediating Role Of Professional Scepticism

ABSTRACT Corporate scandals have made stakeholders question the display of professional scepticism by auditors. This has prompted stakeholders to reassess the trust they place in the audit opinion. Research into professional scepticism has, therefore, caught the attention of practitioners and academia. There is a belief that: to win back the increasingly eroding trust of stakeholders, there is a need to understand the nature of the display of professional scepticism. The study, therefore, exa...

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