ABSTRACT The study analyzed the perception of performance appraisal and employee performance. The main objective of the study was to examine the relationship between performance appraisal and employee performance of employee from Blue Skies Product Limited at Nsawam in the Eastern Region. Data for this present study was collected through a biographical questionnaire, performance appraisal questionnaire and employee performance questionnaire. The census method was employed which was made up of...
ABSTRACT This study was conducted to determine the extent to which selected factors such as salaries, conditions of service, incentives, opportunities for promotion, relationship with heads, supervisors, colleagues, teaching and learning materials influence the retention of graduate teachers at senior high schools in the Ho Municipality. A sample of 154 graduate teachers was drawn from a population of 239, representing about 65%. Proportionate stratified sampling method was used to select the...
This study is based on the influence of gender on employment opportunities for women (A study of Enugu East Local Government Area). The survey research design was adopted and a sample size of 400 (four hundred ) was got using Taro Yamane formula out of the population of a total of (367,958) residents. 400 questionnaires were administered to the respondents and 330 was returned, which was used for the data. The data for the study was gathered using a questionnaire. An in-depth interview was ...
Public .relations practice has therefore, been with man since the Stone Age with modifications being only in the tools and techniques of practice. As a profession, the term public relations was first used by Dorman Eaton, a lawyer in an address to graduating students of Yale University, USA in 1882 while President Thomas Jefferson (USA) is credited as being the first head of government to have used it in his seventh union address to the American Congress in 1807 (Newson et-al, 1981 :23).
It is a long held belief that the greatest area of waste, corruption and misappropriation in the public sector is on procuremen t and contract management. These executive excesses are largely a tribute ted to lack of proper regulation and adequate control. This research is designed to look into the issue. The en tire resea rch work wa s focu sed on the effect of the govern men t due process policy on public procuremen t and con tract management using Small and Medium Enterprises Devel...
BSTRACT Quality service is an important factor to customer satisfaction. In the world of global economy, banking sector needs has become more diverse and exotic than ever before. The purpose of the study was to assess the effects of quality service delivery on customer satisfaction in banking institutions in Cape Coast. The methods of the study made use of the positivist philosophy of research. Thus, the use of quantitative primary data collected from the field. The sample size for the study ...
ABSTRACT Dipo is an initiation rite performed among the Krobos to usher in adolescent girls into adulthood. The practice has undergone many changes over the years. This study was aimed at exploring Krobo’s perception of contemporary dipo in Ghana with emphasis on the practice of initiating under age girls before their adolescence. These young girls who have become the subject of dipo at the pre-adolescent stage have rather been exposed to teenage pregnancy, which is contrary to the ideals o...
ABSTRACT The evidence of nutritional problems in Ghana can be seen in the numerous Diet Related Non-Communicable Diseases in the Ghanaian population. Authors have deliberated on nutritional adequacies and the importance of supplying a varied diet. A lot has been done on single nutrient deficiencies, as well as child and maternal malnutrition. Women Dietary Diversity Projects have also been carried out in other parts of the world. In much the same way, we can study men’s diet and provide pot...
ABSTRACT The study sought to establish the assertion that there is a relationship between Human Resource Development and productivity by examining the effect of Human Resource Development on stevedore operation at the Tema Port in terms of ship turn-around time, ship productivity, labour productivity and accident rate. The study investigated the educational background of the stevedore gangs and officers, how training needs analysis was conducted, the effect of training on stevedore productivi...
ABSTRACT This study investigated the effectiveness of in-service training (INSET) programmes on the performance of teachers in the Offinso South Municipality. The study targeted all the 32 Junior High Schools with a total teacher population of 270. Simple random sample was used to select 19 schools while stratified sampling method was used to select five (5) teachers from each of the selected schools. Five (5) Circuit Supervisors responsible for the schools were added. Questionnaire and inter...
ABSTRACT This action research was designed with the aim of involving the Wala/Ahmadiyya Muslim community in the promotion of discipline in N.J Ahmadiyya Muslim Training College of Education at Wa. The same sample size of 132 made up of 35 members of the Wala/Ahmadiyya Muslim community, 60 students and 37 tutors of N.J Ahmadiyya College of Education, was selected for both the pre-intervention and post-intervention stages of the study. At both the pre-intervention and post-intervention stages, ...
ABSTRACT Within the polytechnics, enormous strides are being made with some of the polytechnics striving to introduce more market driven programmes such as Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech). These emerging trends require that the Koforidua Polytechnic positions itself in all strategic human resources management, including recognition and rewards. This prompted the need to investigate current rewards and recognition and their potential effects on employee retention at the polytechnic. The study ...
ABSTRACT This study sought to examine customer switching behaviour among microfinance customers. The study adopted the causal research design and used nine variables from the customer switching model to determine the customer switching behaviour in the microfinance industry. The study used 250 respondents who were conveniently sampled for data collection. The data collected from respondents were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings of the study showed that custo...
ABSTRACT The role of Credit unions in Ghana cannot be overemphasized. This motivated the researcher to investigate and establish the impact of credit union operations on its members’ development. To achieve this, quantitative approach through the use of explanatory design was adopted. Questionnaires with reliability alpha coefficient of .806 were used to collect responses from selected respondents. The data were analysed with the help of the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS ver...