ABSTRACT The main reason for undertaking this study was to examine the main recruitment and retention problems affecting teachers in the Sunyani Metropolis and alternatively find out how transparent the recruitment process was. To investigate these concerns therefore, a sample size of 110 respondents from three senior high schools in the Sunyani Metropolis were selected. The simple random sampling method was used in selecting the respondents from the various schools. Questionnaire was the mai...
ABSTRACT The study seeks to evaluate the effectiveness of the disbursement and utilization of the District Assembly Common Fund (DACF) in the Gomoa East District Assembly. A sample size of 273 was used for the study. The study employed both primary and secondary data. The study revealed the following as its major findings: That the administrator of the DACF is primarily responsible for the effective monitoring of the disbursement and utilization of the DACF through its demand of DACF budgets ...
ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to examine the role effectiveness of Audit Committees and financial reporting quality in selected companies in Ghana. The study adopted the case study research design. A total of fifty-four respondents participated in the study. The convenience sampling method was used in selecting the respondents for the study. Data was collected using questionnaire. Spearman Rank Order (rho) correlation, frequencies and percentages, pie charts, and mean and standard deviat...
ABSTRACT This study explored the management accounting practices among manufacturing firms in the Kumasi Metropolis and examined the impact of its adoption on firm performance. The benefits firms derive from implementing management accounting practices, factors that affected the extent of use of management accounting practices and the relationship between the use of management accounting practices and firm performance are discussed in the study. A questionnaire was administered to 150 manufac...
ABSTRACT This study aimed at assessing training and job performance among administrative senior staff at the University of Cape Coast. Specifically, the study sought to assess the level of effectiveness of training among the administrative senior staff; evaluate the job performance of the administrative senior staff; and finally assess the effect of training on the job performance of the administrative senior staff. Using Krejcie and Morgan’s (1970) statistical table, 214 administrative sen...
ABSTRACT Employees are valuable assets of any organisation, and therefore need training and development to upgrade their skills. This study seeks to examine the training and development practices in the education units in the Koforidua Municipality. The research design for the study is descriptive survey. Using convenient sampling technique, 100 employees were selected for the study. Questionnaire was used to collect data from respondents. The Statistical Product for Service Solution (SPSS ve...
This study is aimed at identifying the problems of development-policy making in Obudu local government area of Cross River state. The theoretical framework adopted in this study is the planning theory propounded by Fainstein (2000). This research adopted the survey method given the nature of data. The population of the study consists of the staff of Obudu local government of Cross River state which is one hundred and eight seven (187) respondents. The sample technique adopted in the study is ...
ABSTRACT This study examined training programmes outlined for non engineering staff in the Volta River Authority (VRA) and if adequate training is being given to this category of staff. It also seeks to find out if there is any point of reference by which training is done, and how systematic is the training programme. The research also seeks to determine if any serious training need analysis is being done. The study design used for this research was exploratory. It was also a case study, conc...
ABSTRACT Microfinance has been used as a development strategy for reducing poverty and contributing to development. Survival of microfinance institutions (MFIs) is however, much dependent on ability of borrowers to make timely loan repayment. Records of MFIs in the Tamale metropolis of Ghana show unusually high repayment rates. This has consequence of being replicated widely even though no empirical study has been done to guarantee the sustainability of these claims. This study examined facto...
In recent years, Information Systems (IS) have been deployed by organisations for achieving efficiency, effectiveness, enhancing quality and gaining competitive advantage. Ghana Commercial Bank has had challenging moments and difficult times in implementing a successful Human Resource Information System (HRIS) in recent years. The study examines the information needs for the organisation and problems associated with HRIS implementations. Critical factors that needed to be considered were high...
This study was undertaken to evaluate political participation and democratic consolidation in Nigeria with a particular reference to Enugu State. Three objectives and three research questions were formulated to guide the research. The study adopted thematic format in its literature review. The theoretical framework used was structural functionalism and research design used in the study was expos facto design and content analysis was used to evaluate the topic under discussion in line with eac...
ABSTRACT This study sought to determine and compare the technical efficiency in pineapple production among exporters and non-exporters using primary data collected from four districts of Central Region of Ghana. Results from the Cobb-Douglass stochastic frontier model and a farm-specific efficiency model showed that for the exporters land and labor had a positive influence on technical efficiency while chemicals and fertilizers, planting materials and annual capital charge had a negative effe...
ABSTRACT The study assessed human relations and job performance in Anglo Gold Ashanti Limited at Obuasi . Four research questions were formulated to guide the study. A descriptive survey design was employed. All workers of Anglo Gold Ashanti at Obuasi constituted the population. The population was rendered into stratas which represented the five divisions or departments in the company out of which 3% of the respondents were randomly sampled from each which resulted in the selection of 131 res...
The conventional accounting practice has been faulted for failing to supply adequate and relevant information required for investment decision making because annual reports lack monetary information on human resources.In order tofill the gaps created by this inadequacy and keep pace with economic reality, a number of organisations in both developing and developed countries such as India, Jordan, Sweden, Denmark, United States and Great Britain have voluntarily, embraced monetary Human R...
ABSTRACT Teachers occupy a central and vital position in any educational system and that their attitudes and commitment have been of paramount interest to educational authorities. The study seeks to examine the influence of head teachers’ leadership style on teachers’ commitment in the Adentan Municipality. Descriptive design of the quantitative method of research was employed for the study. The systematic random and simple random sampling methods were used in selecting respondents. Quest...